
“Christmas Tree”
Acrylic on Canvas – December 2017

A holiday painting done in order to play with some new brushes and techniques in some of my favorite colors for one of my favorite seasons. Like many people I love Christmas. It’s the one time of year I don’t mind the snow. Somehow everything seems a bit more magical with the glitter of freshly fallen snow and the decorations on trees. While I’ve never decorated a tree outside, this painting is an imaginative one of what if I did. It reminds me of watching Rudolph as a child when the elves decorated the trees outside and the imaginative look of the white clay snow that literally blanketed the sets of the movie. I made this painting with a splatter paint brush. It was only my second or third time actually using the brush and I hadn’t quite figured out the proper technique. Rather I was on a search for my own technique. My own way to use that unusual brush in an unconventional way that made something beautiful. That in a way is always my goal. I felt like I’ve always tried to fit in and look like a nice representation of what is around me. But no matter how hard I try I’ve never quite felt like I blend in. Rather, like this brush I’m scrappy and have to work extra hard at times to try not to be awkward. But like the magic of Christmas, being an oddball who stands out can be a fantastic thing. Heck isn’t that the whole point of Rudolph in the first place?

This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original painting, contact us here!

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