Angry Mom is a Kdrama that TOTALLY surprised me! If you haven’t already started watching I think you should give it a shot just in time for Mother’s Day 🙂

This drama is intense! It touches on a lot of harsh topics that make up some of the terrible things that young people in high school might face in Korea. I don’t believe that some of these things are super, but I have heard about instances in the Korean news where such things were highlighted from time to time.

It takes things a bit to the extreme, but I wouldn’t say it’s a depressing or scary drama because there are enough elements of comedy that lighten the mood and somehow balance things out.

This drama may not be for everyone, but since starting the first episode I’ve been hooked and basically dramathoning these last several days. It’s that good, or at least I think so.

Have you been watching Angry Mom? What do you think about it? I’d love to know!

Happy Drama Watching everyone!! 🙂

Recent Korean Drama Video – Top 6 New May 2015 Korean Dramas

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