OMG I think like I just walked out of Jung Yi’s fiery kiln, and by that I mean I’m hot because I spent most of the day outside in the sunshine. Hopefully I didn’t get too bad of a sunburn. While in the past year with Hallyu Back I’ve thrown Richard full blown into the drama world which I so love, I haven’t spent as much time taking in the activities that he enjoys – in this case, his love of golf. Today we went to see the players practice for the PGA, which is being held in Rochester, NY later this week. It was actually pretty cool – which totally surprised me and I got to see some pretty famous people a few of which I actually recognized. Anywhos, we went there today and came straight back so we could upload this week’s TOAD video for you guys to watch and I’m pretty excited!


I admit, I haven’t seen more than the first episode of this drama yet. And it was an episode that didn’t get me too excited to watch this one BUT, I’m still really excited to finish this one (when I’m not so busy catching up with family) because this drama really combines two elements that I love to watch in a drama, Moon Geun Young and the Arts. If you’ve been following our HallyuBack instagram, you know by now that I’m totally in love with anything artsy and have been known to paint in my spare time. This actually turned me onto watching MGY’s last historical drama ‘Painter of the Wind’. Holy cannoli that drama was inspiring to me – to see actual ancient Korean art and more or less study the ways that such pieces are created and the thought process behind them. I like to turn fiction on its head and see just what I can learn from it – and there’s nothing quite like learning cool stuff from dramaland!

So, I’ve been trying to incorporate some of those techniques into my own artwork and finding out that MGY’s doing ANOTHER HISTORICAL ART DRAMA… the moment I found out I started to get excited. I got so excited that I even jumped the gun and put out in a top 5 that it was coming out last spring, and then had to bite my tongue and wait for it to actually come out in July. Yeah, I was a bit too excited. If you aren’t a MGY fan and can’t understand, I forgive you. She may not be the prettiest of the Korean actresses, be the most popular or have the best roles that have shaped Kdrama into what it is today. She is however I think a great actress and I love her indie and unconventional role choices.

What do you guys think, is this the Korean drama of the summer?

the bloopers:

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