Web dramas have been around for awhile but within the last two years they’ve really found a place in the Korean Drama market where they are playing with the big networks.  It could be due to over 98% of young people having a smart phone with web streaming capabilities.


Perhaps it is because the biggest web drama network is NaverTV, Naver being the “Google” of Korea. Maybe, it’s because they cast big idol stars to star in these web dramas.  Or just as much a possibility is that web dramas allow a bit more freedom than more traditional television dramas.  Regardless it looks like web dramas are here to stay and are only going to get bigger and better in time!

Here are 5 that are out or are going to come out in 2015.  Not included due to it’s sequel nature is Love Cells 2.  Love Cells is one of the most popular web dramas to air and this one has already been confirmed to cast both Kim Yoo Jung and Im Seulong which is due out later this year!  But with Baro, Dara and EXO Next Door, 2015 may be the year of the web drama!

Have you been watching any of these dramas? Which one looks the best? let me know!!

Happy Drama Watching everyone 🙂

Full List from the Video:
5. The Greatest One-Sided Love No One’s Ever Seen Before – 아무도 본 적 없는 최고의 일방적인 사랑
4. Yoo Mi’s Room – 유미의 방
3. We Broke Up – 우리 헤어졌어요
2. Loss:Time:Life – 로스:타임:라이프
1. EXO Next Door – 우리 옆집에 엑소가 산다

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