Did you hear about Minzy leaving 2NE1? I woke up this morning to the news plastered all over my social medias thanks to some very unhappy Blackjacks. Yes folks, it’s true – after 7 years as a member of 2NE1 and 11 years under contract with YG, Minzy has decided to go her own way [...]

It’s official you guys.. Descendants of the Sun is the BIGGEST Korean drama in recent history!!!! In 6 episodes, they’ve surpassed You Who Came From the Stars which was hugely popular – and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Currently on board watching the drama myself, I completely understand the hype. While a modern somewhat realistic [...]

Hey everyone!! Our next LIVE CHAT #dramatalk is scheduled for Saturday March 5th 2016 at 3pm NY Time! Gather up your thoughts on the latest dramas you’ve been watching, and let’s all hang out chatting about Kdrama, Jdrama, WHATEVER dramas you like! This LIVE CHAT #dramatalk is also a KOREAN COSMETICS GIVEAWAY!!!! The wonderful people [...]

Hey everyone! There’s a New LIVE CHAT #dramatalk scheduled for this Saturday November 21st 2015 at 4pm NY Time. We’ll be chatting about all the latest Korean Dramas (as well as older ones!), and really anything Korea :) I will also be announcing the winner of the Kokobox GIVEAWAY!!!! We’ve partnered with Kokobox Korea [...]

Recently at KCON I had the opportunity to talk with some of you about your favorite dramas. Time and again, Healer often comes up in conversations both there and online when discussing your recent favorite dramas. Having watched Healer I know that one of the biggest draws is the phenomenal acting of Ji Chang Wook. [...]

It’s difficult being an entertainer in Korea. Their contracts are known to be so long and extreme that in some cases they’re called slave contracts. Many idols are on crazy diets, they work long hours, and sometimes though not always it’s for little to no pay (charity concerts, etc.) While there are some people out [...]

I recently started watching the new Korean Drama ‘High Society’ because I like UEE and I love Sung Joon. I’m about 4 episodes in now, and I absolutely love it!! Sung Joon and UEE have great chemistry, UEE’s character is completely likable, you want to believe that Sung Joon’s character isn’t evil, and the second [...]

The other day I was looking for new Korean Dramas coming out in July, when I stumbled upon Death Note the Japanese Drama coming out in July!!!! I was SOOOOOOOO EXCITED for this news than I instantly when on a grand internet scavenger hunt to find all the information that I could about this so [...]

Who Are You – School 2015 just finished airing! And it seems it was quite popular amongst some hard core Korean drama watchers. This is exciting to me because Kim So Hyun is such a great actress, and this series has been known to propel talented young actors into mainstream adult roles. It’s also [...]

I love summer! We’ve just had a couple of days of low temperatures but it’s starting to turn around, the sun is shining and romance is in the air! I can’t believe that we’ve already had half of the year pass by, and I’m now starting to look ahead for new dramas coming out in [...]

Ex Girlfriend’s Club is a TvN weekend drama airing on Friday and Saturday evenings. At the time I made this reaction there have been 5 episodes released and I’ve watched every one of them. Having just somewhat recently finished Angry Mom, I was certainly feeling a romantic comedy – and of all people, Richard my [...]

Sensory Couple or The Girl Who Sees Smells is a kdrama starring Micky Yoo Chun and Shin Se Kyung that came out in April. Now that it’s May this means that there has been plenty of time for us to enjoy the ongoing story and chemistry, but more importantly that there have been kissing scenes! [...]

Mask is a new melodrama suspense story that’s coming out following The Girl Who Sees Smells. There’s not a whole lot of information on this one yet, in part because the actors are not A-list celebrities. This doesn’t mean they are not talented! I have seen some of them be my favorite supporting actors in [...]

Bang Sung Joon is back in a leading role!!!! My sweetie of the Kdrama scene, one of the hardest working men in Korean show business (in my humble opinion) is BAAAAACCCCCK! I’m excited for this one! A lot of Sung Joon dramas have flown below the radar when he has a leading role, but UEE [...]

If there’s one thing that I’m pretty sure of in Kdramaland it’s that there are a lot of Minho’s out there! If you’ve been watching our videos for a while then you know that I’m not the world’s biggest Lee Min Ho fan. That being said, I haven’t heard about him doing any kdramas since [...]

Angry Mom is a Kdrama that TOTALLY surprised me! If you haven’t already started watching I think you should give it a shot just in time for Mother’s Day :) This drama is intense! It touches on a lot of harsh topics that make up some of the terrible things that young people in high [...]

LIVE CHAT this Saturday May 9th, 2015 at 4pm NY Time!! Giving away and announcing the winner of the Gong Hyo Jin Running Man Cap compliments of the To February online boutique. To enter to win the Running Man Cap: To win the Running Man Gong Hyo Jin Cap: 1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel [...]

It’s been a long time coming, but yesterday at about 1:30am on the morning of May 3rd, we crossed 100,000 subscribers on our Hallyu Back channel!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S BANANAS!!!! It’s incredible to be honest, so we decided to take a moment and reflect on the journey that got us where we are today in this video [...]

A Korean drama that I started just watching on a whim, this one is blowing me away. Like seriously, I’m absolutely shocked and I can’t stop watching. I even just said to Richard that we need to watch this one because he may actually like it – it is nothing like any other Korean drama [...]

The Korean Drama school series has been going on since 1999! Talk about a hit series!! It must be pretty good if they keep going back to it, right? I guess I’m not surprised, high school dramas are what got me into Asian dramas in the first place, and I’m sure I’m not alone. This [...]

Descendants of the Sun is a new Kdrama that will be coming out later this year, most likely in fall. While that’s a long time to wait, I’m already getting excited about it because of the leading actors and the unusual plot line. If you follow my videos or Korean dramas and music, you probably [...]

Lee Jun Ki has already been cast as a #smexy Vampire Scholar in this new 2015 Korean Drama set to come out in July! I’m so stoked about this casting choice that I had to make a video and share the wonderful news with you guyz!! Lots of us die hard Asian Drama fans like [...]

Hey everyone! LIVE CHAT #dramatalk scheduled for Saturday April 11th, 2015 at 4pm New York Time!! MY FIRST EVER LIVE CHAT FROM AMERICA!!!! So excited for this! If you have not entered, see how to in the description box of this video. I’m also announcing the winner of the Boys Over Flowers Kissing Star Necklace [...]

Had the chance to watch the first episode of Girl Who Sees Smells and I’M SO GLAD I DID!!!! Anything that Micky Yoochun stars in I will at least watch the first few episodes, so inevitably this was on my list. And although detective dramas aren’t really my thing, I’m liking what I see so [...]

What would you do if you only had a month to live? Would you use it to take revenge? I recently just started watching the new Kdrama Fall in Love with Soon Jung and I gotta say I’m pretty pleased with this intense drama. It has a really strong first episode that’s exciting, sad, frustrating, [...]

The Korean drama world was rocked the other day when official news broke that Lee Min Ho and Suzy began dating. Many of you took to Snap Chat to ask me reaction. It is a bit of a shock, and honestly I’m stoked for them. I’m not really that interested in what Lee Min Ho [...]

Are you a fan of the Korean Drama Reply Series? There’s a new Kdrama set to be released that I’m super excited about: Reply 1988!! Who would have thunk it? I remember when Repy 1997 came out and I thought it was gonna be a one hit wonder. Now we’re on the third installment, and [...]

It’s March, the season of changes where in North America we go from cold and brutal winter to a soft spring (or I hope so anyways!) With this in mind, it’s about time for an all-star studded drama that doesn’t involve psychological diseases or people with multiple personalities either by choice or tragic circumstances! Seriously [...]

I’ve seen No Min Woo in so many different types of roles and characters, from musicians to supernatural to spoiled horny rich boy, that he’s proven himself to be able to play all types of characters. So, ever chance I get to see No Min Woo star in a drama I usually check it out! [...]

The Korean Drama world was rocked recently with news of a kiss unlike any other ever before seen on Korean Television: Two female characters kissed for the first time!! The kissing scene happened in Seonam Girls High School Investigators, a high school drama. The drama itself is supposed to be talking about issues that occur [...]

Splendid Politics is not the typical Korean Drama I would consider myself interested in. In fact, politics is not something I’m interested in. You could even go so far to say that I avoid politics completely by immersing myself in dramas! But this drama stars Cha Seung Won and I’m a big fan! He’s super [...]

Being the Asian drama junkie that I am, I’m ALWAYS on the lookout for what could be the next big break out drama from either Korea, Japan or Taiwan. Kim Soo Hyun starred in probably the biggest Korean Drama of 2014, and so eyes are on him to see what he’ll do next. He did [...]

Super excited to hang out, talk some dramas and announce the winners on the HallyuBack #dramatalk T-shirts! I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I’m also a bit sad that this is my LAST LIVE CHAT!! SO.. Let’s hang out together one last time in Korean and make it a memorable LIVE CHAT! ^^ [...]

I love Kamenashi Kazuya. Ok, maybe I don’t looove him, but I certainly do like watching him in my Jdramas. So much so that I made an entire video about it and his best dramas quite a while ago! Needless to say he’s back again at the beginning of 2015 with a drama that looks [...]

It was discovered recently that Jang Geun Suk made a small error in paying his taxes, and hadn’t paid them properly. Once it was discovered and he was notified, he paid the debt pretty much immediately. Although this was more or less an oversight, there was still public pressure to step down on on his [...]

Another young adult has arrived to the 2015 Korean Drama scene, and I’m SUPER PSYCHED about it!! This is a TVN Korean drama that is coming out February 9th and it stars Uee, Chae Woo Sik and one of the members of 2AM. Though not a lot of information has been released, what I can [...]

It was recently reported in Hallyu News that Lee Min Ho cannot watch his own drama! That’s right, Lee Min Ho confessed that he cannot watch Boys Over Flowers, his signature breakout role because his hair and his character were just.. too… flowery! He can’t stand to watch himself because he disliked his hairstyle, and [...]

My Heart Twinkle Twinkle or as it’s also called, Twinkle My Heart is a lighthearted name for what seems to be quite the melodramatic family drama. It has started to air, and at this time, there are now two episodes out, but when I made this video, I could only watch the trailers and comment [...]
Jdramas are my first Asian drama loves. Actually truth be told, Matsumoto Jun and Oguri Shun are my first Asian drama loves. Matsujun is kinda looking a bit scary as he’s not aging as time is going on and I’m not wholly sure about how I feel about his dramas – but Oguri Shun still [...]

Jang Hyuk is starring is this brand new 2015 Historical Korean Drama and honestly you guyz: I can’t wait to see the first few episodes! His hair is all long and flowy, and his #smexy factor is thru the roof! That’s what we Korean drama fans like isn’t it?!?!! Jang Hyuk of course isn’t the [...]

Ahn Jae Hyeon was one of the biggest breakout stars of 2014! Playing supporting roles in both You Who Came from the Stars and You’re All Surrounded, and with the movie Fashion King he certainly proved to drama casting directors that he had what it takes to stand out and be a star. So much [...]

I’m really liking this drama so far you guyz! There are multiple characters that I’m digging, and when you put it all together it’s making the chemistry of the drama flow better for sure. As of making this review I had only seen 3 episodes, but I’ve now seen a few more and I’m liking [...]

LIVE CHAT #dramatalk this Saturday Jan. 10th 2015 and announcing the winner of the Pinocchio Necklace GIVEAWAY! Let’s hang out, talk some dramas and tune in to see if you won! ^^ The AMAZING GIVEAWAY happening is in collaboration with ToFebruary.com Be sure to check out their website chock full of Korean drama, Kpop and [...]

Cunning Single Lady was one of those dramas that came out last spring that I think was totally overshadowed by other dramas that were also out at the time. But in light of all the drama of all the drama that’s been swirling around Lee Byung Hun lately, I thought it somewhat proper to take [...]

New Korean dramas come out every month thankfully, and this month things seem to be looking up! Kill Me, Heal Me staring Ji Sung and Hwang Jung Eum is a story about a man with multiple personalities. I must say I’m really looking forward to checking out at least the first few episodes before I [...]

In case you didn’t know, Healer is a drama that came out in the end of 2014 that totally caught some of us by surprise with just how good it is! I started watching a few episodes this evening (finally!) and while I’m not quite up to episode 8 (which is when this kissing scene [...]

We’re having a LIVE CHAT #dramatalk this Saturday December 20th at 11pm Korean time!!!!! YAY!! ^^ Along with exchanging some awesome end of the year #dramatalk I will also be announcing the winner of the Gong Hyo Jin Necklace Giveaway in collaboration with ToFebruary.com If you haven’t seen the video or entered to win one [...]

One of the most ALL TIME POPULAR actors in Korean dramas is back in the news, this time with his new movie coming out Gangnam Blues. There was a delay in the release of it, but now that things seem to be back on track Mr. Lee Min Ho is appearing to promote it more [...]

Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk had a moment!!! There was a #smexy kissing scene in Pinocchio! Much like last year’s Heirs, this Park Shin Hye drama was highly anticipated. And, as many of us already know, Park Shin Hye although an excellent actress is not known for her magnificent kissing ability. It looks [...]

I got to admit; I’ve seen a lot more of Naeildo Cantabile or Tomorrow’s Cantabile since I did this review. To put it simply you guys I love this Korean drama. I know that there have been some issues out there in the drama community about it being not as good as the Japanese version. [...]

This Taiwanese drama is definitely a romatic melodrama with all the elements including long lost childhood freidnships that turn into romantic love interests, family grudges, gang violence and cooking. But I love food-related dramas, so this one intrigued me. It came out this year, is 22 episodes, it also goes by the name of Pleasantly [...]

The new Korean drama coming out soon has many of us on the edge of our seats!! The hype about this drama isn’t that far off from Heirs at this point. Park Shin Hye has become more or less the ‘it’ 20-something super star actress of the Korean drama world, and that makes this drama [...]

HEY EVERYONE! Special edition LIVE CHAT #dramatalk happening this Saturday November 8th 2014 at 11pm Korean time!! I will also be announcing the winner of the Heirs Park Shin Hye Backpack being given away by the kind folks at ToFebruary.com. The have so much Kdrama and Kpop merch on their website it’s not even funny, [...]

There are just some things in this life that are guilty pleasures. They’re things you love to hate – like high heels. I hate the way my feet hurt after 20 minutes of standing/walking and my knees are kicking me the next day but I love the way that those extra couple of inches make [...]

I am and will ALWAYS be a big fan of Japanese dramas. Why aren’t they more popular these days? Don’t get me wrong, Korean dramas being all the rage these days aren’t all that bad. I became really excited when I saw Japan was making a season 2 of Itazura Na Kiss: Love in Tokyo [...]

Yoon Eun Hye hasn’t made a drama this year, but she’s set to start filming a movie with Park Shi Hoo with the working title Love After Love. Her management set up a fan cafe for her birthday on October 3rd, the fan cafe being an online forum where fans can write to her and [...]

Lee Jung Suk and Park Shin Hye are coming out with arguably the hottest drama since It’s Okay that’s Love in the New Korean drama ‘Pinocchio’!! It’s coming out in November and it’s much needed because, while there are some good dramas that came out in October, there haven’t been any that have really taken [...]

We were lucky enough to be invited to the very school where the Korean drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’ was filmed!! AHHHH WHAT AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY!!!!! This is a dream come ture for any Asian drama fan! The school itself is an English language boarding school about 2 hours from our home in Suwon, and it’s [...]

Holy cow was I unprepared for this drama! And I completely intended to make that pun. Perhaps I’ll be able to throw a few more in here, but then again it’s not like you’re egging me on to do so. Or maybe you are! Lol! Ok, anywho the only thing I really knew about this [...]

This past Saturday we frequented our FAVORITE Korean BBQ grilled meat joint at Suwon Station with our friend Dong Won! We absolutely love this place! The food is very tasty, they spice their side dishes just right, and the owners treat us like gold every time we are there. You just can’t beat delicious food [...]

Park Shin Hye is arguably one of the biggest female actors in her twenties in Korean dramas. She has starred opposite some of the biggest names in the game and has appeared in some of the most popular dramas in recent memory. In all of these dramas she played the main romantic. Then why is [...]

As soon as I saw Hyun Bin was getting released from the military, I got excited! That was in December of 2012.. almost 2 years ago! While I know he hasn’t been lazy during that time, with advertisements and the Fatal Encounter Movie, I’ve really missed seeing him on my small computer screen. Truth be [...]

Pizza in Korea has come a long way. Pizza Hut for instance is still inventing new concoctions from recipes Americans might surely balk at. When we first came to Korea, decent tasting pizza was 15000-20000 Won for a large 1-2 topping, and came with corn on it. More recently, we can find pizza for under [...]

Everyday is new and fresh and fun and different, and EPIC! Both Steph and I had planned to go to Seoul separately and our day unfolded very differently. Instead, I went to Seoul while Steph stayed back in Suwon because of change of plans. Then midway thru the afternoon she messaged me to say she [...]

Straight away, I want to point out that after recording this video, I noticed I said the wrong name! I don’t know where I got the name that I said, but it’s totally incorrect and I couldn’t be more embarrassed. Actually I’m sure I could be more embarrassed but it certainly doesn’t feel that way [...]

Today was an AMAZING day! After over 5 years of living, we finally went to the Suwon festival celebrating National Hangeul Day! I’ve always wanted to go, and only found out about it after the fact. In years past I’ve been working during the week which made it impossible to go, so whe we found [...]

Shopping in Korea can be pretty interesting depending on how you look at it. Today was a day where Stephanie scored some of her favorite juice on a simple trip to the grocery store! I never thought juice could make someone so happy, but in this household where we live in Korea and often don’t [...]

What a FUN DAY! Went down to Songtan where Megan lives to hang out a bit and ended up staying all day! We arrived, shot a few videos for her channel, went out for a walk so we could enjoy some Choco Bingsu and did some shopping along the way. After the bingsu party was [...]

I’m sure there are some of you out there, okay A LOT of you that are disappointed that Lee Min Ho isn’t making a drama this year. But that’s because he’s decided to pursue the next level of his acting career: the movie industry. It’s a movie, so it probably has a higher paycheck. There’s [...]

We woke up in Gangnam today and that DOES NOT HAPPEN OFTEN! We spent the night at the bathhouse in Gangnam after missing the last bus back home to Suwon due to it being a holiday. Instead of taking an expensive taxi we opted for an experience in a Korean sauna and a few hours [...]

Friday was date night for Steph and I! With our crazy schedules, it’s ALWAYS nice to plan a day when we can kick back, relax a bit and enjoy each others company. We had such a good time we didn’t realize that it being a holiday in Korea the public transportation schedules change. And that [...]

All sorts of fun things happened today! I could not have predicted in a million years a day like this if I had been asked about it at the beginning of the day, but it happened. Full day planned of tasks that needed to be completed started by dropping Steph off, and then driving around [...]

There’s a super wide variety of restaurants on the 6th floor of Suwon Station. Everything from typical fast food to sit down casual and even fine dining. Funny enough, I wasn’t planning to give your the grand tour of the food court in Suwon Station when I went there the other day, but I just [...]

I cannot wait for the new Korean drama Pinocchio to come out! Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye star in a new drama that’s really catching our attention in the drama world. In honor of Lee Jong Suk’s new drama Pinocchio, I took a brief trip down memory lane and treated myself to some I [...]

On my very first shot of the day I caught the seafood truck rolling down the block, and then immediately ran into one of the nicest men I know in Korea: our downstairs neighbor. He’s always so kind and compassionate whenever I see him, and he’s exactly the type of guy you want as a [...]

I can’t believe I have to wait until that I have to wait an entire month for this Korean drama to come out. Until that fateful day in November, I’ll be checking out all the news, photos and trailers that come out for it. Because.. I’m a HUGE Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye [...]

It’s not everyday that you see a Cadillac Escalde rolling down the street in Korea. Sure, there are all types of imports here for sale, and people do buy them, but there is much less incentive to purchase an imported car versus a Korean car, and it shows. The majority of vehicles on the streets [...]

Even on days when we expect little to happen, something interesting ALWAYS seems to happen in Korea. Take today for instance. I spent the better part of the afternoon home editing the Top 5 Fridday video. After all it was Friday and we upload a new video every week. On days like today, I work [...]

Today started off pretty darn good: The weather was near perfect and my bus to Seoul was waiting for me! I had a fun day planned hanging out with by buddy Jesse, and then returning to Suwon to spend the evening with Steph. It’s so nice to get out of the house on a day [...]

Do you need some good romance in your life? Some good tug at your heart strings cry your eyes out romance? Then this one could be the drama you need right now, though it’s not quite at the cry your eyes out phase yet. It is however an every emotionally plugged story. A while back [...]

It isn’t everyday that we get to hang out with fans mostly because our hectic schedules don’t allow it. Today was an exception. We were contacted several times by a man named Jeff who’s a big fan of Hallyu Back. Because his visit to Korea coincided with a day off that I had, I agreed [...]

Gotta be honest, this day started off just like any other, but how it ended up could have never been predicted. We were invited into Seoul by an old friend of ours who is now a Korean movie producer to visit and check out an American TV show that is being filmed in Seoul at [...]

Korea is remaking the Japanese manga turned anime turned Japanese drama Nodame Cantabile and I’m super excited about it!!! ..if you haven’t guessed already. ☺ I’ve talked about this already in Top 5 Fridays, but I wanted to make a video all about my thoughts on it coming out October 13th on KBS2. This drama [...]

We never realized until recently how fascinating some of the regular aspects of life in Korea could be for others. Take how people move in and out of their homes here. Where we are from, we call a moving van (usually), put everything in it and drive it to another location. They have moving vans [...]

You Who Came From The Stars is considered one of the most popular Korean dramas these days. I wish I could just go back and watch the whole thing all over again! But, as a busy girl I just don’t have the time. As it is I can barely keep up with watching new dramas. [...]

Today was the day we had to bring Maki to the vet to get some bloodwork done. We didn’t WANT to bring her there, but we have an obligation to make sure she is healthy and happy. We have two carriers for her: One that we originally got when we brought her home, and another [...]

Date night! We headed to the south side of the Han River in the heart of Seoul where Eland Cruise has their famous riverboats! Eland River Cruise invited us as guests to experience their wonderful buffet cruise if we were willing to vlog our experience. Seemed like a more than reasonable exchange to us, so [...]

After dropping Steph off, I drove by the barber shop on my way home home. Nobody was in there so I knew it would be a great time to get my haircut and restyled. The camera caught almost the full process of getting a haircut in Korea, which in all honesty ain’t that much different [...]

WOOHOOOOO for Japanese dramas! I’m psyched that a Japanese drama has caught the attention of us drama lovers, because lord knows Korean dramas are dominating the scenes right now. This drama stars Gackt and Kuroki Meisa. If you don’t know who these two are, then you haven’t done your Japanese drama homework. Anyone who loves [...]

A very special day in the Hallyu Back household for two reasons: 1) Maki’s birthday is today! She was born exactly one year ago today. 2) Steph’s mom passed away on this day in 2008. September has always been the most difficult month for her. It was a very weird day last Nov. when we [...]

My Lovely Girl is the newest ‘it’ drama to grace the Korean drama scene. It’s also the return of Rain to the Kdrama world after 4 years of absence. I have to say, that one of my favorite aspects of this drama so far is just getting to see Rain interact on the screen and [...]

This had to be one of the coolest experiences I’ve had in the five plus years I’ve been living in Korea. First off, it’s not very often that I’m able to get all dressed up and go on a fancy date. We tend to do a lot more low key dinners and nights out since [...]

Got an EARLY start today. David heading to the airport for a flight to Beijing so I gave him a ride. It was great having him visit and I was sad to see him go. It’s always great to show people Korea from our perspective. I’m so thankful to have been able to hang out [...]

The day started off by giving Steph a lift to Suwon Station so she wouldn’t have to walk a take a cab. She had been invited to a Kpop Concert/Fashion Show in Seoul, and our friend David who was visiting Korea from Costa Rica had a wedding to attend. Me? I was home catching up [...]

Fall In Love With Me is a new 2014 Taiwanese Drama that I haven’t seen yet but would really like to! Unfortunately I’m just too busy with thesis classes and meetings at the moment.. so, I did the next best thing: I did a bit of research and checked out what some of the kissing [...]

After seeing Steph and saying goodbye, David and I headed across Korea by car to the northeast portion of the country. We woke up by the beach, grabbed a quick lunch, and drove to Soraksan, the most famous national park in all of South Korea. We hiked all the way to the top for some [...]

Talk about a murder mystery romance Korean drama all rolled into one! This drama stars Yoo In Ah who I most recently saw as a second lead actress in You Who Came From The Stars. Jin Yi Han also stars in it and who, after Ha Ji Won, was my favorite actor in Empress Ki. [...]

Recently we have been pleasantly graced by one of Richard’s good friends David from Costa Rica. He arrived to our home yesterday and this was his very first full day in Korea! Richard had the day off and decided to take him on the very best one day tour he could imagine. I’m jelly I [...]

Chuseok is the biggest holiday in Korea. On the last day of Chuseok this year September 9th, 2014 a friend of ours David arrived to visit Korea from Costa Rica. This was his first visit to Korea EVER! We were pretty excited. We also got together with our friends Ye Seul and Taek and vlogged [...]

You know how they say try everything once before you pass judgment on it? I, for the most part hold onto that viewpoint. In Korea I’ve definitely had some experiences and tried things that I probably never would have otherwise. For example, Live Octopus (Sang-Nak-Ji). This video was supposed to be about which restaurant to [...]

Hey guyz! So last week over the Chuseok holiday I had some time to catch up on some Korean dramas I’ve really wanted to see, and one of the first of these that I just had to watch was Night Watchman’s Journal. I’d be watching it right now as I write this blog but I’m [...]

I’ve a big It’s Okay That’s Love fan! I love it when Korean drama actors and actresses have chemistry, and I almost cannot remember the last time two lead roles opposite each other had more of it together. Jo In Sung and Gong Hyo Jin together are the cherry on top of the deluxe primo [...]

One of those dramas that I knew wouldn’t be at the top but would definitely be on my must watch list is Discovery of Romance. Truthfully more than anything, the reason for that is that it’s a Sung Joon drama, and I’m a huge Sung Joon fan. While that’s not to discredit the other actors [...]

Hey everyone! Richard here. Way back in 2008 I started working at Kyung Hee University. In my first semester teaching I barely knew what was going on. It took me some time to get my footing being a lecturer, but I eventually caught on. Back during that very first semester, I wasn’t really focused on [...]

Kim Hyun Joong recently made a statement with police that he did in fact admit to having a physical altercation with his girlfriend. This is the same Kim Hyun Joong that I have admire for years now! The same Kim Hyung Joong that’s a member of SS501. And yes, the same Kim Hyun Joong that [...]

Fated to Love You is OVER!! I’m sad pandas. This is probably the most nerve-racking drama of the year to me, because I really really wanted it to be good. I was scared it wasn’t gonna be, and overall I was totally blown away and impressed. To me, this is one of the best [...]

After 4 long years of not watching this drama I’ve finally done it.. I’ve watched Lee Min Ho’s controversial drama. And all in all, it’s not that controversial, nor really that amazing of a drama. This isn’t to say that it’s bad. It really has plenty of aspects to make it super impressive and swoon [...]

It’s been WAY TOOOOOOOOOO LONG since I’ve done a LIVE CHAT #dramatalk with you guyz!! I’ve been wanting to do them, but I’ve just been way to busy with school, and then I was home visiting family in the US. I’m back in Korea, settled for the most part, and I’m ready to chat with [...]

You guyz, I have a confession to make… I’m getting OLD!!!! Argh! It kills me to say it, but I can look back and see how as I get older my tastes are changing and this sadly affects my drama watching choices. I remember 8 years or so ago when I first started watching dramas, [...]

Anyone interested in finding out how much fruits and vegetables cost at a local market in Korea? Well you’re in luck! The other day after looking into my refrigerator and seeing it was empty, we decided to go to the local market and bring the camera along. A little back story on this place. We’ve [...]

Can you say Jung Young Hwa!!!?! I’ve been waiting for this guy to come out with a new drama and blow it up to super-stardom! I’ve always been a fan of his music with his band CN Blue. He was in You’re Beautiful, Heartstrings, Playful Kiss, and……. that’s all I can think of off the [...]

I feel almost like this is turning into the week of the mermaid. Okay maybe that’s a little bit over the top to say, but not only have I just started watching the Korean drama The Mermaid or Surplus Princess, but I also literally watched The Little Mermaid.. twice with my adorable little nephew. In [...]

This very popular Korean drama of the summer has been getting a lot of attention. This is because, mainly, the original Taiwanese version was such a hit! Those of us who were fans of the original were worried admittedly a bit worried whether this version would live up to it or not. Well it has. [...]

I never thought I would actually live to see the day this drama was made. My Pig Lady ended up doing what a lot of Taiwanese dramas have done in the past: Get stuck in drama limbo for years. It’s something that’s so prevalent in Asian dramas that in some cases, they’ve actually made dramas [...]

With as many great dramas that I watch on a regular basis, I occasionally miss one or forget about it until after it is done airing. Such is the case with this drama. It stars Lee Hong Ki and Yang Jin Sung. Personally, I’ve never seen any of Yang Jin Sung’s past work, and I [...]

One of the dramas that has totally thrown my drama radar for a loop this summer is Marriage Not Dating. In all seriousness, I never really thought it would be a very good drama particularly because the preview was kinda cheesy and I didn’t know the actors all that well. But OH HOW I WAS [...]

I’m really excited about this drama and I’ve only seen the first two episodes! There are a good number of reasons for this, but simply put, I think that this is going to be a great example of how good actors and writers can tackle a difficult subject and not only make it entertaining but [...]

This summer I had the opportunity of visiting with a long time friend that I originally met in Korea. Tonita is one of those rare souls you meet when you live abroad who comes into your life, makes a huge impact, and disappears all too quickly. In her case, she left because of what she [...]

Marriage Not Dating is one of the new weekend dramas that’s being aired on TvN. It’s a total contractual relationship story about a guy who’s a plastic surgeon who’s family wants him to get married but he doesn’t want to and a woman who wants to retaliate against her flaky ex….. who just so happens [...]

OMGOSH YOU GUYZ our trip around the US started off with a bang in New York City! First and foremost I got to meet some of you at the meetup!! YAYAY!!!!!! For those of you who were able to make it and say hi, HUGE SHOUT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! You have my utmost love, respect and appreciation. [...]

This new Korean drama is Lee Jun KI’s baby, and I’m a big fan of his! He’s been doing one drama every year since he got out of the military, his first being Arang and the Magistrate in 2012 followed by Two Weeks in 2013. Personally I’m excited for this one, because it’s Lee Jun [...]

Lee Jung Suk is still a relatively new face in Kdrama land, and one of my picks for most smexy hot young actors that may very well take the drama world by storm when many of the others head into the military. You could say you heard it here first! As one of the best [...]

This drama looks intriguing! From when this was first introduced until now, I feel like the popularlity of it has grown. I feel like I’m watching two really good, young actors transition to adult. Ji Hyun Woo just got back from the military, and so this role is pretty important. In the eyes of Korea, [...]

A new drama that came out this June, it already has a couple of episodes out! Honestly you guyz, I saw like the first 3. My first impression? Although it fits a certain genre and age group quite well, and I’m sure some of you will DEFINITELY like it, I’m personally not really that impressed. [...]

This drama took me years to come around to watching.. literally. This is a 2010 drama so technically I’ve wanted to watch this one for the past 4 years!! That’s a long time to wait for a drama, but as I’d heard it was the Joseon F4, I knew that it would be worth a [...]

Growing up in the USA, service meant a company or individual that you were paying to help provide you with some necessary thing that you couldn’t exactly do on your own. Examples of this might be internet/wireless service, telephone service, customer service and restaurant service. This sort of thing also exists in Korea, don’t get [...]

If you’ve been following HallyuBack and our videos for a while, you probably know by now that I not only like Korean dramas but I also adore Taiwanese dramas. The only problem is that it’s almost as if the best ones come out few and far in between. ☹ But when they do, they’re epic! [...]

Hey everyone! Richard here. The other day I became overwhelmed while hanging out with my buddy Hyunwoo. He’s a brand new daddy, and invited me to his home to see and visit with his newborn son. Joon was exactly 21 days old when I was there. Whether it sounds like it or not, this was [...]

There are not many Taiwanese dramas that I love MORE that Fated To Love You. So, when I heard that it was being remade into a Korean drama not too far back, that got me pretty excited!! I’m feeling a tad bit OVERLY optimistic that this remake is gonna be a good one. However, as [...]

For Christmas this past year, two of my best Korean friends bought us a special gift: two packages of Korea’s spiciest Ramyun! It’s Buldak Bokkeum Myun (불낙 볶음면) or Buldak Bokkeum ramen. Seung Hee and Gi Yeon are the two culprits. You may recognize them from other videos we’ve done together before, including when Seung [...]

Today’s blog post and video is dedicated to Hyun Bin. Recently having been released from military service our beloved dude has not made a drama in years. Personally, I think he’s just waiting for the hype of ‘You Who Came From the Stars’ to die down a bit. Instead of a drama, he decided to [...]

If you are taking part of your summer break to come to Korea or just want to know a bit more about some of the neighborhoods to hang out in Korea, then I seriously recommend Myeongdong. It’s actually right in the heart of Seoul, and only 2 stops away from Seoul Station (on the light [...]

I admit, I waited for this video. I saw it the first day it came out. I watched it, then waited for Richard to come home from work, and that was part of our dinner conversation. For me, this video is clean humor about the reality that is the problem of overdrinking, being drunk and [...]

One of the biggest stories to come out this year a few weeks ago was a leak on the Matusmoto Jun Inoue Mao dating relationship. If you didn’t know, these two are dating. In fact, for those of us that have been following their story ever since they starred along side each other in Hana [...]

OMG you guyz! I’m gonna be on TV!!! Television in the U.S. that is. ☺ Tuesday, June 3rd 2014 at 7pm in America I’m going to be on the TV show ‘K-style’ on the channel Mnet America. How cool is that? Mnet America contacted me while my father was visiting funny enough, and asked me [...]

By now, for those of you who follow our blog probably know that I like Korean dramas. I think that’s a pretty fair statement. One thing I don’t really talk about a lot is Korean reality shows. I believe I’ve talked about ‘We’ve Got Married’ before. I’ve made references to the Sauna talk show (which [...]

Another new Korean drama that came out this month is Triangle! At least from my perspective, it seems more like a drama for guys, or a drama for girls who like to watch guys in dramas. ☺ Main attraction of this Korean drama: Siwon. His smexiness was recently in Reply 1997, and he’s also from [...]

You’re All Surrounded was one of the most anticipated dramas for spring this year! Personally, I was anticipating it so much that I talk about it in my New Korean Dramas in both April AND May. I think the biggest reason I was looking forward to it is because it has some really great stars [...]

Spring has fully May-ed its way to Korea (you see what I did there?!?!) and along with it comes the flowers, the need for yellow umbrellas and a whole new crop of dramas. While I must admit, I really loved how this year started of in Korean dramaland, they’re all finished – and though I [...]

Do you know what’s crazy? That my first So Ji Sub drama was actually Master’s Sun. HOW DID I NOT WATCH THIS SMEXY MAN OVER AND OVER IN DRAMAS BEFORE THIS? That’s insanity. Now Gong Hyo Jin on the other hand, I’ve seen her before. I like her work. I especially liked her in Pasta, [...]

There’s no way I was going to let my dad come all the way to Korea and not let him get a chance to see and explore beautiful Soraksan National Park. To describe this place properly for people who have never stepped foot in Korea, it’s the nicest National Park going here. It’s a must [...]

I feel like I should have more to say about this one to make it a legitimate blog post.. but I haven’t seen it yet! I do know the premise of the story, because I talked about it in my Top 5 New Kdramas of April. I ranked it number 7 out of the 7 [...]

If you’ve ever been to Busan, then I’m sure you know how beautiful it is there. First off, it’s a place with the most popular beaches in Korea! Also the weather is usually nice, there’s lots of great seafood restaurants, and there’s always something fun to get into. That’s why we decided to take my [...]

I’ve been living in Suwon over 5 years, and I’ve NEVER been to this palace!!! Umm.. that’s craziness, ESPECIALLY for someone like me who loves princes and princesses and fantasy and all that. And to add insult to injury, a WHOLE BUNCH of Korean dramas have been filmed here as well. But you know what [...]

Hotel King is one of the more highly anticipated dramas of 2014, and was the one that was suppose to follow up You Who Came From The Stars. It features Lee Da Hye and Lee Dong Wook reuniting for the first time on the small screen since 2005’s ‘My Girl’, which is one of the [...]

OMG FINALLY!!! I love Empress Ki. It’s the longest drama that I’ve ever seen and considering it’s one of the only historical dramas I’ve seen it’s pretty impressive! It’s actually totally getting me on a Korean history kick and I’ve been researching all about Korean history ever since. Anyways, I really wanted to talk about [...]

I’ve been going into a lot of Korean makeup stores lately and just looking around. While I haven’t always been a big fan of or user of Korean makeup, early on during my time in Korea, I succumbed to the Korean face mask. Maybe it’s because I saw it in so many dramas, including the [...]

First I have to clarify: I finished Inspiring Generation!! When I recorded this video just a few days ago I hadn’t yet seen the last episode. When you watch you’ll see what I mean right away! ☺ I had pretty low expectations going into this one, which is probably partially why I liked it so [...]

One of those dramas I thought I would watch one episode and never actually watch the rest of it, but went on to finish the ENTIRE DRAMA was I Need Romance 3. To me, it was the stigma about the name was the initial turn off. Who says that? Of course I’m sure most of [...]

Could it be possible that the Korean Drama You Who Came From The Stars was more popular in China than it actually was in Korea? It was so popular in China that it’s been viewed online some 14.5 billion times already. That’s billion with a ‘B’!!! And according to this Buzz Feed article some pretty [...]

So I tweeted the other night that I was going to finish this drama, and I haven’t gotten around to watching the last episode yet because I’ve been too tired. That being said, I’m saving it for a special occasion that will probably occurring sometime within the next 48 hours. Preferrably when I can sit [...]

We all know You Who Came From The Stars was a smash hit in Kdramaland! But whatever happened to Heirs? Of course it was the #2 fan voted Korean drama of 2013 by you guyz, but somehow it already exists in the shadow of Kim Soo Hyun and alien hype. I wonder if it had [...]

Kim Soo Hyun is SUCH A CUTIE!!! He’s also the currently the ‘IT’ guy in Korea, and maybe even in all of Asia. If you’re reading this, and you’re a fan of Korean dramas, there is virtually no way by now that you haven’t heard of this guy. He’s out of this world.. literally! Kkk [...]

Hey guyz! LIVE CHAT #10 is scheduled for Saturday March 8th 2014 at 11pm Korean time!!! I’ve been in South Korea now officially for 5 years and been doing Kdrama, Jdrama and TWdrama reviews for less than 2. Let’s celebrate and hang out together for this exciting occasion! ^^ #dramatalk! TWEET THIS LIVE CHAT! ► [...]

Ever since You Who Came From The Stars started, I’ve been getting requests to give my opinion on it. Now that it’s said and done, those requests believe it or not have actually increased. And.. well….. I’ve watched the entire drama, so I thought ‘Why not’?!? Since I’ve begun using Tumblr for Hallyu back, [...]

Hey guyz! Live from Korea LIVE CHAT #9 #dramatalk is scheduled for Sunday Feb. 23rd 2014 at 1pm Korean time!!! For this LIVE CHAT I have a special guest joining me in the Hallyu Back household: Nichola from ‘My Korean Husband’! She’s an Asian Drama fan just like me! This is gonna be so much [...]

Hey guyz! LIVE CHAT #8 is scheduled for Sunday Feb. 2nd 2014 at 1pm Korean time!!! A whole lotta new Korean Dramas in 2014 to make a fuss about! Jdramas too! Let’s hang out and CHAT about it! ^^ #dramatalk!

Happy New Year everyone! LIVE CHAT #6 is scheduled for Friday Jan. 3rd, 2014 at 11pm Korean time!!! It’s a new year with tons of potential! Let’s start it off right talking dramas and hanging out! ^^ #dramatalk!

Hey guyz! LIVE CHAT #5 is scheduled for Sunday Dec. 15th, 2013 at 2pm Korean time!!! I am so looking forward t this LIVE CHAT for no other reason than I need a break from the end of the semester onslaught of assignments due! (I actually think I’ll be finishing up papers and presentation prep [...]

What better way to combine the YouTube talent we’ve been hanging out with this week, and my love for Kdramas and Asian dramas than to make a video about it! And that’s exactly what we did! We were commissioned by YouTube to make 2 videos for our channel with all the members of our group [...]

Today on TOAD – Two Weeks with Jesse Day! Ok, so you guys have been requesting that I review Two Weeks, and as I thought about reviewing it, I saw on my Facebook feed that our friend Jesse Day was on the set of Two Weeks with Lee Jun Ki. Wait, WHAT?!?!?! I honestly was [...]

Guess who’s back? TOAD is back! After a week off for a crazy week of homework and video making other bitz and pieces, I FINALLY got around to making another TOAD! And this week’s drama that I’m reviewing is my current favorite “IT” drama, The Master’s Sun. Let’s just say I’m completely addicted to this [...]

Korea made a drama about Autism. I can’t say that I didn’t go into watching it without some serious apprehensions. As I mentioned in the video, Korea doesn’t necessarily have the best history with mental healthcare, at least not until the past few years. That they were stepping up and doing a drama where the [...]

Wow this drama is pretty unforgettable. By that I mean that I watched it about a month ago and then just prepared the TOAD review on it over the weekend. I’ll admit, it was a back-up drama to review. Frankly, things have been such a whirlwind this last leg of our trip to the US [...]

I admit I’m a sucker for pretty scenery. So, one of the reasons I checked out this drama was for of the CGI and artistic effects. And, overall this drama really did bring that to the table. The scenes of the fallen castle, the wagon chase, the cherry blossoms, etc. all really showed off [...]

OMG I think like I just walked out of Jung Yi’s fiery kiln, and by that I mean I’m hot because I spent most of the day outside in the sunshine. Hopefully I didn’t get too bad of a sunburn. While in the past year with Hallyu Back I’ve thrown Richard full blown into the [...]

This is a drama that’s all about Matsuta Shota. Not sure if they wrote this drama specifically with Shota in mind, but this one had to have a strong lead. With him in the lead, they are showcasing his acting front and center. And why wouldn’t they? He is sort of like the Lee Seung [...]

I actually heard about this drama first on MDL. Lots of folks on there were saying how good it was, though there wasn’t as much hype about it in comparison to other dramas that were coming out like Shark. I did, though, immediately think of the ‘Cruel Summer’ 3Some when I first read the title [...]

Serial Killers in Korea? Not only has it actually happened, but a lot of dramas and movies in Korea have actually been based on actual cases that have tackled the topic. One of the most famous of these is called Itaewon Homicide and stars Jang Geun Seok. This is not to say that murders are [...]

Ever have a relationship problem? Who hasn’t??? We’ve all been there. This Japanese drama is that particular slice of life that doesn’t necessarily taste so sweet. One reason why this drama may not be so popular is because people watching don’t necessarily want to face reality in their lives. This one is attempting to show [...]

Itazura na Kiss or It Started With a Kiss has always been one of my favorite stories to come out in the live action drama world. Back when I was first starting to watch dramas and basing my choices off of Mangas I watched both the original Japanese version and then the Taiwanese version with [...]

For those of you have been following, you probably know by now that’s I’m also a fan of anime and manga. However, because I’m so wrapped up in dramas with Hallyu Back (and have had WAY too much homework recently), I don’t get to shower myself as much with anime anymore. Sad but true. So, [...]

I must say, going into watching this drama I was pretty excited. I’m actually a big Yoon Sang Hyun fan. He really got my attention back in 2008 with Three Dad’s One Mom, then Take Care of the Young Lady and Secret Garden. So when I heard he was going to be in a drama [...]

TVN’s Flower Boy series have been really popular so far, and generally speaking have been hits. So, it’s not a surprise to me that Cyrano Dating Agency is good. I kind of expect that. I am also pleasantly surprised that while it’s still completely fictitious, it’s over the to in a fun way that I [...]

Somewhere back in April I heard about a new School drama coming out. I had to wait a whole two months to actually see the show, but I’m really seeing the potential for the new Korean drama Monstar to be a hit. I think one of the big draws for me is relatively new and [...]

This Fabulously Glamorous 3SOME would not be the same without this week’s TOAD – Fabulous Boys! Heck, I already had a girl who dressed down to be a guy in Nail Shop Paris and a Old Cinderella dressing up to hook up with a young man in Last Cinderella – why not add a nun [...]

There’s something about a Cinderella story. Whether you’re 5 or 55, and if you believe in the fairytale romance or you abhor everything it stands for there’s still something very gripping about it all. A new Japanese drama that started in April but is still being released, it’s one I completely almost overlooked in my [...]

It’s official! Classes in Korea have started to wrap up for the semester. I only have 3 more Syntax classes ever! You have no idea how exciting that is – that class is a beast! In order to keep motivated and ready to attack the next batch of homework, I’ve started a drama rewards system [...]

What would you do if you only had 6 months to live? Would you go after that coworker that you’ve always connected with – but could never really work up the courage to make a move? Would you take a trip to the Himalayas? Say exactly what you’ve always wanted to say on camera with [...]

Gu Family Book was one the dramas that I was anticipating the most this spring, and I know it wasn’t just me. There’s always a lot of saeguk’s coming out of Korea – and frankly, I didn’t watch them for a long time. What has always fascinated me about Korea is modern Korea – the [...]

Colorful Hanbok – this drama is full of them! It’s not like any other Korean historical drama I have ever seen for this point alone. They took a traditional story, flipped it on its head, made a villain into a heroin, and incorporated a whole fashion-oriented theme into a mostly make believe story. Essentially they [...]

The Incarnation of Money is a drama that took me a long time to come around to watching. I did list it in my top dramas of February 2013 countdown video, but having not seen the main actor or actress in a drama before; I wasn’t really excited to start it. Besides, there were plenty [...]

When trying to decide what business dramas to choose for my second part of the Smexy Professionals 3Some, I had a lot of choices and then I saw that this drama had just been released. When a Man Loves a Woman is such a catchy title – I immediately start singing in my head “When [...]

When I first heard of Queen of SOP it was through a comment on my Top 5 Taiwanese Dramas of 2012. My initial reaction was “Wait a minute, what?!?!” I couldn’t believe that I had missed out on what people were calling the greatest Tw Drama of the year. Unfortunately, looking at the list of [...]

I was actually really nervous about reviewing this drama. It tends to be one that you either love or you hate – and there is very little middle ground. I wouldn’t say that I hate it, in fact I have some very solid memories that arise when I think of this drama. When I first [...]

Hana Yori Dango is the first of the F4 Flower Boy series dramas that I personally saw. It was also a drama that fully helped endear me to Japanese dramas in general. I actually found out about this drama through Matsumoto Jun. When I first started my life as a drama enthusiast watching Gokusen. It’s [...]

It took me a long time to watch Meteor Garden. In fact creating this 3Some was one of my main excuses to finally turn back the clock, do my Asian drama homework, and watch it. And when I did, I was pleasantly surprised by how good it is for just how old of a drama [...]

I have to admit I wasn’t super pumped to watch and review this drama because I’m just not into action dramas. Don’t get me wrong, I like James Bond. Saturdays when I was a young girl I would see them on the TV with my father. It wasn’t that I liked watching them all that [...]

Another Flower Boy Korean drama, YAY!!! I was excited when I decided to review this one because, generally speaking, I like the flower boy series. I loved Shut Up Flower Boy Band and figured this one couldn’t be too different. I hate to say it but I was wrong. Dead wrong. This episode 1 set [...]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTMrsT8kdbY&w=600 This has got to be one of my most long awaited dramas and finally it’s here! This drama is one that has since taken the drama world by storm. I’ll write more later but here’s a start.

TOAD is getting revamped! I’ve been watching Asian Dramas since 2005 as an avid fan of Japanese, Taiwanese and Korean Dramas. I combined this with my then boyfriend’s passion for video journalism and On May 22, 2012 with my review of the Taiwanese drama Absolute Boyfriend (starring Jiro Wang), I started TOAD. TOAD is short [...]

This one is an older drama, but quite possibly THE BEST melodrama I may have ever seen. I think one of the things that really makes this one stand out above and beyond others is that it’s a true story. So often in drama land things are completely fictitious and unrealistic. The situations and dialogues [...]

Wow when this drama first came out, I had no idea of the controversy that would follow it. A take on Alice in Wonderland our Alice played by the quirky indie princess Moon Geun Young is a girl who’s worked hard her whole life to get nowhere but further into debt. After being left by [...]

Oguri Shun makes his long awaited comeback after taking some time off and getting married with the Japanese Drama Rich Man, Poor Woman. I love this guy and I think I have yet to see him act horribly in a drama. It was a bit depressing finding out that he got married. But, at the [...]

I find sometimes when I’m a bit unsure about a drama, or I really want to see a drama and know that when it comes out I’ll be in the mood for a marathon I want to wait until the entire drama is out to watch it. For me this was the case with Rooftop [...]

Devil Beside You may just be one of my favorite dramas of all time despite it being from 2005. I believe I saw it during my initial months of drama watching back when I was in university and I had just discovered dramas. To say that I was hooked is an understatement. I love this [...]

Do you ever get temped by the big giant red button? You’ve seen that clear caution/warning sign that says don’t enter, but you want to anyways. Sometimes in human nature makes us just go after that one thing that we end up realizing we love to hate. That was this drama for me. Full House [...]

Missing You is probably the best Korean drama of 2013 that somehow fell short in the end for me. It started off to such a strong start in a way that was almost a brutal train wreck in just how intense a story it was. I’ve seen quite a few makjangs in my day, Korean [...]

Priceless was perhaps the best Japanese drama of 2012, and it was family friendly! I’ll be honest, I haven’t finished this one yet but it’s not because I didn’t like it. Since I made this TOAD, there have just been too many good dramas and I’ve been too short on time. I’m totally with the [...]

Let the record show: I love me some Asian drama kissing scenes! But, if you ask me, between Korean and Taiwanese kisses, Korean kissing scenes are no match for kisses in Taiwanese dramas.. most of them anyways. I made this original ‘Reaction to..’ video with very low expectations. (I am writing this now MUCH later [...]

OMG shoes! This drama killed me because there were so many gorgeous shoes. In South Korea, like many places shoes are a symbol of status. In some ways I think that shoes are perhaps even more important here than they were growing up back in the US. Good looking high heels are an everyday must [...]

This drama made me smile. I don’t know what I love more – that there was a 1970’s time period or that it starred Jang Geun Seok as 2 different characters. Combine these two with finally realizing the true importance of yellow umbrellas in Korean romantic dramas and this drama to me will always be [...]

I was so excited when I heard they were finally making a drama of the popular girl’s manga Skip Beat. I myself am a fan, having read parts of the story in the Shojo Beat magazines that I bought in college. But I’d never really read the whole story. I think this added to the [...]

This may be one of the most controversial movies disguised as a completely innocent romantic comedy that I have ever seen. The whole movie is about a girl who has a beautiful voice but can never be a star because she weighs too much. To make ends meet she is the voice behind the curtain [...]

I love Jang Geun Seok as an actor. His roles are sometimes controversial, but always have some sort of refined edge that shows this guy can act. Lately he’s been doing a lot of “indie” style roles (ex. Mary Stayed Out All Night). He’s got this talent when it comes to taking fluff and making [...]

When I first found out that Taiwan was coming out with a version of Absolute Boyfriend I was stoked! I’d spent a lot of my free (non drama watching) time reading Shojo Beat, and this was always one of my favorites. (following my all time favorite Honey and Clover!) When Japan made a version of [...]