“If Only the Clouds Would Pass By and the Sun Would Shine on Me”
Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015
An extremely long title that pretty much explains what I was attempting to paint. I feel that often in life we want to have the sun shine on us, feeling the radiance and warmth. But all too often things cloud our vision and experience and while we can see the rays of light (love, happiness, joy) shining through, it’s just a taste of what could be. I find myself that I can often focus on those clouds and ignore the beauty around me. Like many, I struggle quite regularly with depression and anxiety. But sometimes, I stop and appreciate the entirety of the view that is my life. realize that while I wish that the clouds would disappear, that the view is quite good clouds and all!
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here! In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: contact@hallyuback.com ^^
This painting is part of my Florida Collection created in November 2015.
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