Neither of us are transgender, nor have we met anyone here who has openly admitted to us that they are. Also, for fairly obvious reasons, this is not a topic that’s so easy to talk about, especially if you’re talking about Korea. Reason being, there’s just not that much information out there on this subject.

When we got this question, we received it as an email. We do gets lots of email at this point with questions and things like that, but it usually aren’t questions people want us to answer in a video. The person who wrote to us saw one of our other LIKE IT’s on Homosexuality in Korea, and this spurred them to ask us about how it might also be for transgendered people here. Since they are considering moving to China, they were asking about what it might be like there, and how we deal with people who are mostly closed-minded to the subject, Since there’s probably even less information on YouTube about Transgender experiences in China we thought that we could at least give our perspectives and observations from Korea.

So that’s what we did.

While researching information about Homosexuality in Asia, we came across a great video by the Rachel and Jun YouTube channel from Japan. They made a video about Japanese people’s experience on homosexuality and it’s extremely informative.

Have a question you’d like answered about Korea? Drop us a note in the comments!


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