“Pink Sands”
Mixed Media on Canvas – January 2018
I was feeling tumultuous and wanted to create a peaceful scenario in which to escape, to sit and contemplate life and the intricacies or get lost in just being in the moment. So, I created it in paint. The beach area isn’t large, because life was as I mentioned feeling rocky. Additionally the waves weren’t really coming crashing in. Rather just the lapping of the water against the rocks.. and eerie stillness that was expectant. but the sand was warm and textured to ground me and remind me that I’m prepared.. I’ve got this.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: contact@hallyuback.com ^^
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