Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – March 2015
As I was thinking about titles for this one I really struggled. I really want to promote positivity and love but I don’t always feel positive and loving. It’s a daily, moment by moment choice. And sometimes that choice is really hard. Especially when people say negative things, attack or abuse you and your trust. As I was listening to music and painting, I realized that one emotion I struggle a lot with is resentment. Especially towards people that have hurt me in the past. Forgiveness is hard, but it’s the only way forward. I thought about titling this one resentment – but that’s not what it is. I also thought of titling it scream – for it is.. It’s my heart screaming out for justice – for light and love in a world full of darkness that focuses on the flaws.
And then I decided on the title Misanthropy. Please do not think that this means I hate people. Rather I hate that people fail to choose to love others and instead are selfish, hurt other people and tolerate those who do. For those who think it’s ok to bully, for those who think it’s ok to disrespect people based on race, gender, religion, financial success, sexual preference, appearance, etc. For those who purposely hurt, abuse, rape. My heart cries out in pain.. for justice.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
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