It’s difficult being an entertainer in Korea. Their contracts are known to be so long and extreme that in some cases they’re called slave contracts. Many idols are on crazy diets, they work long hours, and sometimes though not always it’s for little to no pay (charity concerts, etc.) While there are some people out [...]

I recently started watching the new Korean Drama ‘High Society’ because I like UEE and I love Sung Joon. I’m about 4 episodes in now, and I absolutely love it!! Sung Joon and UEE have great chemistry, UEE’s character is completely likable, you want to believe that Sung Joon’s character isn’t evil, and the second [...]

Summer is in full swing and many new exciting Korean dramas are coming out next month to keep things rolling! It looks like there are going to be two big types of dramas that they’re focusing on in July – the inspiring drama and the fantasy drama. With Seoul currently dealing with a lot [...]

Hey Lovelies! I’ve long been meaning to make a video like this, because though I may rock short hair, I still love to dress up and look nice. Moving to a new country meant purging most of my wardrobe and I’m excited to put it back together piece by piece. This video is some of [...]

Who Are You – School 2015 just finished airing! And it seems it was quite popular amongst some hard core Korean drama watchers. This is exciting to me because Kim So Hyun is such a great actress, and this series has been known to propel talented young actors into mainstream adult roles. It’s also [...]

When talking about mixed race in Korea, I think the most important thing to keep in mind is Koreans’ view on race and nationality in general. To most people in South Korea, you’re either Korean, or you’re foreign. While there are different classes of foreigners in Korea, people generally aren’t so concerned about mixed ethnicity. [...]

It’s hard to believe we are already in mid June of a new year, but must admit this is one of the easier Top 5 Fridays I have made in awhile. Gotta say, this list wouldn’t be NEARLY as good if it wasn’t for you guys. Thanks to your recommendations, I checked out some [...]

For the past several years I’ve done this thing where partway through the year I make a list of Korean dramas that I think they should make the next one. Reading as many plot summaries and watching as many dramas I find that coming up with my own prose is not only entertaining but it [...]

I love summer! We’ve just had a couple of days of low temperatures but it’s starting to turn around, the sun is shining and romance is in the air! I can’t believe that we’ve already had half of the year pass by, and I’m now starting to look ahead for new dramas coming out in [...]

Ex Girlfriend’s Club is a TvN weekend drama airing on Friday and Saturday evenings. At the time I made this reaction there have been 5 episodes released and I’ve watched every one of them. Having just somewhat recently finished Angry Mom, I was certainly feeling a romantic comedy – and of all people, Richard my [...]

I can’t believe that June is less than 2 weeks away! With this marks almost 4 months of being in the USA and the fact I’m going to turn another year older. But more importantly to you guys and really for HallyuBack too, is that there are some really cool new Kdramas to keep us [...]

Sensory Couple or The Girl Who Sees Smells is a kdrama starring Micky Yoo Chun and Shin Se Kyung that came out in April. Now that it’s May this means that there has been plenty of time for us to enjoy the ongoing story and chemistry, but more importantly that there have been kissing scenes! [...]

Mask is a new melodrama suspense story that’s coming out following The Girl Who Sees Smells. There’s not a whole lot of information on this one yet, in part because the actors are not A-list celebrities. This doesn’t mean they are not talented! I have seen some of them be my favorite supporting actors in [...]

Bang Sung Joon is back in a leading role!!!! My sweetie of the Kdrama scene, one of the hardest working men in Korean show business (in my humble opinion) is BAAAAACCCCCK! I’m excited for this one! A lot of Sung Joon dramas have flown below the radar when he has a leading role, but UEE [...]

If there’s one thing that I’m pretty sure of in Kdramaland it’s that there are a lot of Minho’s out there! If you’ve been watching our videos for a while then you know that I’m not the world’s biggest Lee Min Ho fan. That being said, I haven’t heard about him doing any kdramas since [...]

This year is the first Mother’s Day I’ve spent the U.S. since 2008. I realized this just as I sat down to write this. THAT IS SO CRAZY!!!! Richard’s father (Papa Luke!) had an idea for me to paint something for his wife this Mother’s Day. Initially he had no idea what he wanted but [...]

Angry Mom is a Kdrama that TOTALLY surprised me! If you haven’t already started watching I think you should give it a shot just in time for Mother’s Day :) This drama is intense! It touches on a lot of harsh topics that make up some of the terrible things that young people in high [...]

LIVE CHAT this Saturday May 9th, 2015 at 4pm NY Time!! Giving away and announcing the winner of the Gong Hyo Jin Running Man Cap compliments of the To February online boutique. To enter to win the Running Man Cap: To win the Running Man Gong Hyo Jin Cap: 1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel [...]

After deciding to shoot this video and upload it to YouTube, we were both surprised we hadn’t actually addressed this issue before specifically. We received an email from a lady who recently moved to Korea with her family. She’s a woman who bought one of my paintings, and therefore we’ve exchanged a bunch of emails [...]

It’s been a long time coming, but yesterday at about 1:30am on the morning of May 3rd, we crossed 100,000 subscribers on our Hallyu Back channel!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S BANANAS!!!! It’s incredible to be honest, so we decided to take a moment and reflect on the journey that got us where we are today in this video [...]

Finally May is here! I gotta say, in Korea I always looked forward to April because of the cherry blossoms and warm weather but while I had to wait a month, it looks like my first May in New York is going to be off the hook! There’s a lot of reasons for that [...]

Gong Hyo Jin is without a doubt my favorite Korean actress right now. I’ve been a fan of her work for a long time, but it was only in the last couple of years (since 2013’s Master’s Sun that is) that I’ve gone from being a fan to deciding that she’s my favorite Korean actress. [...]

A Korean drama that I started just watching on a whim, this one is blowing me away. Like seriously, I’m absolutely shocked and I can’t stop watching. I even just said to Richard that we need to watch this one because he may actually like it – it is nothing like any other Korean drama [...]

The Korean Drama school series has been going on since 1999! Talk about a hit series!! It must be pretty good if they keep going back to it, right? I guess I’m not surprised, high school dramas are what got me into Asian dramas in the first place, and I’m sure I’m not alone. This [...]

I had the very fun and unique opportunity to hang out with Richard’s mother and learn how to bake authentic Italian Sicilian bread! Woke up early in the morning and was picked up by my mother in law to drive way out into the countryside of New York State and take this Sicilian stuffed bread [...]

Descendants of the Sun is a new Kdrama that will be coming out later this year, most likely in fall. While that’s a long time to wait, I’m already getting excited about it because of the leading actors and the unusual plot line. If you follow my videos or Korean dramas and music, you probably [...]

Korea will always be a big part of our lives. Now that we’ve been living away from Korea for about 2 months, what we loved about living there and the country itself is becoming more clear now that we don’t have it. What they say about not missing something until it’s gone rings true to [...]

SPRINGTIME IS FINALLY HERE!!!! I’m so excited for the warm weather, and this winter seemed extra brutal with all the snow that took forever to melt. I had the amazing opportunity to test ride a bicycle yesterday when Richard picked up his mountain bike from the shop. We brought our new GoPro 4 camera and [...]

One of the most recognizable and economic ways to feed yourself in Korea is with Ramen! It’s relatively popular with locals as well as people who view Korea from afar. And not only is the selection of ramen wide and varied, there are also so many ways you can prepare it! The footage from this [...]

Lee Jun Ki has already been cast as a #smexy Vampire Scholar in this new 2015 Korean Drama set to come out in July! I’m so stoked about this casting choice that I had to make a video and share the wonderful news with you guyz!! Lots of us die hard Asian Drama fans like [...]

Hey everyone! LIVE CHAT #dramatalk scheduled for Saturday April 11th, 2015 at 4pm New York Time!! MY FIRST EVER LIVE CHAT FROM AMERICA!!!! So excited for this! If you have not entered, see how to in the description box of this video. I’m also announcing the winner of the Boys Over Flowers Kissing Star Necklace [...]

Had the chance to watch the first episode of Girl Who Sees Smells and I’M SO GLAD I DID!!!! Anything that Micky Yoochun stars in I will at least watch the first few episodes, so inevitably this was on my list. And although detective dramas aren’t really my thing, I’m liking what I see so [...]

What would you do if you only had a month to live? Would you use it to take revenge? I recently just started watching the new Kdrama Fall in Love with Soon Jung and I gotta say I’m pretty pleased with this intense drama. It has a really strong first episode that’s exciting, sad, frustrating, [...]

I haven’t done a video about Rich Guy, Poor Girl dramas in the longest. I think the last time I did was THIS video where I made a countdown of my top 20 Kdramas of all time. With such hugely popular dramas as Boys Over Flowers, Coffee Prince, Full House and Secret Garden it’s [...]

We are just beginning to settle into our new home in America. It’s been a little over a month now, and while we are loving it for the most part, we haven’t discovered much of what the area has to offer. That’s why today for dinner we jumped onto Yelp and looked for something tasty [...]

One of my favorite videos to make throughout the year is always the kissing Top 5! There are plenty of reasons that I like the kissing videos: I get to go completely without a script and improv, I get to screen through a lot of kissing videos and in turn find some dramas I’ve missed [...]

The Korean drama world was rocked the other day when official news broke that Lee Min Ho and Suzy began dating. Many of you took to Snap Chat to ask me reaction. It is a bit of a shock, and honestly I’m stoked for them. I’m not really that interested in what Lee Min Ho [...]

How do decide exactly which route our lives should take? How do we decide which decisions are best for our life? How do we come to the conclusion that the best decision for a life change is moving to another country? This decision has been placed in front of us and made….. TWICE! Deciding to [...]

April looks like it’s going to be a fantastic month for Kdramas. I feel like I say that every month, but this month takes the cake.. literally….. ‘Let’s Eat’ cake. :) Let’s Eat for instance was one of my favorite surprise Korean Dramas because I didn’t really know the actors and actresses in the [...]

Are you a fan of the Korean Drama Reply Series? There’s a new Kdrama set to be released that I’m super excited about: Reply 1988!! Who would have thunk it? I remember when Repy 1997 came out and I thought it was gonna be a one hit wonder. Now we’re on the third installment, and [...]

Ji Chang Wook is a phenomenal actor. A talented man, but due to his lack of idol status hasn’t had as much international fame as many other talented actor/musicians out there. In fact, when I saw him in Empress Ki last year I wasn’t really aware of who he was, despite having seen him [...]

It’s pretty clear by now that Kpop has won over a particular fan base in Asia. It’s popular enough that just mentioning the word ‘Kpop’ or ‘Korean Drama’ to people in Asian countries is enough to provoke some sort of positive response. As well, Kpop has pockets of fans around the world. But, it has [...]

It’s March, the season of changes where in North America we go from cold and brutal winter to a soft spring (or I hope so anyways!) With this in mind, it’s about time for an all-star studded drama that doesn’t involve psychological diseases or people with multiple personalities either by choice or tragic circumstances! Seriously [...]

Ideals. Stereotypes. Expectations. Somehow these are all tied together, and yet should any of these actually exist? Deep down I think that it could be one of the reasons we have so many problems in this world. People try to conform to the world according to what they think the world wants, and they are [...]

For those of you who might be new to the HallyuBack community, we’ve recently moved back the the US after living for 7 years in South Korea. And.. yesterday was our first trip to the supermarket since we’ve been back! Goodness knows, I’ve needed to put some food into our new refrigerator and we all [...]

Let’s be honest: Pizza has to be one of the foods we missed most while living in Korea. And what’s crazy is that Korea has an AMAZING pizza selection when you really get down to it. Pizza has invaded Korea aa much as any foreign food has by now, and pizza shops are everywhere. Koreans [...]

WELCOME TO OUR NEW HOME! So many of you requested a house tour, and when we asked whether you wanted one before we finished painting and moving furniture or after, a ton of you indicated you wanted both ‘BEFORE’ and ‘AFTER’ house tour videos.. so how could we resist? ^^ This house is located in [...]

I’ve seen No Min Woo in so many different types of roles and characters, from musicians to supernatural to spoiled horny rich boy, that he’s proven himself to be able to play all types of characters. So, ever chance I get to see No Min Woo star in a drama I usually check it out! [...]

The Korean Drama world was rocked recently with news of a kiss unlike any other ever before seen on Korean Television: Two female characters kissed for the first time!! The kissing scene happened in Seonam Girls High School Investigators, a high school drama. The drama itself is supposed to be talking about issues that occur [...]

There’s no place like home! Cannot express how excited I was to hit the road and travel back to where I grew up to visit with my family. We were invited by my sister and her husband to stay with them over the weekend. This meant I would also be staying with my nephew Silas [...]

Today’s Top 5 Friday is a little bit longer than our typical top 5’s with 6 new dramas coming out! Not that I’m complaining, more dramas equal more opportunities to find the right show to relax with and enjoy in the midst of the hubbub that is life. And that list didn’t even include web [...]

WE FINALLY HAVE INTERNET AT OUR NEW HOUSE!! It’s amazing how having fast internet can can someone so happy, but I guess the future is now haha. We must admit, having a slow internet connection since being back in NY and staying with my in-laws has slowed us down a bit. I did film a [...]

These days we’ve been getting lots of questions from you guyz about how Koreans view your ethnicity. Maybe more than 20 of you asked us about this on a single LIKE IT video we did recently, and that wasn’t the first time. We’ve been getting this question for awhile now. And, this is NOT an [...]

One of the things that keeps me coming back to Korean dramas again and again is that the chemistry is hit or miss. I know that may seem like a strange answer, but because they don’t all have great chemistry, the dramas where they have it really stand out memorably. Like anything in life, sometimes [...]

WHAT A DAY I WILL NEVER FORGET!! This has to be one of the biggest accomplishments of my life! I missed my undergraduate graduation ceremony because I came to Korea early. So this day was even more special. Being able to wear the cap and gown and be part of the action on campus was [...]

Splendid Politics is not the typical Korean Drama I would consider myself interested in. In fact, politics is not something I’m interested in. You could even go so far to say that I avoid politics completely by immersing myself in dramas! But this drama stars Cha Seung Won and I’m a big fan! He’s super [...]

Being the Asian drama junkie that I am, I’m ALWAYS on the lookout for what could be the next big break out drama from either Korea, Japan or Taiwan. Kim Soo Hyun starred in probably the biggest Korean Drama of 2014, and so eyes are on him to see what he’ll do next. He did [...]

We’ve been asked this question a lot. For so many people who live outside Korea and have never been here, this country can be a little bit hard to understand at first. Because so many people live in Seoul, the price of housing has become quite expensive. They are still building new houses and high [...]

There may not be a young Korean actor with overwhelming game that is more deserving of it than Kim Soo Hyun. Practically every movie or drama that he has ever made has become a total hit. There is something also to be said that each of his dramas improves in quality and popularity and showing [...]

Super excited to hang out, talk some dramas and announce the winners on the HallyuBack #dramatalk T-shirts! I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I’m also a bit sad that this is my LAST LIVE CHAT!! SO.. Let’s hang out together one last time in Korean and make it a memorable LIVE CHAT! ^^ [...]

A recently published article in the New York Times provided some very interesting information about the adoption program in Korea and shed some light on the stories of a few individuals that have been adopted. It stated that more Korean adoptees are returning to Korea than ever before. There are many reasons for this, and [...]

It was discovered recently that Jang Geun Suk made a small error in paying his taxes, and hadn’t paid them properly. Once it was discovered and he was notified, he paid the debt pretty much immediately. Although this was more or less an oversight, there was still public pressure to step down on on his [...]

We LOVE answering your questions in our LIKE IT videos! One question we get in various forms often is about visiting Korea. Many of you want to know where you should stay, when to come, what to do.. but most importantly: CAN YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO SEE FAMOUS PEOPLE??! Of course that’s really what [...]

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe that February is already pretty much here! It’s going to be a pretty busy month in the HallyuBack house, and so any chance I get to get away and watch a drama or two is a welcome bit of relaxation! Because it’s a shorter month, you may think [...]

The other day while we were eating the PENIS FISH, we were invited by Natalia to hang out with her and her brother in Lotte World in Seoul where they have a magic show! Considering it’s our last hoo-rah in Korea, we absolutely could not pass up this opportunity! You guys, if you have not [...]

Another young adult has arrived to the 2015 Korean Drama scene, and I’m SUPER PSYCHED about it!! This is a TVN Korean drama that is coming out February 9th and it stars Uee, Chae Woo Sik and one of the members of 2AM. Though not a lot of information has been released, what I can [...]

A lot of Korean food is spicy, but not all. Korean foods that are spicy though, are usually VERY spicy. There are also a lot of non-spicy foods out there, too. If you do your research they are easy to discover. I’m not going to make a long list of spicy and no-spicy Korean dishes [...]

Yesterday was SO MUCH FUN!!!! Had the chance to go to Seoul and hang out with Megan in the brand new YouTube Space CJ E&M has set up for member YouTubers in Seoul! SO COOL you guyz!! Collabing is already fun, and getting to hang out in a professional studio built for YouTubers is amazing! [...]

Today was quite the unusual day as days in Korea go! We met up with our friend Margarita for dinner in Seoul and met her friend Natalia. Margarita had invited us to join her on a seafood market adventure so how could we say no?!? What ensued was nothing short of entertaining and even a [...]

It was recently reported in Hallyu News that Lee Min Ho cannot watch his own drama! That’s right, Lee Min Ho confessed that he cannot watch Boys Over Flowers, his signature breakout role because his hair and his character were just.. too… flowery! He can’t stand to watch himself because he disliked his hairstyle, and [...]

My Heart Twinkle Twinkle or as it’s also called, Twinkle My Heart is a lighthearted name for what seems to be quite the melodramatic family drama. It has started to air, and at this time, there are now two episodes out, but when I made this video, I could only watch the trailers and comment [...]

Jang Hyuk is starring is this brand new 2015 Historical Korean Drama and honestly you guyz: I can’t wait to see the first few episodes! His hair is all long and flowy, and his #smexy factor is thru the roof! That’s what we Korean drama fans like isn’t it?!?!! Jang Hyuk of course isn’t the [...]

Historical Korean Dramas are a genre of drama that took me a long time to get into. One of the only reasons I did eventually start watching and liking them is that a lot of these dramas are full of action. Hopefully you guyz like this video and I can make more video about [...]

I can never help but be AMAZED at the coffee culture in Korea. It’s SOOOOO DIFFERENT from the coffee culure of what I’m used having grown up in the U.S. You have two types of coffee culture in Korea: the very cheap, instant coffee available everywhere, and then you have coffee shops that exist on [...]

Ahn Jae Hyeon was one of the biggest breakout stars of 2014! Playing supporting roles in both You Who Came from the Stars and You’re All Surrounded, and with the movie Fashion King he certainly proved to drama casting directors that he had what it takes to stand out and be a star. So much [...]

While we may not be Kpop aficionados, we do enjoy a bit of Kpop from time to time. And living in Korea, you can’t help but be surrounded by it regardless of your musical tastes. After seeing how many of you guyz thumbs upped this question, we decided to give our 2 cents. To be [...]

Today was a very busy day! I was up early and out on a morning walk around Hwasung Fortress. Although it was very cold, it was also quite beautiful without a cloud in the sky! I spent several hours wandering around and enjoying the morning, and by the time I left the fortress it was [...]

I’m really liking this drama so far you guyz! There are multiple characters that I’m digging, and when you put it all together it’s making the chemistry of the drama flow better for sure. As of making this review I had only seen 3 episodes, but I’ve now seen a few more and I’m liking [...]

LIVE CHAT #dramatalk this Saturday Jan. 10th 2015 and announcing the winner of the Pinocchio Necklace GIVEAWAY! Let’s hang out, talk some dramas and tune in to see if you won! ^^ The AMAZING GIVEAWAY happening is in collaboration with Be sure to check out their website chock full of Korean drama, Kpop and [...]

Cunning Single Lady was one of those dramas that came out last spring that I think was totally overshadowed by other dramas that were also out at the time. But in light of all the drama of all the drama that’s been swirling around Lee Byung Hun lately, I thought it somewhat proper to take [...]

This has to be the most difficult video we’ve ever had to upload. But there’s really no way to beat around the bush when you upload daily videos of your life. We’ve struggled tremendously deciding how to let all of you know that we’ve decided to make a major change in our life. As it [...]

New Korean dramas come out every month thankfully, and this month things seem to be looking up! Kill Me, Heal Me staring Ji Sung and Hwang Jung Eum is a story about a man with multiple personalities. I must say I’m really looking forward to checking out at least the first few episodes before I [...]

I’ve more or less finished writing my thesis, but the work to graduate is not yet complete! Today was a good day to see what the life of a graduate student in Korea is like, because I brought you onto campus with me. It was quiet on campus, which made it a lot easier to [...]

We received this question yesterday, and knowing that a lot of you guyz might be interested in hearing commentary on it, we decided to give it a go! One thing I failed to mention in the video is that while I have met a fair number of foreign girls who have dated Korean guys, I’ve [...]

In case you didn’t know, Healer is a drama that came out in the end of 2014 that totally caught some of us by surprise with just how good it is! I started watching a few episodes this evening (finally!) and while I’m not quite up to episode 8 (which is when this kissing scene [...]

By now, Korea has virtually every type of restaurant you can possibly think of! And in Seoul, Turkish Kebabs are quite popular! About 2 years ago a whole bunch of Kebab restaurants began popping up in Seoul (specifically Itaewon) and now there are probably more than 10. At some of these restaurants the selection has [...]

After what I consider a fairly dull month for Korean dramas (sorry those of you who have been watch ‘Healer’ and ‘Pinocchio’ and can completely disagree with me), I’m really excited for 2015 and some of the new dramas that are coming out! Like, I already want to start making my February list but….. [...]

Happy New Year from Seoul, South Korea!!!!! We woke up to 2015 in Seoul at the brand new guesthouse where we were staying. We had the opportunity to relax for an evening away from our home and fully took advantage of it! The guesthouse was extremely clean and very cozy, and hopefully we’ll get to [...]

We sure hope all of you rang in the new year in a fun and safe way. We were lucky enough to spend the evening with some friends at a brand new guesthouse in Seoul! Our friend Peter and his wife Soo Yougn recently opened a brand new restaurant and bar with a guest house [...]

OUR FIRST EVER CHALLENGE VIDEO!! We finally had the chance to do Christmas shopping for each other on December 24th, and made it a challenge! We decided this year to cut back on shopping consumerism since we pretty much already have everything we need, but still wanted to give each other some tings on Christmas [...]

As any drama watcher is probably aware of, the most pivotal, beloved point in almost any drama is the kissing scenes. But not ALL Korean dramas have kiss scenes. In fact, Naildo Cantabile which made it into the Top 10 Best Korean Dramas of 2014 list (which was chosen by all of you guyz!) didn’t [...]

Sometimes Korea is just as magnificent at night as it is during the day! Since Steph has been feeling under the weather a little bit more than any of us would like, she settled in early and I decided to go for a nice long evening walk. Since Hwasung Fortress is literally around the corner [...]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!! This is how we celebrated our Christmas today. As you all celebrate around the world, you can join us as we celebrate here. If you’re reading this and you’re a drama fan, thanks for being patient and supprting me as I finish up my thesis. I promise more drama [...]

Whenever opportunities pop up in Korea, I’m usually trying not to miss them. And years ago when we first starting living in Korea, you’re just getting to know the place. Back then, sure there was internet forums and blogs where people who were looking for information about Korea could go and read about stuff. But [...]

I’M VERY EXCITED YOU GUYZ!! Even though I’m still swamped in thesis writing I’m taking a moment to say thank you to ALL OF YOU who watch our videos and support us from the far corners of the world! I feel so blessed to be able to share my life with you in this way [...]

I was VERY MUCH able to approach this topic from personal experience. Although I am by no means very large on top, I do have a bit of a butt for a slightly more slender woman. I’m well aware of the types of things that could happen living in Korea, and the pitfalls associated with [...]

This may seem strange, but McDonald’s is expanding rapidly in Korea. It is sort of unbelievable. Just around our area 3 new Mcdonald’s restaurants have opened in the past 6 months. We think this can be attributed to several factors, including how fast paced life is here. I decided to try out Mcdonald’s breakfast for [...]

I can’t believe we actually managed to make this video today. In case you haven’t heard, I’ve been battling a kidney stone this week. So, needless to say, filming is not at the top of my priority list. I did, however, want to try and get this video out to you guyz on Friday since [...]

Christmastime is here! It’s also here in Korea appearing in a very similar way in public: Christmas decorations hung in many shops, Christmas trees can be seen around town, lights strung up in foggy windows and even Christmas music being played sporadically. It sure does LOOK like Christmas in Korea. But do they celebrate, or [...]

It’s been reported for over a year that Ikea has had plans to open up its first store in South Korea. Now that the day has finally arrived, along with it controversy has followed. There have been many articles written about this online, and therefore we covered it. Hope you enjoy this episode of Hallyuback [...]