How do decide exactly which route our lives should take? How do we decide which decisions are best for our life? How do we come to the conclusion that the best decision for a life change is moving to another country?

This decision has been placed in front of us and made….. TWICE!

Deciding to move back to the US was both an easy and extremely difficult one. For those of you who’ve been following our main and daily vlog channels on YouTube for anytime, you know how serious we took this decision to move home to the U.S.

Living in Korea provided so many opportunities for us it’s not even funny. We accomplished so much that it almost felt like there wasn’t a lot left there to do. Of course we could have continued living there the rest of our lives, but that would mean we’d be away from our families for that time too. Coming home just to be closer to our families was alone a good enough reason to do so. But that of course wasn’t the only one.

Anyway, we go into a bit more detail in the video. If you guyz have questions about any aspect of our life there in Korea, or here now in the US drop a note in the comments below or in the comment section of this video on YouTube. 🙂

Thanks for your support as always! LOVE YOU GUYZ!!!!

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