Clichés. Korean dramas are full of them. To those of us like me who’ve been watching them for years, there comes a point in time where they become an endearing part of drama watching that makes the show, for newbie watchers they may be confusing or even a frustrating part of drama watching. Although I admit, I still haven’t quite overcome quieting my subconscious desire to point out every time they plug an advertisement into a drama (one of the more frustrating clichés.) And so, I decided to start making a list of all the ones that I’ve seen in Korean dramas. Here is a list of 50 that I came up with. It’s amazing how so many of them you become numb to and they get overlooked in the process of dramathoning. No, I didn’t include all of them and there are still many more that I can think of but it’s a start.

Making a list with 50 things is pretty intimidating and I’m glad I had a list to work with. But I think I learned my lesson with my 50 things about me video and tried to make this one a bit shorter (and hopefully more interesting.) The location of this filming session was at a lake house where we have been staying with my husband’s family off of Seneca Lake. The scenery is gorgeous and there’s a lot of fantastic things to see and do (kayaking, hiking, wine tasting..) It’s been a super relaxing break, though all of this quiet is almost making me wish we were back in Korea and in the land of the fastest internet in the world. I know Richard is missing the wi-fi there. But, we’re having fun with our families and I’m taking time to sit on my butt and dramathon – and why not!

the bloopers:)

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