Oh my goodness we are already making Korean Dramas videos for June!

Now that we are almost halfway through the year and there have already been tons of Kdramas that have come out, which ones have you enjoyed the most so far?  I’ll admit, I haven’t gotten to watch as many as I normally do, but I’ve REALLY been enjoying Chicago Typewriter lately and am looking forward to checking out several on this list!

Most notably, I’m thinking that The Best Hit is a fun wildcard – I love Yoon Shi Yoon but the last drama I saw with a similar plot was Entertainer which ended up being more of a disappointment than true entertainment. I’m also really excited for Queen for Seven Days because I have yet to see a drama with Park Min Young in it that isn’t absolutely fantastic.. and I enjoy historical dramas with strong female characters.. in fact I like any drama with strong female characters.

What about you? Which Korean Dramas in June look most appealing? And which dramas are you currently watching?

Happy Drama watching y’all!! 🙂

Full List from the Video:
5. Woman of Dignity – 품위있는 그녀
4. The Best Hit – 최고의 한방
3. Wednesday 3:30pm – 수요일 오후3시30분
2. Stranger – 비밀의숲
1. Seven Day Queen  – 7일의 왕비

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