Fallen Star (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Acrylic on Canvas – May 2017
There is a part in Howl’s Moving Castle (my favorite Ghibli anime) where Sophie witnesses the story of Calcifer falling from the sky and landing on earth and the interaction that Calcifer has with Howl. I would say more but if you’ve watched the movie then you know what happens and if you haven’t then I don’t want to give spoilers! In the movie clip, you don’t actually see Sophie in the scene. But I wanted to show the viewer’s perspecitive.. a different angle of her being blown away by the magnitude of what she’s witnessing.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: contact@hallyuback.com ^^
12×24 inches / 30×61 cm
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