One thing that tends to come up a lot in conversations about dramas is that a majority of drama watchers are girls. And, a lot of guyz (or non-drama watchers that is) seem to have this wrong opinion that dramas are ALL like soap operas. You know, like the cheezy afternoon soap operas in the U.S. But as a whole it’s not true. Do these types of dramas exist? Of course they do! But a majority of dramas I talk about and promote are not these types of dramas.
So, I’ve put together a list SPECIFICALLY for the girls who’d like to get their menz to watch some dramas with them! Goodness knows I’ve been trying to work on Richard.
This is not to be sexist and say that ‘only men like macho dramas’ and ‘only girls are all about the smexy showers scenes’. It could be misconstrued that that’s what I’m trying to do here and THAT’S NOT MY INTENTION AT ALL! I myself have seen some of these dramas on this list and look forward to seeing those that I haven’t. I am, truth be told, a bit of a tom boy at heart.
So I wrote up this list, and told Richard to read through and place these ten dramas in order. In essence, this is the first ever Top 5 Friday video with the drama order made up completely by a man! Frankly, it’s not the same order that I would choose, but then again I’m not a guy! And fingers crossed, I sincerely hope that he just seriously wants to check out a few of these. Personally I think he might have a small man crush on Lee Min Ho but I could be wrong! LOL

By the way, this theme as been requested quite a bit, so thanks to Emily for requesting it aagin! I apologize for not mentioning it in the video but I had to dig quite a bit just now to find your comment. I wasn’t where you had requested it, so I was looking through YouTube videos looking for it and, well, looking thru YouTube comments is sort of like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It is not easy!
Richard’s full list from the video:
9. White Christmas – 화이트 크리스마스
8. Road Number One – 로드넘버원
7. Ghost Seeing Detective Cheo Yong – 처용
6. Cain And Abel – 카인과 아벨
5. Inspiring Generation – 감격시대 : 투신의 탄생
4. Cruel City – 무정도시
3. Three Days – 쓰리데이즈
1. City Hunter – 시티헌터
the bloopers
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