Cherry Blossom Gate – Acrylic on Canvas
October 2019, 12×24 inches / 31×61 cm
What if a Korean castle/fortress gate was painted in a way that is reminiscent of something out of the works of Studio Ghibli? That thought was my inspiration as I jumped into this painting. And as someone who loves their work, I almost psyched myself out of finishing it. I try to put 110% of myself into the creation of my pieces but sometimes, especially as my techniques have improved and I am definitely in my 30’s, I can’t always complete a painting in one sitting. This almost became a victim of this state of being. I stopped for the day and put it into my closet of unfinished works and pieces that shall not be displayed. Yes, this does exist. This is one of those however that I feel was hiding until my technical ability and dgaf attitude was finally able to make sense of the foreground. And before I even had the ability to finish this post, the painting went to its forever home. However, the image became a feature for my 2020 calendar, which is for sale and will be the only way that I too will be able to have this piece on my walls in the coming year. Several of the months images have already gone to their loving families actually! I love that I can still get to enjoy them through the calendar.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: stephanieishler [at] gmail [dot] com ^^
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