Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – March 2015
The title for this one is Impulse because it was literally and figuratively an impulsive painting. Richard and I were hanging out with a friend and they decided to order pizza. Perhaps I was hungry or it was the thought of pizza but something was triggered and I felt the urge to go paint -> and so I did. I like to think of this as the electrical and chemical impulses that wire our brains – I’m sure that things get messy and it’s not always pretty.. but without them we wouldn’t function to experience life.
As a side note – about the same time as I was painting this my sister went into labor. I can’t wait to see my little niece in person and see the world through her eyes, as I’ve had the opportunity to do with her brother. Right now all of those nerve cells are exploding into action at a super-fast pace as she experiences, learns and grows. Little ones are so fascinating (from an intellectual perspective) and absolutely precious.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
Another cool feature about this one is that it glows from within when backlit – which is my personal favorite way of viewing it!
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