“When Hearts Combine”
Acrylic on Canvas – February 2017
This painting is an abstract that is a play on the view that everyone has someone out there that they will connect with. You meet a lot of people in life and some just pass on by but some stick – friends, family or a special someone. As the month of February is full of symbols of spring and love I thought it a fun challenge to do something love and valentines day themed without the obvious word “LOVE” painted on a canvas or my typical sweet landscape. I like how there is some semblance of pattern without one ever being properly established. In fact, I purposefully did not pay attention to where I was painting the opposing halves because I wanted any possible meetings or completed hearts to be purely accidental. In this way it even better represents how people come into your life and impact your heart. I’m quite tempted to make a large canvas version.
This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!
In addition, you can also inquire about artwork by emailing this address: contact@hallyuback.com ^^
11×14 inches / 29×36 cm
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