After deciding to shoot this video and upload it to YouTube, we were both surprised we hadn’t actually addressed this issue before specifically.

We received an email from a lady who recently moved to Korea with her family. She’s a woman who bought one of my paintings, and therefore we’ve exchanged a bunch of emails already. This time she wanted some advice mainly for her teenage daughters because of some things they’ve already experienced in their short time in Korea so far (Check the video for her questions and concerns).

Above all else, it’s important to remember that Asia, and more specifically Korea abide by their own cultural norms. This may be obvious to most by now, but it doesn’t necessarily make things easier to deal with, especially if it’s behavior you’re observing or experience while out in public. It does help to know as much information about Korea before visiting or arriving there, and essentially that why we still enjoy making these videos.

We know most of you who watch or read this haven’t been there yet, and whether you really want to go, or just like knowing about it, we’re happy that we can share our experience from living in Korea. It’s still sometimes hard for us to make sense of everything that happened to us there, so we appreciate hearing from as many of you too regarding whatever your experience is, or what you wonder about.

Thanks for being awesome Hallyu Back supporters!!!

Last LIKE IT – What’s the Ideal Korean Woman

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