“SHINEE Forever”
Acrylic on Canvas – December 2017
A painting done in honor of Jonghyun of the kpop group SHINee. As someone who had long been a fan of the group, I was a bit devastated when he died of suicide due to the complications of depression at the age of 27. I myself have long dealt with depressive thoughts and find it all too easy to spiral into the dark thinking of wanting to quit and get away from the pain and sadness. It’s not easy. But for me, if I can help encourage someone it helps. The spotlight that I’ve been given is rather small in comparison, and even at times I find it isolating. I can’t imagine the roller coaster that was his life. I can only put out my words of thanks into the universe. While he has left, his light will continue on in the sea of his fans and the waves of change that he impacted upon many. The blue of the SHINee light stick represents one such fan in the sea of fans that is given encouragement and courage to fight on for another day. While it evokes the feeling of a jedi, you could say that the force exists within us all. You don’t have to be “special”. You can be the guy (or girl) in the hoodie who never even got to attend a single concert. The true warriors are everyday people. I know the battle isn’t easy, but please, fight on.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: contact@hallyuback.com ^^
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