We’re having a LIVE CHAT #dramatalk this Saturday December 20th at 11pm Korean time!!!!! YAY!! ^^ Along with exchanging some awesome end of the year #dramatalk I will also be announcing the winner of the Gong Hyo Jin Necklace Giveaway in collaboration with ToFebruary.com If you haven’t seen the video or entered to win one [...]

One of the most ALL TIME POPULAR actors in Korean dramas is back in the news, this time with his new movie coming out Gangnam Blues. There was a delay in the release of it, but now that things seem to be back on track Mr. Lee Min Ho is appearing to promote it more [...]

It was recently in the news that 7-Eleven has decided to launch a delivery service at 4 store locations in South Korea. The decision was made mainly because the store feels it can attract more customers by offering delivery of goods during certain store hours and within 300 meters of the store location. We offer [...]

I’ve been attending graduate school in South Korea for nearly 2 years. It’s been a great experience and a lot of hard work. I’ve learned so much and met a lot of amazing people. Now that it’s almost (fingers crossed) finished, I’ve been reflecting more on the experience, the ups and downs, the tremendous amount [...]

Korean Air’s CEO and daughter have recently apologized for an incident on a recent flight from NY to Seoul because a flight attendant served macadamia nuts in a big instead of on a plate in first class. This has caused outrage amongst Koreans because this sort of behavior seems to be a reoccuring trend in [...]

This time of year can be particularly hard while living in Korea, and even though we enjoy experiencing Korean culture and customs as much as possible, we still also observe our own holidays too. Every year seems to be just a little bit more difficult being on the other side of the world, far away [...]

This may be one of my favorite times of year to not only celebrate the warm holidays in the midst of the cold winter season, but also to talk about Korean dramas. In part, because it’s the end of the year and there’s been so many fantastic Korean drama actors and actresses. But really, I [...]

The day was filled with activities! One of the surprised was stumbling upon a free photobooth sponsored by one of the soju companies. Shin Min Ah was there in spirit and taking photos with normal people like us. I dipped in there for a bit and had a nifty photo snapped of the 2 of [...]

It’s well know that Korea is a bit more conservative than some other places. That’s why when we read the news that Seoul was holding a kissing contest, and over 200 people had signed up, we were a bit surprised. Of course it’s not that surprising since there are people here who wish Korea was [...]

We celebrated yesterday’s stupendous news about the rough draft of the thesis being finished by heading to Seoul for Wing Night! It’s not everyday we get to kick back, hang out in Seoul and have wings for a cheap price. It was nice to get out of the house after being trapped in there for [...]

Black Friday is coming to Korea! For the first time in Korean history Koreans will now be able to exclaim that they officially have a day called ‘Black Friday’ where they can get the best deals for online shopping. Prior to this, Koreans had only American and other websites to shop on to get the [...]

I FINALLY FINISHED THE ROUGH DRAFT OF MY THESIS!!! I feel like the first big monkey is finally off my back. I didn’t leave the house for 5 days straight, but it’s finished. It’s one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. It’s actually difficult to convey how hard it’s been to get to this [...]

Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk had a moment!!! There was a #smexy kissing scene in Pinocchio! Much like last year’s Heirs, this Park Shin Hye drama was highly anticipated. And, as many of us already know, Park Shin Hye although an excellent actress is not known for her magnificent kissing ability. It looks [...]

Every now and then it’s good to kick back on a Saturday, peel your socks off, order pizza and enjoy yourself. Which is exactly what we did! Thesis writing has been weighing heavily on Steph for weeks and it doesn’t seem to end. Even after the rough draft we found out today she has LOADS [...]

This news may or may not come are a surprise to you, but it’s not surprising to us. Korean broadcasting companies recently announced that they are blocking much of their content available on their YouTube channels to users who reside in South Korea. This is mainly due to the fact that they can make more [...]

OMG you guyz I can’t believe it’s almost 2015!!!!! I wasn’t really that excited for the New December Korean Dramas coming out, but I’m super stoked for the dramas coming out this January. Jekyll and Me looks really good! In less than a year and a half, Bang Sung Joon has become one of [...]

Rainy day in Korea turned awesome when a package showed up at our P.O. Box! How exciting!! So many of your guyz are so supportive of us living over here and doing our thing, and we can’t thank you enough. But for those of you sweet enough to make something hand made and send it [...]

Finally made a video about the prices of beer and liquor here!!! I’ve been wanting to make this and I don’t often go to the store to buy beer (I didn’t in this video either) but I did happen to have a few extra minutes this day to meander through the beer and liquor section [...]

Over the years, Richard has made quite a few short videos about Korea education. Too many in fact. It’s a good thing he re-directed his energy or there would be no Hallyu Back! With that being said, we both care very much about the state of education today. Heck, I’ve spent the past 2 years [...]

Wondering why we are talking about a specific Korean snack food on today’s HallyuBack News? This is because it’s the most popular thing in Korea since Kpop! These chips are so magically delicious that as soon as shelves are stocked they disappear. We talk more this and explain more about Korean snacks in the video. [...]

Recently we had the wonderful opportunity to visit Nami Island and the French Village here in Korea! Both Nami Island and the French Village are famous places in Korea where many Korean dramas were filmed. A Seoul-based tour company invited us along and so we gladly took them up on their offer. We left Seoul [...]

Do all men in Korea have to serve in the military? The real answer is no, not ALL of them. Most of them yes, they must serve two years to fulfill their duty. As it happens (and it doesn’t happen often), people become exempt for mostly medical reasons. If they are unable to perform basic [...]

Are Korean Supermarkets similar to those in other countries? In some ways, Korean supermarkets more and more look like a Super Walmart: they sell not only consumable goods but there are multiple non-food sections where you can buy almost anything China makes. Here in Korea it is becoming quite similar. There is a wide selection [...]

Every now and again a story comes along that happily surprises us. This is one of those stories. Lee Guk Joo is a comedian and entertainer in South Korea, and she recently did some fashion shoots that caught a lot of people’s attention. She’s considered a plus size lady by some, and modeling like this [...]

Recently it’s been published on virtually every Korean and Kpop culture website that sellers of selfie sticks can be fined and even go to jail for illegally selling a selfie stick. This has happened for a number of reasons, but mainly because some selfie sticks contain bluetooth technology that has not been approved by the [...]

Another Korean spicy food challenge! This one was filmed for a TV show, so that made it even more exciting. I’m beginning to like these spicy food challenges because I probably wouldn’t seek out these types of restaurants otherwise. Steph doesn’t like extremely spicy food, and we both don’t usually go to restaurants when we [...]

It’s almost December and you know what that means.. a whole new crop of dramas! This month’s dramas seem to be taking on a more darker suspenseful vibe right in keeping with my feelings of the cold weather coming to the northern hemisphere. I hate the cold! There’s a lot of mystery type dramas with [...]

Is Movember a thing in South Korea? Well.. if it wasn’t before, it is now! I’ve never formally participated in Movember, so growing my beard out all month while many other men across the globe do it felt a little strange. Maybe that’s why I didn’t even make it til the end of the month! [...]

2014 has not yet ended and already there is another major controversy in the news! B.A.P has announced they are suing their entertainment company for what has now been deemed a ‘slave contract’. According to their 7 year contract, each member has only received the equivalent of $450/month for the last 3 years equally roughly [...]

Stumbling upon street art by accident can be a delight, but graffiti in Korea is rare. I was very pleasantly surprised when I noticed the graffiti on the wall adjacent to the river running through Olympic Park in Seoul. There’s quite a bit there as is shown in the video tour, but I didn’t check [...]

For those of you wondering what all the fuss is about, welcome to the world of Snapchat! Teens these days are using Facebook less and less, and guess where they are online, heading to in droves? You got it: Snapchat. If you haven’t already downloaded the app, you’re not alone. Steph tried it out about two [...]

Kim Soo Hyun wasn’t always super famous like he is these days. A piece was published recently about a director who recounted him 5 years ago and how he ignored Kim Soo Hyun back in the day. We found this rather hilarious, maybe because it seems so plausible. Most everyone (with the exception of children [...]

It’s not everyday that you meander to the convenient store and end up riding a collapsible bike for the first time in your life! That’s exactly what happened today. I was given the opportunity to not only ride the bike, but to also see how easy it is to fold it up and pack it [...]

Did you hear about the recent news out of South Korea about the American English teacher that was rejected from 2 jobs only for being black? Sean Jones was sent text messages and messages on Facebook saying the schools weren’t interested in hiring him because he was black and they wanted a white teacher. We [...]

We love living in Korea! We really do!! It’s not perfect, just like any place, but the opportunities that we’ve been given since moving here are simply amazing. It’s incredible that we’ve both been here more than 5 years together already. Time flies. This video is intended as a trailer for your vlog channel, and [...]

Delicious. Korean. Street. Food. What else can we say?!?!! It’s everywhere here. Not all of it is good for you, and we’re guessing some of it is probably not. But that has not yet been scientifically proven.. as far as we know. Some of it must be good for you if they sell it everywhere, [...]

Although neither of us has actually dated a Korean man, it’s actually a lot less difficult to discuss this topic than you might think. Both of us have been living here for some time now, and that means many many conversations with people under our belts by now. Dating, and what each sex prefers in [...]

This was an adventure! Steph convinced me after our News Segment on Pikachu Invading Seoul that I must see Pikachu in person. He apparently is that huge in the Japanese cartoon world. I had no idea about this. So it was for us that last Saturday we headed up to Seoul to check out this [...]

Sometimes the news out of Korea is just plain interesting to people who weren’t born and raised in this country. What is a trend in North American and Europe is actually disliked in Korea and Asia, and that’s trimming pubic hair. Here it seems, some women want more of it. The reasoning varies, but this [...]

Steph and I had the chance to hit up a coffee shop together! A rarity these days with how busy Steph is. As I type this she’s been working on and writing her thesis today fpr the past 12 hours straight! I’ve never worked on a paper for 12 hours straight without taking a break, [...]

Lee Min Ho is arguably one of the #smexiest Korean drama actors out there, whether you think so or not. He captures attention in a way few others are able to. Which is why we both think it was funny that this video and article started off in another direction completely than where it ended [...]

THE DAY AFTER PEPERO DAY!!! If you don’t live in Korea, can you still imagine what it’s like? I’ve never actually gone to the grocery store the day after Pepero day until today. I had to go shopping for some other items. And funny enough, Steph and I agreed to celebrate Pepero day the day [...]

The Kpop group Pritz was recently spotted during their performance at a Horse Race Track in Korea wearing what appeared to be a symbol that resembled the Nazi swastika. Whether this was a complete accident or blatently intentional, the mostly unknown Pritz breifly made Kpop headlines with this stunt. We take a closer look at [...]

Sometimes things happen in life that our slightly out of our control. That sort of thing happened today while I was doing the dishes. I was chatting away with Steph when all of a sudden there was water all over the kitchen. Naturally, that changed the course of our day. We managed to clean it [...]

Is this a big deal? A condom and what looks to be a penis pump were spotted on a recent photo posted by a member of the Kpop group Bangtan Boys (BTS). Has Jin done something legitimately wrong? Are hardcore fans of this Kpop group justified in being upset or disappointed that a condom was [...]

Today we hung out with my wonderful friend Seung Hee! I’ve known this girl for years and I don’t think my life in Korea would be the same without her. For those new to our channel, Seung Hee and I worked together at Suwon Science College back when I was a professor there. She was [...]

Is it art or is it more like a nude photo? Students at Chunbok National University in South Korea recently released a photo and an advertisement for their graduation dance recital coming up. It’s a photos of 18 students, 17 female and one male all with their shirts off. The photos shows the female students [...]

Korean age may forever be a mystery to many of us, but we try our best to unravel it in this week’s LIKE IT! Korean age basically boils down to this: You are always 2 years older than your actual age until you have your birthday. After that you are one year older than your [...]

We have a very generous fan to thank for the Macarni and Cheese featured in this video! Deidre if you’re reading this: THANK YOU!! I actually didn’t know Steph made mac n Cheese like this even though we’ve had it before several times. I’m always in the other room or doing something when she prepares [...]

We had TWO special meals today! Woke up rather early, hit the market, and cooked breakfast all while Steph was still in bed. I woke her up with eggs, homefries, toast and coffee, and scored some major brownie points. Later in the evening we went out to dinner and captured that on video for y’all [...]

Months and months ago I got asked the question by the team at K-style who I felt were some up and coming Korean actors that we should keep on our radar. I never forgot that question. Somehow with the big overarching realization that guys in their later 20’s are all going to be going [...]

Today was filled with surprise! After dropping Steph off I had a whole bunch of places to go and people to see. Life is like that, although to be fair in Korea Steph and I tend not to do a lot of running around in the car most days. Today was unlike most days, since [...]

Not one but TWO NEWS VIDEOS in this segment of Hallyu Back news! Straight away, we have fun talking about that little cutie Chanyeol because we made a very minor mistake on Inkigayo handing a bouquet of flowers to the wrong person, and that person just happened to be a guy. We then googles Chanyeol [...]

As some of you may know from watching recent videos, we love tuna kimbap and eat it all the time! I would just like to state for the record that it is not the only food for lunch we eat! When we have time to go out and sit down, which is not so often [...]

Zico released his new muci video Touch Cookie recently. Many people were unhappy with his use of a particular word that some consider derogatory or homophobic. Did he knowingly use this word in his video simply to attract attention or was he using it for some other reason? What do you guyz think? Click the [...]

I got to have a piece of the daily video spotlight today because we headed into Seoul to do some really fun DIY shopping. I mentioned in the beginning of the video when we were walking that we were headed to Myung Dong. Actually we went straight to Dongdaemun because that’s where the yarn mecca [...]

Kim Soo Hyun is a mega super star in Korea. Anywhere he goes he will be spotted and therefore he must plan carefully where he’s going and how he’s going to get there. Is it the same for him in New York City? We break it down in this segment of Hallyu Back News. Last [...]

Not every day goes as planned, as you’ll see in today’s video. I hopped on the train to Seoul in the early afternoon simply to spend some time in Seoul and film a few clips with the DSLR camera. The weather has been getting cooler, so I bundled up with 3 layers before I left [...]

Should we go and see this Pikachu/Pokemon event in Seoul for you guyz? If enough of you like and comment we will go! Last News Story: EXO FANS THROW UNDERWEAR AT KPOP CONCERT

I got to admit; I’ve seen a lot more of Naeildo Cantabile or Tomorrow’s Cantabile since I did this review. To put it simply you guys I love this Korean drama. I know that there have been some issues out there in the drama community about it being not as good as the Japanese version. [...]

You never know where you’re going to end up when you just start wandering random streets in Korea. It’s true. Today we went out for lunch, and had some extra time so we just started walking to see if we could find something new and fun. And boy did we ever! We ended up checking [...]

The new Korean drama coming out soon has many of us on the edge of our seats!! The hype about this drama isn’t that far off from Heirs at this point. Park Shin Hye has become more or less the ‘it’ 20-something super star actress of the Korean drama world, and that makes this drama [...]

We’ve been getting a lot of messages and emails these days about a wide aray of topics. Man ae people interested in Korea! When you watch this video, you might notice something special if you check the description box: It’s Halloween! We had planned to go out and enjoy the evening, but honestlyt we’ve been [...]

Since I started reviewing dramas back in May 2012, this has been one of the most requested videos that I’ve never attempted to make. Why you might ask? Well, for starters we cannot put the actual OST music in a YouTube video. Copyright law is strict on YouTube, and I want to keep making videos [...]

Up early on a Thursday morning and went for a long, contemplative walk. Our neighborhood is so beautiful and historic compared with what I grew up with in upsate New York. We try to go for a walk when we can, and yet I feel like I’m not able to get over to the area [...]

Trying out a new segment! Who doens’t love ridiculous news? I’m a news information junkie and Asia always has some pretty ridiculous stuff. And I ain’t just talking about North Korea either. Getting things kicked off with some Kpop news, Exo style. Some international Kpop fans tried to turn the boy band EXO into some [...]

Ever have any experience with acupunture? In my personal experience it is fairly commonplace in Korea by now. There are many doctors who are qualified to perform acupuncture in South Korea, and the price with national health insurance is quite reasonable. A visit to the acupuncture doctor will run you under 10000Won per visit, and [...]

HEY EVERYONE! Special edition LIVE CHAT #dramatalk happening this Saturday November 8th 2014 at 11pm Korean time!! I will also be announcing the winner of the Heirs Park Shin Hye Backpack being given away by the kind folks at ToFebruary.com. The have so much Kdrama and Kpop merch on their website it’s not even funny, [...]

Today was filled with goodness! I hung out with Steph for a bit before I headed to Seoul for some afternoon filming. I had been contacted by a fan named Nelson who also is into photography and video so I decided to meet up with him and shoot some scenic shots of Seoul. When the [...]

There are just some things in this life that are guilty pleasures. They’re things you love to hate – like high heels. I hate the way my feet hurt after 20 minutes of standing/walking and my knees are kicking me the next day but I love the way that those extra couple of inches make [...]

The Ladies Code car accident was one of the mst high profile crashes in recent Kpop memory. It was a tragedy. When we found out it thappened we were even more shocked because of the location: it’s a highway that I travel on regularly because it runs next to Kyung Hee University in Suwon. It’s [...]

Street interviews with Koreans in Seoul! The question for this video was ‘What are Koreans biggest dream?’ It’s always interesting to get an inside perspective straight from the people, so that is what we attempted to do here. I sure hope you enjoy it! We’ve been making videos from our perspective mostly because it’s more [...]

Yoon Eun Hye hasn’t made a drama this year, but she’s set to start filming a movie with Park Shi Hoo with the working title Love After Love. Her management set up a fan cafe for her birthday on October 3rd, the fan cafe being an online forum where fans can write to her and [...]

Seriously it’s true: Koreans love their new technology! This is not groundbreaking news, we know. But it is one of the secrets to their success whether they want to admit it or not.. and why wouldn’t they admit it? They have some of the coolest technology around!! First off, and we didn’t even mention this [...]

Today was FILLED with good things happening and I didn’t even record all of it. Our daily vlog camera had been failing these last couple weeks, so after my meeting mid-day in Seoul, I decided to go buy a new one. On the way the Yongsan Electronics Market, I had the revelation of trying to [...]

It’s official, the weather is starting to get colder in Korea! And nothing makes me want to cuddle up under warm blankets and watch a drama like the cold. That being said, it’s a great time for Korea to come out with some fantastic new dramas and it looks like this month is going to [...]

Some of our best days are when we’re hanging out with friends and spending all day together. That was our Friday. These days it’s hard to make that happen because everyone is just so busy. We took advantage of our day off to catch up on some videos of course! We made videos both of [...]

Namsan Tower in Seoul is an absolutely beautiful place to spend anafternoon if you are in Korea! The views are magnificent and unforgettable! It’s easy to get up there these days too. There are multiple ways to ascend the mountain that the tower sits upon. The best and easiest way is the way we went, [...]

Lee Jung Suk and Park Shin Hye are coming out with arguably the hottest drama since It’s Okay that’s Love in the New Korean drama ‘Pinocchio’!! It’s coming out in November and it’s much needed because, while there are some good dramas that came out in October, there haven’t been any that have really taken [...]

We were lucky enough to be invited to the very school where the Korean drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’ was filmed!! AHHHH WHAT AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY!!!!! This is a dream come ture for any Asian drama fan! The school itself is an English language boarding school about 2 hours from our home in Suwon, and it’s [...]

Ever become lost when you were in a hurry to get somewhere? Seoul is that cozy kind of place where serious problems rarely occur, and first world problems seem to take precedent. Take for example what happened in this video. There wasn’t a direct route to get where I was going, and I wasn’t familiar [...]

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO AND BE SURE TO CLICK LIKE!!! We both got our hair cut on the same day AND we both ate intestines. AND that’s not the only thing that happened in this video!! Mondays can be rough, so over here in Korea we just looked Monday square in the eyes and we’re [...]

Holy cow was I unprepared for this drama! And I completely intended to make that pun. Perhaps I’ll be able to throw a few more in here, but then again it’s not like you’re egging me on to do so. Or maybe you are! Lol! Ok, anywho the only thing I really knew about this [...]

This past Saturday we frequented our FAVORITE Korean BBQ grilled meat joint at Suwon Station with our friend Dong Won! We absolutely love this place! The food is very tasty, they spice their side dishes just right, and the owners treat us like gold every time we are there. You just can’t beat delicious food [...]

Rock Paper Scissors is a staple in Korean society, and it’s not just a children’s game. Adults use it regularly as well to make almost any decision a little bit more fun, as well as solve virtually any disagreement or dispute. It’s true. You’ll see children playing it in schools, and you’ll see adults doing [...]

I can’t make this stuff up! Yesterday was the diamond earring debacle, and today we broke on on our motorbike! Having the video camera with me at all times these days makes life seem more exciting and dramatic an dangerous all at once! Luckily in Korea service for this sort of thing is really good [...]

Today we were hanging out with Megan and filming some videos. After some AWESOME collab videos (that you should DEFINITELY NOT MISS coming out soon to a YouTube channel near you), we went to enjoy dinner together. We ate Indian food and basically stuffed our faces. But! Over dinner we were talking about none other [...]

Losing an item is never fun. But imagine if the item is something you hole near and dear to your heart? Something, like, say.. a diamond earring from your father. You can’t let something like that get away unless it’s truly gone forever and there is nothing more you can do. We were sitting on [...]

Stand up comedy in Korea is still relatively young, but it does exist. Back in March 2009, Brian Aylward started Stand Up Seoul when he used to live here, and it’s been the main place to go in Seoul for English speaking stand up comedy. There are not many comics, but there are a few [...]

Park Shin Hye is arguably one of the biggest female actors in her twenties in Korean dramas. She has starred opposite some of the biggest names in the game and has appeared in some of the most popular dramas in recent memory. In all of these dramas she played the main romantic. Then why is [...]

Richard here. Steph and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Korean food. We eat often since we live in Korea, but whenever we do eat Korean it’s out in a restaurant since we very rarely cook Korean at home. I say we liberally, because 90% of the time it’s Steph cooking and us eating it. She’s a [...]

As soon as I saw Hyun Bin was getting released from the military, I got excited! That was in December of 2012.. almost 2 years ago! While I know he hasn’t been lazy during that time, with advertisements and the Fatal Encounter Movie, I’ve really missed seeing him on my small computer screen. Truth be [...]

Pizza in Korea has come a long way. Pizza Hut for instance is still inventing new concoctions from recipes Americans might surely balk at. When we first came to Korea, decent tasting pizza was 15000-20000 Won for a large 1-2 topping, and came with corn on it. More recently, we can find pizza for under [...]

One of the lines of questions you guyz ask a lot is about getting a job in Korea. I totally understand being interested in a country and their culture and feeling drawn to want to go there and live there. Heck, I even understand the frustration of not knowing where to start the process and [...]

Everyday is new and fresh and fun and different, and EPIC! Both Steph and I had planned to go to Seoul separately and our day unfolded very differently. Instead, I went to Seoul while Steph stayed back in Suwon because of change of plans. Then midway thru the afternoon she messaged me to say she [...]

This week after over 2 years of making them, we almost didn’t have a Top 5 to come out! Yikes!!! But, I couldn’t do that to you guys.. not this week anyways. I’ve been super busy as I’m sure you probably know if you’ve been following our daily vlogs – hooray grad school! So on [...]

This has to be one of the biggest blunders I’ve gotten myself into since moving to Korea! Bank machines in Korea operate a little bit differently than in the US. For example, you can begin your transaction at the money machine before ever putting your card in. Eventually you must inject the card into the [...]

Straight away, I want to point out that after recording this video, I noticed I said the wrong name! I don’t know where I got the name that I said, but it’s totally incorrect and I couldn’t be more embarrassed. Actually I’m sure I could be more embarrassed but it certainly doesn’t feel that way [...]

Today was an AMAZING day! After over 5 years of living, we finally went to the Suwon festival celebrating National Hangeul Day! I’ve always wanted to go, and only found out about it after the fact. In years past I’ve been working during the week which made it impossible to go, so whe we found [...]

Shopping in Korea can be pretty interesting depending on how you look at it. Today was a day where Stephanie scored some of her favorite juice on a simple trip to the grocery store! I never thought juice could make someone so happy, but in this household where we live in Korea and often don’t [...]