“Night Under the Palms”
Acrylic on Canvas – February 2017
I’ve spent many nights with hubby enjoying the night sky under palm trees – Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Florida, and now Peru.. We sure do like to travel! I think there’s something though that palms grow in areas where it’s warm and nice to sit outside.. enjoy each other’s company, to talk and dream. We’ve had some great ideas and projects come about while we get away and have such quiet moments. We’ve also done a lot of reminiscing and putting things into perspective. While I don’t always see eye to eye with him and we may have our issues and disagreements – I really do enjoy traveling, exploring and just hanging out with my husband. I’m really thankful for the almost 8 years I’ve gotten to spend with my best friend and I look forward to years of getting to know him better.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: contact@hallyuback.com ^^
12×24 inches / 30×61 cm
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