You know how they say try everything once before you pass judgment on it? I, for the most part hold onto that viewpoint. In Korea I’ve definitely had some experiences and tried things that I probably never would have otherwise. For example, Live Octopus (Sang-Nak-Ji).
This video was supposed to be about which restaurant to choose, and it ended up being me trying chicken feet for the first time. Lucky me.
We had ventured down to an area of town not too far from our house that looked like it had a lot of restaurants, so we thought we’d check it out. We got there to find out that it was the MECCA of chicken and beer restaurants. Seriously, if I ever want chicken and beer in the future, I now know just where to go.
The place we chose ended up being really good. Again we got lucky. We chose it because we noticed it had been sponsored by several major TV channels in Korea, and it was also packed with people. That’s always a good sign.
To my chagrin, we got a complimentary plate of chicken feet. Lucky us. I couldn’t even figure out how to eat the damn things. A lot of build up for not a lot of meat, but definitely a lot of feet.
Gotta say I prefer pig feet, though I still don’t like pig feet too much either.
Regardless, we just re-watched it right before uploading with a friend, and giggled down to our toes. Hope you enjoy it as well.
Korean BBQ Deliciousness! 돼지갈비와 삼겹살! (Pork Dinner in Korea)
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