
The last two weeks have been filled with solid nonstop painting! I’m excited for my newest collection, and just HAD to share it with everyone!

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Since I was a little girl I’ve loved cats. I mean, I LOVE THEM! I have a photo of me when I’m about 2 years old with a litter of kittens crawling all over me. I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier.

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The Lucky Cat collection is inspired by my first household purchase when I moved back to the US from South Korea: A Lucky Cat. For some reason I fell in love with a tiny Lucky Cat bell that went from being a small trinket in the corner of my studio to the main kitchen theme in my new home in Florida. My desire to jump headfirst into being a crazy old cat lady is growing quickly! Unfortunately, I should respect that my husband is also allergic. We already have 2 lovely Russian Blues, and I enjoy making cat paintings. So, in order to get more cat in my life I must create (paint) them myself. This way, hubby doesn’t sneeze himself to death LOL.


I’ve been having so much fun watching the different cats emerge! Currently there are two main types: the Lucky Cats that are based on specific breeds, and my sassy personality filled Lucky Cats. The specific breeds, like kittens, are super adorable and remain nameless until their fur-ever home adopts them. The sassy cats have a personality all their own. All Lucky Cats have a quirky little story that goes with them.


Who doesn’t love a sassy cat?!?! I’ve probably had as much fun creating the storylines behind these furry creatures as I have painting them. It’s been fun developing their back stories, and even more fun to paint! Each and every one is completely hand painted by me with tons of positive intentions! Each individual piece is unique and totally one of a kind. They are GUARANTEED to bless the walls of wherever you call home! After all, Lucky Cats are all about bringing good will into the home, and hopefully a whole lot of luck 🙂
