After dropping Steph off, I drove by the barber shop on my way home home. Nobody was in there so I knew it would be a great time to get my haircut and restyled. The camera caught almost the full process of getting a haircut in Korea, which in all honesty ain’t that much different from anywhere else.. unless there’s a miscommunication in describing the type of style you want, and then the experience is going to be QUITE DIFFERENT LOL.

Both Steph and I have had that happen before.

That was about all I was able to accomplish other than grabbing a bit of dinner late in the evening. I ended up having my first ever two day coffee caffiene headache. I didn’t drink coffee for a string of days, and consequently experienced one of the worst headaches of my life. I woke up at 2am, had a cup of coffee, and began to feel better. Amazing how that worked.

All in all tho, a very good day indeed. I’m feeling much better now 🙂

yesterday’s video:

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