Metamorphoses Ondine (Mermaid) – Mixed Media and Acrylic on Canvas
November 2019, 24×49 inches / 61×122 cm
Inspired by folklore, this large mermaid underwent many transformations over the better part of 2019 until she came into her final form. For many months she was my quiet protest over the plastic that litters our sea as I thought a modern Ariel would have quite the trove of non biodegradable treasures. Yet I too am part of that problem. I also had many an internal struggle on her appearance – what would a mermaid look like? Like those in movies, should I put a bra top on her? Some clamshells or coconuts to cover and hide her body? It became even more of a personal issue when in the month of October the kpop singer Sulli whom I was a fan of committed suicide because of an extensive history of people berating her for things like not wearing a bra. In response, I myself have barely worn one since the incident feeling that such things should be normalized. Which leads me to the other struggle – should I paint in nipples? While I myself feel that would be fine, I wanted a painting that a young girl could look at without reproach from adults and that could be appreciated for beauty more than hyperfocus on sexuality. So I went with the barbie approach. I’ve been told that it looks like a body suit.. *sigh*. We’re still at such a frustrating place in a society where it is still very much backwards for women to have an anatomy. Even I do not know where to go and how to take that next step. Ondines or Undines are the women of mythology that are elements of water and those featured in Ovid’s Metamorphoses have helped to influence many a mermaid tale/legend including that of the Little Mermaid.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: stephanieishler [at] gmail [dot] com ^^
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