Cat at the Ocean – Territory – Acrylic on Canvas
October 2019, 36×48 inches / 91×122 cm
I have a cat who loves water. Everyday he demands to splash in the sink, and for 3 years I’ve rarely had a shower in peace without him either jumping in to run around my ankles or trying to lick water off of me when I’m not paying attention. The one thing I still have not done is introduce him to the ocean. Be it time, or the fact that a lot of beaches nearby don’t allow pets, I have talked about taking him for years but am all talk. I wonder how he would act and react. Knowing cat tendencies it will probably be rather anticlimactic as it probably would just appear as a giant litter box. But I live for little moments like when I see his grumpy little face light up in excitement or his long tail curl up in happiness. I love that with our move it has given both of our cats more freedom and territory, but I still worry about him getting out and not coming back. I suppose I still see him so much as something I need to protect and not a companion who could actually take care of himself – which he’s somewhat proven.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: stephanieishler [at] gmail [dot] com ^^
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