Jiraffe Inc. (Tokyo; Founder and CEO: Teruaki Aso) has announced the release of the English version a popular service Peing (Question Box) called “Ninjama”. Download it here: https://ninjama.io/en/ About the service: With Ninjama, anyone can personally ask questions anonymously, and the users who received the questions can answer them on Twitter, a social network. You [...]

Hey everyone!! Our next LIVE CHAT #dramatalk is scheduled for Saturday March 5th 2016 at 3pm NY Time! Gather up your thoughts on the latest dramas you’ve been watching, and let’s all hang out chatting about Kdrama, Jdrama, WHATEVER dramas you like! This LIVE CHAT #dramatalk is also a KOREAN COSMETICS GIVEAWAY!!!! The wonderful people [...]

When I made my first EVER Asian drama review back in 2012, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I’d eventually be making a video about the New Thai Dramas of 2016. I’m sure some of you weren’t expecting it either. These days with the internet so readily available at all of our [...]

GUYZS: Four out of the 5 dramas ON THIS LIST have KOREAN ACTORS STARRING IN THEM!!!!!!!!!!! Whaaaaaaaat?!?!!!!! Whether you’re ready for it or not, it looks like Chinese Dramas have landed on the drama scene and may just be here to stay! Crazy as that sounds, and if you’re not expecting to hear that, I think [...]

My love for Taiwanese dramas often gets overlooked for Korean dramas due to their popularity. But lately and I guess most appropriately I’ve been on a big TWdrama kick. My current favorite to watch which remains on this list because it’s airing through spring is Marry Me or Not. I’ve already seen the first [...]

End of the year is almost here! That means wrap videos of Korean, Japanese AND Taiwanese Dramas! I haven’t bee able to watch a lot of Taiwanese Dramas recently. I did manage to dramathon Tenno No Ryoriban last week, and quite enjoyed that one a lot! Taiwanese Dramas are still near and dear to [...]

Hey everyone! There’s a New LIVE CHAT #dramatalk scheduled for this Saturday November 21st 2015 at 4pm NY Time. We’ll be chatting about all the latest Korean Dramas (as well as older ones!), and really anything Korea :) I will also be announcing the winner of the Kokobox GIVEAWAY!!!! We’ve partnered with Kokobox Korea [...]

In a continuation on last weekend’s Chinese Top 5 Friday, I decided to explore another country’s selections for drama viewing: this time in Thailand! In my life I’ve spent a total of about 3 weeks in Thailand for our honeymoon. It was certainly an enjoyable experience but what it didn’t introduce me to was Thai [...]

The other week I was looking for new Taiwanese Dramas to watch and talk about. The Korean Drama that I had been anticipating ‘She Was Pretty’ hadn’t started airing yet, and I was stuck in a drama limbo. In looking for a good drama however I was struck by how many even better looking [...]

When I initially started Hallyuback it was with the intention of sharing information and my love for Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean dramas on YouTube. By doing so I thought I could possibly more easily connect with and help others who have similar interests. Little did I know just how popular Korean dramas would be [...]

LIVE CHAT this Saturday May 9th, 2015 at 4pm NY Time!! Giving away and announcing the winner of the Gong Hyo Jin Running Man Cap compliments of the To February online boutique. To enter to win the Running Man Cap: To win the Running Man Gong Hyo Jin Cap: 1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel [...]

It’s been a long time coming, but yesterday at about 1:30am on the morning of May 3rd, we crossed 100,000 subscribers on our Hallyu Back channel!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S BANANAS!!!! It’s incredible to be honest, so we decided to take a moment and reflect on the journey that got us where we are today in this video [...]

I had the very fun and unique opportunity to hang out with Richard’s mother and learn how to bake authentic Italian Sicilian bread! Woke up early in the morning and was picked up by my mother in law to drive way out into the countryside of New York State and take this Sicilian stuffed bread [...]

Thanks to all of you, I’ve been able to more seriously pursue a passion and dream of mine: painting. It’s been a crazy (almost) 2 months back in the US, and now I’d like to give back to you guyz for amazing support! All the paintings above are for sale, and there’s no time limit. [...]

SPRINGTIME IS FINALLY HERE!!!! I’m so excited for the warm weather, and this winter seemed extra brutal with all the snow that took forever to melt. I had the amazing opportunity to test ride a bicycle yesterday when Richard picked up his mountain bike from the shop. We brought our new GoPro 4 camera and [...]

Hey everyone! LIVE CHAT #dramatalk scheduled for Saturday April 11th, 2015 at 4pm New York Time!! MY FIRST EVER LIVE CHAT FROM AMERICA!!!! So excited for this! If you have not entered, see how to in the description box of this video. I’m also announcing the winner of the Boys Over Flowers Kissing Star Necklace [...]

Super excited to hang out, talk some dramas and announce the winners on the HallyuBack #dramatalk T-shirts! I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I’m also a bit sad that this is my LAST LIVE CHAT!! SO.. Let’s hang out together one last time in Korean and make it a memorable LIVE CHAT! ^^ [...]

I love Taiwanese Dramas. My love for them actually goes back further than that of Korean dramas as I started watching them shortly after I started my Japanese Asian drama watching hobby. In recent years, they’ve often been overshadowed by the more popular Korean dramas, but honestly some of the best stories in Asian dramas [...]

LIVE CHAT #dramatalk this Saturday Jan. 10th 2015 and announcing the winner of the Pinocchio Necklace GIVEAWAY! Let’s hang out, talk some dramas and tune in to see if you won! ^^ The AMAZING GIVEAWAY happening is in collaboration with ToFebruary.com Be sure to check out their website chock full of Korean drama, Kpop and [...]

We’re having a LIVE CHAT #dramatalk this Saturday December 20th at 11pm Korean time!!!!! YAY!! ^^ Along with exchanging some awesome end of the year #dramatalk I will also be announcing the winner of the Gong Hyo Jin Necklace Giveaway in collaboration with ToFebruary.com If you haven’t seen the video or entered to win one [...]

This Taiwanese drama is definitely a romatic melodrama with all the elements including long lost childhood freidnships that turn into romantic love interests, family grudges, gang violence and cooking. But I love food-related dramas, so this one intrigued me. It came out this year, is 22 episodes, it also goes by the name of Pleasantly [...]

HEY EVERYONE! Special edition LIVE CHAT #dramatalk happening this Saturday November 8th 2014 at 11pm Korean time!! I will also be announcing the winner of the Heirs Park Shin Hye Backpack being given away by the kind folks at ToFebruary.com. The have so much Kdrama and Kpop merch on their website it’s not even funny, [...]

First things first I want to thank Tanya for her AWESOME suggestion! This is perfect timing because I’m totally on a Noona drama romance kick. I’m actually currently watching the number 5 drama on this list ☺ Yet, another reason why I couldn’t rank it any higher on the list than number 5. So far, [...]

Fall In Love With Me is a new 2014 Taiwanese Drama that I haven’t seen yet but would really like to! Unfortunately I’m just too busy with thesis classes and meetings at the moment.. so, I did the next best thing: I did a bit of research and checked out what some of the kissing [...]

This week I’m rounding up my list of dramas I’d really like to see this fall out of all three countries. As a grad student who’s diligently working to try to finish my thesis this semester, I’m about to have a lot less time to peruse all of the dramas beyond an episode or two [...]

It’s been WAY TOOOOOOOOOO LONG since I’ve done a LIVE CHAT #dramatalk with you guyz!! I’ve been wanting to do them, but I’ve just been way to busy with school, and then I was home visiting family in the US. I’m back in Korea, settled for the most part, and I’m ready to chat with [...]

This very popular Korean drama of the summer has been getting a lot of attention. This is because, mainly, the original Taiwanese version was such a hit! Those of us who were fans of the original were worried admittedly a bit worried whether this version would live up to it or not. Well it has. [...]

I never thought I would actually live to see the day this drama was made. My Pig Lady ended up doing what a lot of Taiwanese dramas have done in the past: Get stuck in drama limbo for years. It’s something that’s so prevalent in Asian dramas that in some cases, they’ve actually made dramas [...]

One thing I find to be pretty standard across the board for Asian drama lovers is that we’re a unique breed. A lot of times, our friends and family don’t watch them and don’t understand how we can watch them. So, I decided to make this video as a kind of tongue in cheek [...]

It’s been a long time since I made a video about Taiwanese dramas! And again that’s because they are long dramas and they don’t release as many as Korea or Japan every year. When I first started watching dramas that was a good thing! Because, I could watch them all.. or all the ones I [...]

Hey guyz! LIVE CHAT #10 is scheduled for Saturday March 8th 2014 at 11pm Korean time!!! I’ve been in South Korea now officially for 5 years and been doing Kdrama, Jdrama and TWdrama reviews for less than 2. Let’s celebrate and hang out together for this exciting occasion! ^^ #dramatalk! TWEET THIS LIVE CHAT! ► [...]

Hey guyz! Live from Korea LIVE CHAT #9 #dramatalk is scheduled for Sunday Feb. 23rd 2014 at 1pm Korean time!!! For this LIVE CHAT I have a special guest joining me in the Hallyu Back household: Nichola from ‘My Korean Husband’! She’s an Asian Drama fan just like me! This is gonna be so much [...]

Valentines’ Day is coming up quickly and I’ve noticed that chocolate has practically exploded in the different stores around our home in Korea for the holiday. Korea and Japan have their own unique way of celebrating Valentine’s Day that you may have seen in manga/manhwa, anime and dramas. If you’re not familiar with it, let [...]

Hey guyz! LIVE CHAT #8 is scheduled for Sunday Feb. 2nd 2014 at 1pm Korean time!!! A whole lotta new Korean Dramas in 2014 to make a fuss about! Jdramas too! Let’s hang out and CHAT about it! ^^ #dramatalk!

Oh Taiwanese dramas! Though your dramas are some of my favorites of all time I feel that I’ve sadly neglected you over the course of 2013. Therefore in 2014, one of my goals is to watch more Taiwanese dramas. For those of you who haven’t seen a Taiwanese drama before, they tend to be a [...]

If you didn’t know, I recently started daily vlogging Monday – Thursday on the bonus channel for the new year while I’m on vacation. That means until March you’ve got an inside look into my life, what it’s like to live in Korea and the like. In turn, I get to try out some concepts [...]

Happy New Year everyone! LIVE CHAT #6 is scheduled for Friday Jan. 3rd, 2014 at 11pm Korean time!!! It’s a new year with tons of potential! Let’s start it off right talking dramas and hanging out! ^^ #dramatalk!

Hey guyz! LIVE CHAT #5 is scheduled for Sunday Dec. 15th, 2013 at 2pm Korean time!!! I am so looking forward t this LIVE CHAT for no other reason than I need a break from the end of the semester onslaught of assignments due! (I actually think I’ll be finishing up papers and presentation prep [...]

It’s Taiwanese drama wrap up time!!! OMG I can’t believe its December already! It’s going to be a busy two weeks and then I can focus on the holidays and all the drama watching I’ve been putting off this semester! That’s part of why I’m so excited for this video. CLICK to Retweet! Tweet // [...]

I really like Taiwanese dramas. Prior to coming to Korea and immersing myself in Korean dramas and the like, there was a period in time when all I wanted to watch were Taiwanese dramas. My absolute favorite dramas are Taiwanese dramas, and although I’ve been warming up quite a bit to Kdramas as of [...]

You know those dramas that are really great but never become all that popular? I think we all have our favorites dramas or TV shows that stand out in our memory for one reason or another that for some reason the rest of humanity just hasn’t caught on to it’s amazingness. Now it would be [...]

I love Taiwanese dramas! It’s been soooo long since I’ve managed to sit down and watch a Taiwanese series from beginning. Well actually I can’t say that because I did watch one this year.. but only one. I watched one with Mike He called Love Keeps Going, which I thought was really good but ended [...]

I have a confession. I’m a food porn enthusiast. I believe it started somewhere when I was in elementary school with only 10 channels and I had a choice between golf, fishing or Julia Child. I love that woman, and her book ‘My Life in France’ is a great read that I recommend to anyone [...]

I’m always excited at the prospect of making a video a Taiwanese drama related video. Don’t get me wrong, I like Korean dramas and creating Korean drama review vlogs as much as any of the videos my husband and I produce, but because the Korean drama videos tend to be a bit more popular than [...]

This Fabulously Glamorous 3SOME would not be the same without this week’s TOAD – Fabulous Boys! Heck, I already had a girl who dressed down to be a guy in Nail Shop Paris and a Old Cinderella dressing up to hook up with a young man in Last Cinderella – why not add a nun [...]

OMG, Fabulous Boys is finally out!!! Though I haven’t seen it yet (waiting for subs is torture) I feel like I’ve been waiting for this drama forever and it’s almost in my grasp! I’ve also totally been on a Jdrama kick lately, I think it’s because I’ve been watching so many Korean dramas this year [...]

One of the first Taiwanese dramas I discovered had Mike He in it. Devil Beside You will always have a special place in my heart. Despite having a mullet, which reminded me of Uncle Jessie in Full House (John Stamos), he had extremely handsome good looks. And when paired with Rainie Yang, I proceeded to [...]

When I first heard of Queen of SOP it was through a comment on my Top 5 Taiwanese Dramas of 2012. My initial reaction was “Wait a minute, what?!?!” I couldn’t believe that I had missed out on what people were calling the greatest Tw Drama of the year. Unfortunately, looking at the list of [...]

I love me some Taiwanese drama action, and I’m excited for this new crop of dramas coming out this spring. 5. Dandelion Love This is a drama that begins on April 8th, 2013 and is 40 episodes long. I’m excited to hopefully see this one (if I have time) and I like the main actor [...]

It took me a long time to watch Meteor Garden. In fact creating this 3Some was one of my main excuses to finally turn back the clock, do my Asian drama homework, and watch it. And when I did, I was pleasantly surprised by how good it is for just how old of a drama [...]

I’m definitely a Kpop fan, but not as much as I am an Asian drama fan. Nevertheless, throughout the world it cannot be denied the popularity of Kpop. Just look at how Psy recently blew everyone out of the water with Gangnam Style. So when I was brainstorming new possible topics for Top 5 Fridays, [...]

Most of 2012 wasn’t a great year for Taiwanese dramas, at least from a foreigner’s perspective. But, it looks like things have picked up in the winter of 2013 because they are bringing back a lot of the popular actors and actresses and the new stories look like they have a lot of potential. Most [...]

Devil Beside You may just be one of my favorite dramas of all time despite it being from 2005. I believe I saw it during my initial months of drama watching back when I was in university and I had just discovered dramas. To say that I was hooked is an understatement. I love this [...]

5. Alice in Wonder City Young music students find themselves in the big city of Taipei. I was a bit surprised as Taiwanese dramas usually take the time and episodes they need to put out the story. 4. When Love Walked In Calvin Chen rocks! I’m sure I’ve said this before.. and in this one [...]

Shortly after discovering Japanese dramas, I discovered Taiwanese dramas. For an undergraduate student in college in the U.S., I had a lot of free time on my hands. A lot of long weekends meant me cuddled up with my laptop on my day bed in my dorm room eating bread with Nutella and me watching [...]

I was so excited when I heard they were finally making a drama of the popular girl’s manga Skip Beat. I myself am a fan, having read parts of the story in the Shojo Beat magazines that I bought in college. But I’d never really read the whole story. I think this added to the [...]

When I first found out that Taiwan was coming out with a version of Absolute Boyfriend I was stoked! I’d spent a lot of my free (non drama watching) time reading Shojo Beat, and this was always one of my favorites. (following my all time favorite Honey and Clover!) When Japan made a version of [...]