“Sakura Moon” Mixed Media on Canvas – March 2018 This canvas had been sitting around after I had done an initial abstract sketch on it. This gave me some direction, but as it was a big canvas, I didn’t want to do anything until I was sure the direction that I was going to go. [...]

“Cloud Study – Seagrasses” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2021 24×30 inches / 61×76 cm This simple painting is actually really meaningful to me! For those who don’t know me well personally, I love herb gardening. Even as a young girl I would pick various herbs and edible flowers and mash them up with a rock [...]

Cocktail Cove – Lake Norman in Summer December 2019 Cocktail Cove is a special place for one of my collectors. Living and boating on Lake Norman in the summertime has become a highlight in the life of their family. I was contacted with the request to paint this memory for a Christmas present. After multiple [...]
![“Suwoncheon in Autumn” [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Suwoncheon-in-Autumn-150x150.jpg)
USuwoncheon in Autumn – Acrylic on Canvas November 2019, 16×20 inches / 41×51 cm Inspired by a photograph Richard took one autumn day when we were living in Suwon, South Korea. I believe this was in November of 2014 – a time when I was swamped with trying to complete my Master’s thesis while working [...]
![“Cherry Blossom Gate” [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cherry-blossom-gate-150x150.jpg)
Cherry Blossom Gate – Acrylic on Canvas October 2019, 12×24 inches / 31×61 cm What if a Korean castle/fortress gate was painted in a way that is reminiscent of something out of the works of Studio Ghibli? That thought was my inspiration as I jumped into this painting. And as someone who loves their work, [...]

Lucky Cat – Rave Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Here for the party. Likes to feel the vibrations of the beats in her whiskers. A show off but you just can’t stop staring. Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of [...]

Lucky Cat – Margarita Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Lucky Cat Margarita is a whole lotta fun and sometimes a bit of a salty bitch Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless [...]

Lucky Cat – Lucy Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm The Beatles song ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ wasn’t about her but it might as well have been. She’s a happy and colorful gal Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler [...]

Lucky Cat – Pocus Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Likes moonlit walks, scary movies, and has a bit of an overbite Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. In addition, [...]

Lucky Cat – Lisa Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm OMG YASS! Lisa is fierce and gurl she is herrre. Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. In addition, you can [...]

Lucky Cat – Sunflower Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Born on a farm to her parents Rosemary and Basil. She spends much of her time cultivating catnip – for medicinal purposes of course! Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of [...]

Lucky Cat – American Shorthair Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm I’m an independent ‘murican go getter – go getz me more nomz! Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If [...]

Lucky Cat – Tori Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Loves a good 80’s – 90’s print and cute boyz. Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested [...]

Lucky Cat – Calico Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm All our grandmothers had calico cats named Bootsie. I don’t know, but they were happy ladies. You can be one too Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All [...]

Lucky Cat – Maine Coon Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Let me help clean out the bad in your life. Mice? Done. Bugs? Gone. Negative feels? Pets. All better. Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork [...]

Lucky Cat – Siberian Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm I’m soft and fluffy but won’t make you sneeze! Now let’s go on an adventure please! Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless [...]

Lucky Cat – Orange Tabby Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Not actually a “breed” but nobody can say he isn’t special! Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you [...]

Lucky Cat – Gizmo Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Wee Woo!! I come in peace to scarf down a fish feast and then nap on your keyboard as your new kitty overlord. Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu [...]

Lucky Cat – Rag Doll Original Acrylic on Canvas 8 x 10 inches / 20 x 25 cm Do you haz kids? We can tea partiez! Lucky Cat paintings are all original artworks created exclusively by artist Steph Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in [...]

I’m excited to announce that I’m one of the guests artists in the Studios of Cocoa Beach newest exhibition! “Somewhere in Time” exhibit begins Wednesday May 22 and runs through July 22, 2019. Opening reception is this Friday May 24th from 6-9pm and I’d love for anyone reading this to come say hi in person! [...]

“Glowing Waters” Glow in the Dark Acrylic on Canvas I painted this live on steam to test out some new glow in the dark acrylic paint. The image is of a lovely sunset sky that’s reflecting on water spilling over a rock cropping into little rainbow waterfalls. It is a subject matter that while it [...]

“Buttercup Bunny” Acrylic on Canvas – 2019 In the words of my niece “Oh my gosh it looks like a photograph!”. This small canvas may actually be the most realistic of all of the paintings I’ve ever done. However, it’s undeniably cute and in one of my favorite palettes of yellows and greens. Looking at [...]

“January” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2016 This was one of my first paintings of the year. I wanted to incorporate some elements that I often paint a lot – mountains, trees, dramatic skies and what might be a body of water with a snowy scene theme. I love how the body of water appears [...]

“Vibes 3219” Acrylic on Canvas – 2019 This painting was a commission for a long time supporter and fan of my art. Based on my original large scale painting Positive Vibes, it is a spontaneous chaotic explosion of bright colors that fly off the canvas. Phosphorescent paint was also used to create a black light [...]

Lady of Blue Acrylic on Canvas – November 2018 A lovely silhouette of a lady done in a style that evokes dripping water. I recorded a video of the process that I used to make it, from the brushes to the paint colors chosen. I was inspired by a cameo that I saw in a [...]

Korea’s Waterlilies Acrylic on Canvas – 2018 I love Monet’s art. So I feel naturally drawn to try to paint waterlilies when I can. For this piece I wanted to paint a view of Hwasung Fortress which I have painted many parts of but to feature the water pond. There is a lot of lore [...]

Ponyo Loves Ham Acrylic on Canvas – 2018 Ponyo is a fun kids movie by Studio Ghibli that has become internationally recognized through not only their fame but also through Disney studios. I love this retelling of the little mermaid, and think it goes far and above being a better representation of a story [...]

Wildflowers (Feeling Blue) Acrylic on Canvas – 2018 This is an abstract that I did for a video. I wanted to try different techniques such as fluid painting, dripping effects, one stroke leaves and pallete knife to make a lovely painting that resembled flowers. It was a fun piece to make and in the freedom [...]

Ganymede Bird Friends (Set of 2) Acrylic on Canvas – 2018 Overwatch is a computer and console game that has become really popular since it debuted a few years ago. I’m personally drawn to it because it’s one of those games that you can play with people all over the world. So, despite being long [...]

I was playing the game World of Warcraft when I took my newly acquired Violet Spellwing flying through some older zones for the Battle for Azeroth expansion when I flew through Sra’vess. Immediately I wanted to paint the beauty of the fluffy night sky and the lights that softly flew around my character. Using a [...]

Unbeknownst to many, I struggle daily. I’m very much an introvert and even basic daily conversations are sometimes difficult to me. I can happily pour myself into work for hours on end, but I have to tune everybody and everything out. Richard the extrovert is often frustrated because he wants updates and conversation about progress [...]

Richard named this one, so if you don’t like the name – blame him! All jokes aside, this piece is a marriage of an older style and technique that I used to use often and my knowledge that I have acquired over the years of how paint behaves and interacts. I almost dye the canvas [...]

Elephant Exuberance Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas – 2018 For the past two years during the month of May I painted an elephant for St. Jude PlayLIVE. Last year’s was actually sold during the event and a portion of the profits went towards helping the kids at St. Jude. I wanted this year’s elephant [...]

A hauntingly simple spray paint night scene such as one might see walking through a forest lit by the glow of the full moon. It’s one of my favorite scenes in my inner happy places. Perhaps because I love to work at night – there’s something so peaceful about when everyone else is asleep and [...]

“Nazmir Blood Moon” Acrylic on Canvas – August 2018 Something a lot of people don’t really know about me is my love for RPGs or role-playing games. In university, I spent way too much of my time playing Oblivion, Animal Crossing and other various games on the Nintendo Wii. In the past few years I’ve [...]

“Meditation” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2017 I wanted to create a relaxing sunset/sunrise painting that was soothing, something that made you look at it and immediately feel at ease. Something to start the month off with the right feel and/or attitude. A quiet moment in the midst of the chaos that is the vibrant [...]

“Jade” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 This is a dirty pour abstract painting that is a rich, soft, marbled painting in shades of green and gold. It is reminiscent of jade, and reminds me of a ring that I had as a child, given to me by a woman I highly respected and [...]

“Tampa” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2017 This painting was created after observing the city of Tampa from a distance across the water. The name felt right, and after finding out the meaning of its name I had to call it by this title. Though there is some speculation to the origin of the word, [...]

“Pumpkin Spice Latte for Two” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 While this fall hasn’t been very cold, it is the season for things that make you feel cozy. One thing that became very popular in the US while I was living in South Korea was Pumpkin Spice Lattes. It’s cozy, pumpkin flavored (though pumpkin [...]

“Black Hole” Spray Paint on Canvas – September 2017 Inspired by a scene in a music video by Korean pop artists BTS. This painting was created to be an explosion of color, a black hole that from which vibrant colors and energy emerge. It’s reminiscent to me of a tragic love that gives everything to [...]

“Unicorn Vomit” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 This colorful iridescent abstract is intense, almost violent in its beauty. I tried to see it in a lot of different manners – galactical, Lisa Frank-esque. But in some ways all abstracts are just inner thoughts and feelings spewn out on canvas for all to see. And [...]

“Finding the Force Within” Acrylic on Canvas – December 2017 I went to the opening weekend of The Last Jedi and was blown away by so many aspects of the movie. I had since I was a very young child been a fan of the Star Wars franchise. Admittedly, Ewoks had been my favorite back [...]

“Winter Palace” Acrylic on Canvas – December 2017 Recreation of a scene in Gyeongbukgoong palace in Seoul that I saw in a photograph I thought was lovely. I especially like the use of color in this one as it gives off a sepia/yellow ochre hue that makes it look like it’s been through a filter. [...]

“Looking Up at the Swirling Vortex of the Night Sky” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2018 Created in 2 parts, this was the last painting I completed before we left for vacation this year. I think that’s somewhat symbolic to me – as prior to that painting session it was a swirling mess. Sometimes life [...]

“Color Riot” Acrylic on Canvas – February 2018 An explosion of colors that riots and screams out. That’s to me what this painting represents. I’m a peaceful and quiet individual most of the time. I’ve never particularly learned how to stand up for myself well. I never learned to fight – to scream. Yet it [...]

“Rainbow Palace” Acrylic on Canvas – December 2017 A symbolic firework painting featuring a traditional Korean Palace to celebrate the New Year. It was made to be the second painting in a series of winter hanok (traditional Korean buildings) the first being titled “New Year“. I spent a lot of time looking at photos of [...]

“Christmas Tree” Acrylic on Canvas – December 2017 A holiday painting done in order to play with some new brushes and techniques in some of my favorite colors for one of my favorite seasons. Like many people I love Christmas. It’s the one time of year I don’t mind the snow. Somehow everything seems a [...]

“SHINEE Forever” Acrylic on Canvas – December 2017 A painting done in honor of Jonghyun of the kpop group SHINee. As someone who had long been a fan of the group, I was a bit devastated when he died of suicide due to the complications of depression at the age of 27. I myself have [...]

“Realm of the Water God” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2017 Bride of the Water God is a Korean comic or manhwa that I have loved for several years ever since I first saw my students reading it in Korea. I’ve read it myself, and think it’s one of the most beautiful comics I’ve ever [...]

“Yellow Balloon (Serendipity)” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 I love recreating scenes in paint that explore the imagination, creativity and symbolism. One of my favorite symbols is the use of the color yellow in poignant ways. Whether it be in a balloon such as this painting or in another object (notably a yellow umbrella) [...]

“Evening Tide” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2017 It was late, I had wanted to paint since I had woken up that day but hadn’t managed to get around to actually doing it. The scene I wanted to depict was a sunset over the water that glowed with soft and fluffy pink clouds. Initially I [...]

“Mortiferous” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2017 Defined as deadly or fatal, this was not the initial intention of this painting until a lone insect decided to give its life to becoming a part of this piece. But in honor of that, and because I actually like the effect that it gives in the midst [...]

Honeymoon Affair Acrylic on Canvas – November 2017 I painted this after spending the day at the beach by myself. You see, I don’t do a whole lot on my own. I probably should, but the majority of my day is spent interacting with my husband as not only do we live together but also [...]

“Scene from the front porch of a Pennsylvania cabin” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2017 June was a crazy month. I started it off by spending several days in rural Pennsylvania with my brother and his wife (who recently retired from the military) and three of their kids. My father had rented a cabin not [...]

“Winter Tale” Glow-in-the-Dark Mixed Media and Acrylic on Canvas – October 2017 This is a glow in the dark and mixed media painting that came about because I was working on a painting and the masking medium that I had used I discovered was luminescent so I re-used it within this painting to create a [...]
![“Sea Foam” Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Sea-Foam-150x150.jpg)
“Sea Foam” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2017 This is a soft painting showing the motion of the ocean rushing in to the water. This one highlights the sea-foam and the green shades that arise when water is shallow and becomes increasingly clear. This one also showcases the textural differences between the sand, the sea [...]

“Current” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2017 This is a piece taken from a painting session where I did 3 canvases similarly but also very different. Focusing more on stronger lines and the marbleization of the paint as it swirls and moves, this one is probably the most unique of the three. It still has [...]

“Awash” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2017 This is a piece taken from a painting session where I did 3 canvases similarly but also very different. This one reminds me of looking at the water along the shoreline through a pair of glasses dripping with water. There is additional movement and distortion that isn’t just [...]

“Lavender Mist” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2017 This is a fun abstract that I wanted to make in such a way that every person who views it sees a different thing or has a different feeling when they see it. Created by layering lighter paint over a darker background in a series of marbled [...]

“Oceane” Mixed Media & Acrylic on Canvas – November 2017 A mermaid painting, painted as if she was swimming out in the deeper ocean. Her tail is actually made of shell pieces done in a mosaic fashion and she’s joined by manta rays (which look like sea birds). I’ve long been meaning to paint one [...]

“Burnt Sienna Clouds” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 Inspired by the love of Bob Ross and his use of burnt sienna and yellow ochre I decided to try to make a happy cloud scene using this particular color palette. This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of [...]

Van Glow-in-the-Dark Acrylic on Canvas – August 2017 I wanted to make a Van Gogh inspired glow in the dark painting to have fun with my new blacklight and phosphorescent paint. After hours of tiny brush strokes with regular and glow in the dark paint I created a painting that I believe has movement and [...]

“Hot Air Balloon Ride in Autumn” Acrylic on Canvas October 2017 This is my own recreation of a miniature painting by my uncle that resided within my barbie house when I was a child. I had always thought it a beautiful painting and was inspired by it. However, I had never tried to paint like [...]

“Two Moons” Glow-in-the-Dark Acrylic on Canvas – October 2017 A tale of two moons, and two galaxies.. one a cool and periwinkle blue/pink/purple setting and the other an intense orange and green intense place somewhere out within the stars. Maybe in that universe there exists some sort of utopia.. This artwork is a one of [...]

Aboard Acrylic on Canvas – 2015 I’ve always loved looking at sailboats. Maybe it’s in part because I’ve never actually been on one? But to me, as someone who’s read a lot of books in childhood, they represent adventure. I also like the concept that we’re all just kind of riding the waves of time [...]

Llueve Acrylic on Canvas – 2015 I like to make paintings to cheer me up. In many cases, it has been a healthy way to deal with my own struggles with depression, anxiety and the troublesome things and experiences that I’ve witnessed or gone through in life. However, not all paintings can be super happy [...]

Aviva Acrylic on Canvas – November 2017 I chose this name because of it’s meaning of innocent springtime. I was inspired in part by conversations that I had with some “co-workers” in Australia because though here in the northern hemisphere we are getting ready for winter, there it is rainy season and they are getting [...]
![“Drifting” – Acrylic Painting on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Drifting-150x150.jpg)
“Drifting” Acrylic Painting on Canvas – September 2016 This painting was a long work in progress. You see, I had begun it last year and had been working through some deep and difficult stuff emotionally. I was facing it head on, but I couldn’t really see how things could turn out in a way that [...]

“Coralie” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2017 In Florida, I like to paint mermaids. This particular mermaid is inspired by Wikiwatchee where they have mermaid shows. I haven’t actually been there, but I’ve been to a nearby park that is also a manatee refuge. There’s just something so cute, and fun about these gentle mammals [...]

“Painting with Light” Glow-in-the-Dark Acrylic on Canvas – October 2017 This painting may not be the most attractive of colorscemes in the daylight but under the blacklight I painted on canvas with light. It was glorious incorporating all of the leftover glowy colors on my paintbrush and watching them illuminate on the canvas. This artwork [...]

“Cold Clearing” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2017 A landscape, this one is quite colorful though it has a bit of coldness to it despite the warmth of the sky and its reflections in the water. I think I was reflecting hard on my own personal struggles. It was painted near mother’s day and its [...]

“Cherry Blossoms Floating in Pink” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2017 I had just restocked my favorite pink paint and wanted to create a piece that had abstract elements using it and several other new colors that I had gotten. What emerged was a gorgeous background that wasn’t easy to place, but the colorscape reminded [...]

Korean Castle in Autumn Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 In Suwon, where we lived in South Korea, there was a walled castle that surrounded part of the city. One day in autumn in 2014 when Richard was having a hard time sleeping he went for a walk. There he saw a morning market and [...]

“Pink Fluffy Unicorns (Dancing on Rainbows)” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 In a night where I had decided to listen to emo music, I chose to paint my canvas in the complete opposite direction. So, I decided to paint pink fluffy ponies that were unicorns, floating and dancing about in the clouds. Our collaborative [...]

“Sitting in Moonlight” Spray Paint on Canvas – September 2017 A lovely scene from the music video Serendipity by the Korean pop group BTS. I found the shot so awe inspiring. The image of someone sitting on a precipice with the universe glowing brightly behind them really puts things into perspective. We are just a [...]

“Ectoplasm” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 A fun acid-wash of colors that swirl and embrace. Most might recognize it as the ghost slime from Ghostbusters. A spooky, otherworldly, amoeba like substance. This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless [...]

“Ode to Rap Monster” Spray Paint Mixed Media on Canvas Spray Paint Mixed Media on Canvas – September 2017 Rap Monster is the lead rapper and in large part the brain and creative writer and composer of most of BTS (the most popular Kpop group at the moment) music. He’s also done several solo pieces. [...]

“Sweet Kawaii Cake” Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas – September 2017 For many years I’ve loved manga and anime. For over 10 years now actually. Frequently when I have difficulties sleeping I turn to it because I don’t get too involved or have to think or even really be creative when reading or watching [...]

“Magnificent Pineapple” (Glow-in-the-Dark) Acrylic on Canvas – September 2017 This is a pineapple. I was inspired by a photo of my sister’s kitchen counter where she lives in Africa and thought, “I could really go for some pineapple”. So I decided to paint one, that used my glow in the dark paint. It’s a fun [...]

“The Night is Dark, the Moon is Full” Spray Paint on Canvas – September 2017 This is a spray paint, but it is also a simple, quiet but powerful statement piece. A friend suggested that I attempt to create a piece that reflected moonlight. This is the result, and considering I don’t often turn to [...]

“Gyeongbukgung Lantern Festival” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2017 I wanted to make a lovely Seoul based painting that combined one of the most picturesque festivals Korea has – the lantern festival. Now I’ve never actually seen them light off the sky lanterns but it’s a painting and I have creative freedom to see it [...]

Waves Incoming 1 Waves Incoming 2 Waves Incoming 3 “Waves incoming (1,2,3)” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2017 Probably one of my most popular paintings that was just so much fun to paint and abstract enough that I felt I could recreate something similar was my “Wash Over Me” painting.. so I made a bunch [...]

“A Time of Castles” (Commission) Acrylic on Canvas – August 2017 This was a commission piece based off of an already existent painting that had been damaged in a roof leak. With some serious alterations (and turning what was a picturesque idealistic castle to a crumbly one with weeds growing around, it was a lot [...]

“Jiji Pan To” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2017 This is a painting of Jiji from the movie Kiki’s Delivery Service by Miyazaki. They’ve been doing a Ghibli fest in the cinemas across the US this year and this month’s movie was Kiki. I painted this prior to watching it, though I had seen it [...]

“Blue Heron” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2017 A simple painting of some water splashing on rocks along the shore and a heron that is walking along, perhaps finding its dinner. I wanted to play with sky and water colors and reflections and feel that it came out quite well in this piece. This artwork [...]
![“Soap Bubbles” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Soap-Bubbles-150x150.jpg)
“Soap Bubbles” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2017 This is a simple abstract to play with one of my favorite color combinations and different acrylic mediums. I wanted to create a multi-dimensional painting that showcases differently depending upon the lighting. It also has a whimsical feel to it that I just love. This artwork is [...]

“Something Blue is Afoot” Acrylic on Canvas – August 2017 Named because I kept stepping in blue paint (including placing my foot on the canvas accidentally) for three days straight. Every time I turned around I stepped in blue paint.. My sole was blue. I felt it appropriate to name it that and as I [...]

“Lotus at Dawn” Acrylic on Canvas – August 2017 Inspired by the anime/manga Yona of the Dawn and the first scene of the credits of the anime. I screen-captured the image and did my own interpretation of what I saw. What emerged was one of the most pink and sparkly paintings I have ever done, [...]
![“Glory to the Alliance” (Commission) – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Glory-to-the-Alliance-Comission-150x150.jpg)
“Glory to the Alliance” (Commission) Acrylic on Canvas – August 2017 I don’t often paint “fandom” paintings, as I feel like there’s already so much art out there and I get intimidated by it all. But when I saw this request, I thought it would be a fun challenge. You see, the World of Warcraft [...]

“Ode to a Rainstorm” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2017 This one was a two part painting. I started it during an actual rainstorm and layered fluid acrylics to create depth, then let it actually sit out within the rainstorm until most of the paint was washed away and the sun had dried & bleached [...]

“Cloud Study en Purple” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2017 This one was a purple background and so I created a dark nighttime scene with clouds breaking to reveal the moon glowing bright. One thing I really like to paint that everyone seems to love are clouds. I like the imperfections and how they vary [...]

“The Gatehouse” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2015 After a long stint without it, Richard and I finally made and ate Korean food. Trying to describe that experience – a place so different from where I had grown up, adopted and then going back to the taste after so long. It was almost like reading [...]
![“Golden Rainbow Rain Shower” – [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Golden-Rainbow-Rain-Shower-150x150.jpg)
“Golden Rainbow Rain Shower” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2017 I was working on a rainbow abstract but as I kept painting a tree appeared that I couldn’t deny its existence. What emerged is a colorful “rainy” scene that I think is lovely. This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by [...]

“Wake Up Totoro” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2017 Throughout the rest of 2017, every month they are going to be showing a film by Ghibli studios in theaters around the US. In June they were showing My Neighbor Totoro. This is from the scene where Mei first discovers Totoro. I thought it very beautiful [...]
![“G-Dragon Embracing the World” – [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/G-Dragon-Embracing-the-World-150x150.jpg)
“G-Dragon Embracing the World” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2017 Feeling the excitement of G-Dragon’s world tour this year (that I will be attending in Toronto) that has expanded now into Europe, and releasing a new music video that I decided to create a painting for the HYPE! What emerged was a fun and cute [...]

“63 Building” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2017 I wanted to paint a Korean scenic landscape painting but find that most often what I end up painting is more historical buildings. I wanted to paint something that to me represented the actual Korea that most people interact with more, the city and modern Korea. I [...]
![“Kiki en Flight” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Kiki-en-Flight-150x150.jpg)
“Kiki en Flight (Kiki’s Delivery Service)” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2017 Kiki’s Delivery Service has always been a Ghibli movie that I’ve enjoyed. When I was looking into different movies that I wanted to recreate images from for a painting this one came to mind. I love the image of Kiki and Jiji flying [...]
![“Eyes on Dalaran” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Eyes-on-Dalaran-150x150.jpg)
“Eyes on Dalaran” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2017 This piece was created in a collaborative event. I was painting with my friend TradeChat for her Twitch channel to help raise funds for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Knowing that her “thing” is World of Warcraft much like mine is all things Korean entertainment, I wanted [...]

“For the Alliance” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2017 I created this painting on May 4th, also known as Star Wars Day. It was based on a request to paint something World of Warcraft Alliance themed, but it also reminded me of the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars. So, using the idea of Shadowmoon Valley [...]
![“Noh Face/The Candy Man” – [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Noh-Face-Candy-Man-150x150.jpg)
“Noh Face/The Candy Man” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2017 I wanted to make a simple Ghibli inspired painting that others might also be able to paint and to show and explain my process in a “paint along with me” session. What ended up emerging was a fun no-face painting complete with candy instead of [...]
![“Little May Elephant” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Little-May-Elephant-150x150.jpg)
“Little May Elephant” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2017 This was my first painting of the month of May and also the first painting of the St. Jude playlive fundraiser that I have chosen to be a part of this year. In order to make the painting as special as I possibly could, I wanted [...]
![“Waiting for Spring” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Waiting-for-Spring-150x150.jpg)
“Waiting for Spring” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2017 When you think of night or evening you often think of black skies. But often in Korea that’s not the case as the skies are a dark rust color because of air and light pollution. However that doesn’t keep spring from coming, flowers from blooming or [...]
![“Center of your own Universe” – [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Center-of-your-own-universe-150x150.jpg)
“Center of your own universe” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2017 This is a somewhat glow in the dark space scene. It contemplates this mindset that I feel like I’m surrounded by where people live in such a way that they think the universe revolves around them and their thoughts, opinions, and ideals. This mindset [...]
![“For my sister” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/For-Chels-150x150.jpg)
“For my sister” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2017 This was a special request from my sister who I only get to see and gift things now like once every 2 years. So when she asked for a specific painting – despite it not being my own original concept I agreed wholeheartedly and spent a [...]

“Pinwheel Perspectives – Cliffside by the Shore” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2017 For these four paintings, I had placed the color on all the canvases as they were laid out in a pinwheel shape. I then looking at the paint on the individual canvas tried to create four uniquely different paintings in one sitting. [...]

“Pinwheel Perspectives – Cities Never Sleep” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2017 For these four paintings, I had placed the color on all the canvases as they were laid out in a pinwheel shape. I then looking at the paint on the individual canvas tried to create four uniquely different paintings in one sitting. This [...]
![“Pine Ridge” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Pine-Ridge-150x150.jpg)
“Pine Ridge” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2017 This is a painting that was actually difficult to make emotionally. It’s like in creating it, it was a painting I didn’t want to make but it revealed itself to me over the course of making it and told me what it was going to look like [...]
![“Music” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Music-150x150.jpg)
“Music” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2017 I wanted to create a painting that captured some of the vibes that I feel when I sit down and just aimlessly strum my guitar. Truthfully, this is my fist guitar painting and perhaps my first “real” musical painting that I’ve done, though I used to do a [...]

“Korean Coastal Village” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2017 This painting is based on a photo that I took from a romantic “getaway” that I took with Richard back when we lived in Korea. Growing up in the countryside, it wasn’t always easy to be constantly surrounded by skyscrapers, and the bustle and noise of [...]
![“Night Blossoms” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Night-Blossoms-150x150.jpg)
“Night Blossoms” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2017 This is a simple stream painting. I wanted to do something spring and cherry blossom-esque as that is a much liked esthetic. But, as not all cherry blossoms are pink but some are white I wanted to paint it in a way that that they stood out [...]
![“Escape” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Escape-150x150.jpg)
“Escape” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2017 Everyone has their own happy place – maybe it’s in the mountains, surrounded by trees and nature.. or maybe it’s by the ocean listening to the crashing waves. Or maybe you’re like me and really like both! This picture though, was created to form a gorgeous warm sunset [...]

“When Hearts Combine” Acrylic on Canvas – February 2017 This painting is an abstract that is a play on the view that everyone has someone out there that they will connect with. You meet a lot of people in life and some just pass on by but some stick – friends, family or a special [...]

“Pink Sands” Mixed Media on Canvas – January 2018 I was feeling tumultuous and wanted to create a peaceful scenario in which to escape, to sit and contemplate life and the intricacies or get lost in just being in the moment. So, I created it in paint. The beach area isn’t large, because life was [...]
![“Seollal” (설날) – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Seollal-Lunar-New-Year-150x150.jpg)
“Seollal” (설날) Acrylic on Canvas – January 2017 This painting was created the first official day of Lunar New Year or Seollal of 2017. I actually spent a significant amount of time looking to see if there were any photos on the internet that I could use as a resource and draw from as inspiration, [...]
![“Space Bento” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Space-Bento-e1448303135699-150x150.jpg)
“Space Bento” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 My goal for this painting was to be a fun surrealist style painting with a quirky take on a science theme. There are many potential astronauts in training out there that carry lunchboxes around.. it’s just that most of them are in elementary school! Seriously though, I [...]
![“Fuji in Spring” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Fuji-in-Spring-150x150.jpg)
“Fuji in Spring” Acrylic on Canvas – February 2017 12×24 inches / 30×61 cm This, I believe is my first “Cherry Blossom painting” of 2017! It was also a painting that revealed what it was going to be as I was painting it and in many cases, I was along for the ride. Regardless, I [...]
![“Confidence” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/FullSizeRender3-150x150.jpg)
Confidence Acrylic on Canvas – January 2017 I write a lot of messages on mirrors in my house. Its a literal “reflection” if you will. One of the last ones I wrote was about Confidence which I think reminds me of how I created this painting. Affection – Love – Confidence You were a good [...]
![“Night Under the Palms” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Night-Under-the-Palms-150x150.jpg)
“Night Under the Palms” Acrylic on Canvas – February 2017 I’ve spent many nights with hubby enjoying the night sky under palm trees – Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Florida, and now Peru.. We sure do like to travel! I think there’s something though that palms grow in areas where it’s warm and nice to sit [...]
![“Color Pop” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Color-Pop-150x150.jpg)
“Color Pop” Acrylic on Canvas – February 2017 12×24 inches / 30×61 cm Painting this I was feeling frustrated at our current culture. I often do feel frustrated with our current world situation, and while I do have a platform with which to speak from (that I am thankful for everyday – you all are [...]
![“Jelly” – Glow in the Dark Acrylic [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Jelly-150x150.jpg)
“Jelly” Glow in the Dark Acrylic – February 2017 11×14 inches / 29×36 cm Glow in the dark underwater scene. I was getting a bit overwhelmed and dragged down by my emotions and needed to “wash them off” so I decided to have some fun and do a brightly colored abstract using some glow in [...]
![“Gerbera Daisies” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Gerbera-Daisies-150x150.jpg)
Gerbera Daisies Acrylic on Canvas – January 2016 This was a simple and fun painting to do that I’m going to have to attempt to recreate or just do another version of. I really love the vibrancy that it came out with! It was an attempt at trying to paint something in the areas of [...]
![“Purple Tree” – Abstract Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Purple-Tree-150x150.jpg)
“Purple Tree” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – July 2016 This is an abstract of what a tree might look like in a storm. I had been looking at pictures of wisteria and as a bit dismayed this year that our redbud tree hadn’t really bloomed up to its potential. I paint a lot of pink [...]
![“Lovebirds” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Lovebirds-150x150.jpg)
“Lovebirds” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 I am a cat person – not a bird person. But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate birds. My in-laws love bird watching and have been trying to teach me some of them over the years. Now I actually find myself watching them and the squirrels with our [...]
![“Synchronicity” – Abstract Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Synchronicity-150x150.jpg)
“Synchronicity” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – July 2016 This painting to me is a meaningful coincidence. I was playing with abstract concepts and watercolor effects in acrylic paint during a fun painting session with my friend Danielle. We’re very much different people but also have quite a few things in common. Anyways flash forward to [...]
![“Colorful Tree in a Barren Landscape” [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Colorful-Tree-in-a-Barren-Landscape-150x150.jpg)
“Colorful Tree in a Barren Landscape” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2016 Paintings to me are often a reflection of what is going on in my mind and where I am in life. The day that I painted this I was kind of sad. To be quite honest the day before I had come to [...]
![“Falling Blossoms” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Falling-Blossoms-150x150.jpg)
“Falling Blossoms” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 This painting MIGHT just be my Sakura 2016. Cherry blossoms have always been very meaningful for me – my neighbor growing up had a HUGE white cherry tree that bloomed beautifully every year – it was my favorite time of year in Korea – and the one [...]
![“Genji” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Genji-e1485669419667-150x150.jpg)
“Genji” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2017 This painting’s title comes from a dual meaning that I feel have similar feelings. One is the Genji – a character in the game Overwatch that has been nearly killed by his brother and has to find a new way and a better reason to live (albeit in [...]
![“Hyperventilating” – Glow in the Dark [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Hyperventalating-150x150.jpg)
“Hyperventilating” Glow in the Dark Acrylic on Canvas – January 2017 This one came about because I was frustrated. Even as an artist and YouTube personality with a platform in which to speak on and address social issues so often I feel like I have no power or say to make any change in the [...]
![“Hidden Places” – Glow in the Dark [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/FullSizeRender-3-150x150.jpg)
“Hidden Places” Glow in the Dark Acrylic on Canvas – January 2017 This is a mystery painting. It’s essentially two paintings in one. First is the lovely landscape painting devoid of creatures or buildings that is just whimsical and done with soft pastels. Then, when the lights are off the glow in the dark elements [...]
![“Guemosan Winter” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/FullSizeRender-1-e1483815622299.jpg)
“Guemosan Winter” Acrylic on Canvas – December 2016 I’ve been feeling a bit blue this holiday season. I think it’s because I actually miss the holidays in Korea and my friends there. It’s a bit crazy but we’ve been quite busy and haven’t had the huge sense of accomplishment and “I’m going to take a [...]
![“Impasto Sunset” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/impasto-sunset-e1482010430209-150x150.jpeg)
“Impasto Sunset” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2016 The title of this one reflects the style or technique that I used to paint it rather than the feeling. But if I had to express a feeling it would be grit. Created with palate knife and textured mediums in addition to my regular acrylic it has [...]
![“Solstice on Mars” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Solstice-on-Mars-150x150.jpg)
“Solstice on Mars” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2016 Is it just me, or do a lot of my paintings have a “Mars” theme? Lol! This painting was a personal challenge to work with a color scheme that I typically shy away from – browns and orange-mustardy colors. But what transpired is a painting that [...]
![“Ganymede” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Ganymede-150x150.jpg)
“Ganymede” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2017 I wanted to start off the year with a painting of Ganymede for many reasons. It was national bird day, I recently started playing Overwatch. But really, it’s the meaning behind Ganymede that made me want to paint him. You see, he/or she.. not quite sure which they’ve [...]
![“A Spring Puddle” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/A-Spring-Puddle-150x150.jpg)
“A Spring Puddle” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas, July 2016 This painting was intended to be a floral abstract. I wanted something that looked like a bouquet and harbored the colors found within a spring bundle of flowers. Yet I also wanted it to reflect a washed out effect that reflected rain as it has been [...]
![“Splash” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Splash-150x150.jpg)
“Splash” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2016 One of my many Twitch Stream paintings, this one was tons of fun. I had previously painted Wash Over Me but was trying to use some of the techniques and create an altogether different painting. I think I succeeded. For my first live painting stream in Florida, we [...]
![“Gate to the Spirit World” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/IMG_4065-150x150.jpg)
“Gate to the Spirit World” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2016 The common red gates we see in Japanese culture are associated with the Shinto religion and are called Tori Gates. The red ones mark the start of the Shinto shrine where the world as we know it stops and the spirit world begins. The [...]

“Skittles” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2017 A small abstract that reminds me of the colors of skittles. It was just a fun painting that I made for the sake of enjoying an abstract creation. The gold represents my joy for all the things both colorful and tasty. This artwork is a one of a [...]

“Winter is for the Birds” Acrylic on Canvas – December 2016 A few weeks ago I had captured a bunch of lovely winter scenes with birds after spotting a cardinal in our backyard and thinking that they just make for a lovely winter scene. Well, this was painted on a streaming night where outside there [...]

“Aqua Lung” Acrylic on Canvas December 2016 This was a fun painting that I feel like I ended up painting because I didn’t really want to paint fish. I think this is because my last name starts with “ish” and so of course I got called fish a couple of times in grade school. Mind [...]

“Acid Rain” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – August 2016 The direction for this painting was to create a colorful city-scape on water. I also wanted to do it almost entirely with the same palette knife and have it reflect properly on water that was a bit tumultuous, perhaps due to rain. The sky also has [...]
![“Treasure” – Acrylic and Mixed Media [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Treasure-150x150.jpeg)
“Treasure” Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas – December 2016 This is a painting I did for my dad as a joint Christmas and Housewarming present. He just bought a house in Florida and graciously allows us to not only use his house for a month every year but considered us when buying the house. [...]

“Clowning Around” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2016 The inspiration for this one was my love of clownfish – or NEMO for those of you who are more pop culture afficianados. I wanted to create a mermaid with a sunken ship that had some detail and depth to not only the water but also to [...]
![“Street Reflections” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/street-reflections-150x150.jpeg)
“Street Reflections” Acrylic on Canvas – December 2016 This was a comissioned piece I did for a 14 year old girl who loves BTS. Her request was that I listen to Reflection by BTS and paint my reaction to it. After listening to it once I knew what I was going to paint. The song [...]
![“Tree of Light” – Glow in the Dark [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Tree-of-Light-150x150.jpg)
“Tree of Light” Glow in the Dark Acrylic on Canvas – January 2016 This was a painting in two parts. The first part being a painting that to me was quite deep and meaningful but was kind of a joke to my husband and friends. You see, I wanted to paint my impression of what [...]
![“Flow” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Flow-150x150.jpg)
“Flow” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2016 I was listening to Muse while I was painting this night and of course I started thinking about space and travel – because if you haven’t listened to their music, it’s an overarching theme/sound. Anyways as I was painting I was thinking about movement – how living organisms [...]
![“Maple” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Maple-150x150.jpg)
“Maple” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2016 I love big and colorful fall trees. This was the first of the autumn trees for this year and I’ve already painted several since I made this one. This however is probably the biggest and is inspired in part by a Monet painting I saw in a museum [...]
![“Sea Nymph” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Sea-Nymph-150x150.jpg)
“Sea Nymph” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2016 I really wanted to challenge myself and paint a mermaid. I’ve only ever tried to paint one before and it is a painting that I like but do not love. Therefore I really wanted to challenge myself and do something that captured some of what I’m learning [...]
![“With the Tide” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/With-the-Tide-150x150.jpg)
“With the Tide” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2016 The title for this painting not only reflects the image itself for me but also the process of creating it. You see, for me more than the end product, it’s the process that absorbs me for hours and is what really makes a painting or not. [...]
![“Wash Over Me” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Wash-Over-Me-150x150.jpg)
Wash Over Me Acrylic on Canvas – November 2016 This one pure and simple was a desire to try an abstract technique to try to capture the beauty that is a wave crashing. The day before I painted this one I had spent a good part of the afternoon at the beach observing the waves [...]

“Sky and Sea” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2016 A two-canvas painting, I like that this one can be displayed together or as individuals. I was working on building my skills with using various techniques to make clouds, waves, sand and perspective. As a whole it’s a bit more folk-artsy than I prefer to typically [...]
![“Hello Heaven” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Hello-Heaven-150x150.jpg)
“Hello Heaven” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2016 This one is an inward heart cry. I recently found out that a friend of mine’s mother is battling a terrible form of cancer and will probably be leaving this world soon. My heart aches for her and I don’t even know what to say or what [...]
![“Floating” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Floating-150x150.jpg)
“Floating” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2016 This one reminds me of one of the first paintings I ever sold titled “Between Two Worlds”. Both of them have a similar concepts and ideas of being just under water and observing the peaceful world. The first painting I did this year in Florida, I wanted it [...]

“Autumn Reds and Yellows” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2016 Autumn is my favorite season of the year and in this painting I was trying to capture the tree colors that are the reason why this is so. In looking at this painting it almost appears as if the red tree in losing its leaves [...]
![“Voyage” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Voyage-150x150.jpg)
“Voyage” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2016 This painting to me looks like an adventure – a voyage. There’s just so much action going on in this painting to me. I’ve painted many of these concepts before but usually don’t put them ALL together in the same painting. Also with this painting I can clearly [...]

“Caught in the Undertow (In Memorium)” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2017 Years ago, when I first started painting in Korea, I had painted a piece titled the same that was inspired by Linkin’ Park’s song ‘Numb’ and my own relation to the feeling of just being overwhelmed and dealing with depression. In honor of [...]
![“Cyanic” – Abstract Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Cyanic-150x150.jpg)
“Cyanic” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – July 2016 Cyanic means blue, but to me the blue in this painting is what really stands out. It’s an abstract piece and one that I really love. I wanted to make a piece that looked like a galaxy piece but was clearly also its own thing. I think [...]
![“Snow Angel” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Snow-Angel-150x150.jpg)
“Snow Angel” Acrylic on Canvas – August 2016 I started painting this one at the same time as Fractals. I began by simply putting colors that I thought would be lovely together. And the pastels reminded me of childhood → which lead me to thinking about my niece who just started Kindergarten. She is just [...]
![“The Dock of the Bay” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/The-Dock-Of-The-Bay-150x150.jpg)
“The Dock of the Bay” Acrylic on Canvas – August 2016 This is the first painting I did that was wholly inspired and brought about by you guys (and my dad.. but he watches too!) Using some photo inspiration from the ‘ol man, I explored and in my opinion conquered the obstacle that was a [...]
![“A View of Seoul” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/A-View-of-Seoul-150x150.png)
“A View of Seoul” Acrylic on Canvas – August 2016 Quite often when I paint I find myself thinking about my life and the time I spent in South Korea. While I only lived in Seoul for a week, it was a special place that I would frequently visit. This painting reflects an idealism that [...]
![“Fractals” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Fractals-150x150.jpg)
“Fractals” Acrylic on Canvas – August 2016 Looking at the background colors that I had placed on the palette, I was reminded of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s fashion. It reminded me of a shirt or jacket that my mother would have worn. It also reminded me of my ice-skating Barbie who had this [...]
![“Fourth of July” – Glow in the Dark [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Fourth-of-July-150x150.jpg)
“Fourth of July” Glow in the Dark – Acrylic Painting on Canvas – July 2016 This painting is a combination of my fourth of July celebrations this year. I spent some time on July 3rd with my father and his fiancée to help celebrate her birthday and then on the 4th we drove back up [...]

I wanted to paint a cat holding a coffee cup in response to some hate that I had received online – A bit of a tongue in cheek rebuttal if you will. I knew that the coffee cup would have a foam heart, because the message that I want to spread is love and picking [...]
![“Yellow Flower” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Yellow-Flower-150x150.jpg)
I painted a yellow flower. It was not my original plan, but just kind of happened in the process of trying to paint a butterfly. But I liked it. Rather than scrapping it I decided to embrace said flower painting and let it take shape or canvas as the case was. It looks a bit [...]
![“Spirit of the Forest” (Glow-in-the-Dark) [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Spirit-of-the-Forest-150x150.jpg)
“Spirit of the Forest” Glow-in-the-Dark Acrylic on Canvas – May 2016 This was the third painting I attempted on my live Twitch stream. So, if you’re interested in watching it’s creation you can watch here! This painting turned out to be quite memorable as it is my version of the spirit of the forest a’la [...]
![“Seoul Tower Locks of Love” [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG_2265-150x150.jpg)
“Seoul Tower Locks of Love” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 My second date with hubs we went to the Seoul tower – and no, we did not put up locks.. nor did we on future trips – there are no hallyuback love locks in Korea. But, I did find love that has far [...]
![“Cherry Blossom River” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Cherry-Blossom-River-150x150.jpg)
“Cherry Blossom River” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 What would it be like to soar above the trees – not as we do now in planes but just above the trees, like a bird or a butterfly? I feel that try though I might I still can’t capture just how beautiful spring cherry blossom [...]
![“Water Drops” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Water-Drops-150x150.jpg)
“Water Drops” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 Like snowflakes, tears and water drops are unique and individual each and every one. This painting is a reflection of water drops en masse. Water drops when they touch down on a pool of water and ripple outward. I particularly love the jeweled tones in this piece [...]
![“Wildflowers in the Rain” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/IMG_3832-150x150.jpg)
“Wildflowers in the Rain” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2016 This painting was a fun interpretation on wildflowers that one might find in their yard or garden. I really like how the colors melt and blend together. It’s not realistic exactly, but it is lovely and has quite the bold background. I made it the [...]
![“Cotton Candy” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Cotton-Candy-150x150.jpg)
“Cotton Candy” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 I love the pastel nature of this painting. It truly managed to capture the cotton candy nature of a large grouping of cherry blossom trees. It’s easy when surrounded by a canopy of the pink trees to forget everything and feel that you’re caught up in a [...]
![“A Piece of Spring” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/A-Piece-of-Spring-150x150.jpg)
“A Piece of Spring” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 Cherry Blossoms are very special to me. For five of the years that we lived in Korea together, Richard and I would walk the cherry blossom lined paths at Kyung Hee University where he worked and I later studied. It became a very special part [...]
![“Urban Decay” – Abstract Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/IMG_9101-copy-150x150.jpg)
“Urban Decay” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – March 2015 I’m a girl from a small town who has chosen more or less to spend her life living in and around cities. And they never stop having an impact on me. They are gorgeous, glamorous, flashy and corrupt. People from all different walks of life and [...]

“He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 He loves me, He loves me not I’ve been on this kick lately where I’m reminded of things that I did as a young girl. One of these playing the daisy game that I just learned originated in France (is at least [...]

“Digital Age” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 I grew up in the 90’s-00’s, otherwise known as the digital age. It was a time of day-glo, neon, lycra, acid wash, Friends, Brittany Spears and Eureka’s Playhouse. The pulse of the time was vibrant, bold and hopeful. Technology was booming and along with it the movement [...]

“Mei-hwa” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 Mei-hwa (Meihua) or plum blossom in Chinese is a flower that blooms in the midst of the transition from winter into spring. It is seen thus as a symbol of perseverance, hope and beauty in transitory times. In Korea it’s a popular symbol of spring and branches of [...]
![“Grassland” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Grassland-1-150x150.jpg)
“Grassland” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 A naturally occurring phenomenon found everywhere but on Antarctica is grassland. And for the most part, these areas all over the world have a somewhat similar appearance. These areas host a vast diversity of wildlife around the world.. and I feel are somewhat taken for granted. Growing up [...]
![“Rage Against the Machine” [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG_2260-150x150.jpg)
“Rage Against the Machine” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 This painting was initially titled just simply Rage. I was angry and I wanted to paint something that reflected this attitude. And the Machine – well that’s our current society and the establishment. Perhaps this being an election year and all, I can’t help [...]

“Float On” Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 I love historical fiction, and I kind of have an obsession with reading stories about pirates and sailing. Even my musical choices that help me through harder times are often those with the overarching theme of sailing on through troubles and somehow, someway coming out with [...]

“The Lady – Rose” Acrylic on Canvas March 2016 This painting is part of a series of self-portraits that depict my thoughts on being a “lady” and what that meant when I was a child. I watched and read a lot of historical fiction as a child and being a prim and proper lady was [...]

“Blue Dragon” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2015 I’ve always loved fantasy and fiction, ever since I was a little girl. My first memory is actually a nightmare. I had a dream that I was trapped in a stone facade with a fire breathing dragon. I remember waking up terrified. But ever since I’ve been [...]
![“Wild Horses” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Wild-Horses-1-150x150.jpg)
“Wild Horses” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 So I’m on this train of thinking love and what that looks like after thinking about children’s games such as He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. This painting is a stream of consciousness style painting and as I put the paint onto the canvas I [...]

I painted this one directly after painting Misanthropy. I was feeling broken. My heart was crying out in outrage but no matter what I paint – what I say – I can only make a change with myself, and hope that my little impact creates waves that impact others and that their waves of love [...]
![“Morning Dove” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Morning-Dove-1-150x150.jpg)
“Morning Dove” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 This painting is coming to peace with the idea that we’ve been away from Korea for over a year and that it was a good choice for our family. The building is taken from the idea of our Korean home, which used to have a blue tile [...]

“Sakura” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2015 Sakura flowers (Japanese) or Cherry blossoms are one of my favorite aspects of having lived in Asia. I loved cherry blossom season. I was super depressed my first month in Korea and once the flowers bloomed it helped me get through that first year (well that and meeting [...]
![“Zico” – Glow in the Dark [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Zico-150x150.jpg)
“Zico” Glow in the Dark Acrylic on Canvas – February 2016 I painted this and a similar painting listening to a recent release of Zico (from Block B)’s music. I just started to paint what I felt as I listened and this is what came out. I find it a bit ironic after the fact [...]

“Living Room” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 This painting is based off of a memory that I have walking through Yangjae Citizen’s Forest park with hubby during cherry blossom season. A small river runs through it with walking paths on either side, the banks of the river lined with cherry blossoms. While there is [...]

“Taegeuk Tree” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 This was the first in a good night of painting. I had been feeling quite unbalanced and wanted a painting to kind of help explain my thoughts and emotions and put it all into balance. This painting is what came out of that desire. The Taegeuk is [...]
![“Neon Sunset” – Abstract Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Neon-Sunset-150x150.jpg)
“Neon Sunset” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 I often play with the concept of sunset and sunrise and what exactly do those look like. For this painting I wanted to break it down into basic color play elements. What would it look like if the colors did not blend? The colors of a [...]

“Venus” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – February 2015 Thinking more about the planets (Mercury and Venus) that had made their presence in the night sky next to the crescent moon, I turned on some ambiance music and dug deep. The planet Venus is often used to symbolize womanhood, and femininity which is something that I’ve [...]

“Space” Acrylic on Canvas – February 2016 Immediately after painting Gemini I started another painting that I wanted to make as similar as possible to show the opposite side of what the paint could be once blended out. I find that often when I am cleaning up dried paint from my giant plastic floor palate [...]

“Gemini” Acrylic on Canvas – February 2016 My birthday being mid June makes me a Gemini. And in many ways I’m the embodiment of what a Gemini is supposed to be. It’s like sometimes I’m just half of what I feel I am/are capable of. Often it’s as though there’s a part of me going [...]

“The Meadow” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2015 This was painted with a combination of self-reflection and thinking about my nieces (of which I have 2, soon to be 3!) I feel like I was raised with a fairytale mindset that the world is a beautiful place. And yet, as time went on, the beauty [...]
![“Plum Wine (매실)” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/IMG_0777-150x150.jpg)
“Plum Wine (매실)” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2015 Summertime is my favorite season. And in my 20’s I’ve had many an amazing summer night, especially with traveling and living abroad. I was thinking about some of these favorite nights (especially those drinking) while I was painting and they all blended together to create this [...]

“Leaving Korea” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – February 2015 My second painting in the United States this year, this painting symbolizes some of my feelings of leaving my beloved Korea where I’ve been living for 6 years. I listened to Sia’s “Chandelier” on repeat and out my feelings came onto the canvas. I would go [...]
![“In a Pool Underwater During an Electrical Storm” [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/IMG_2140-150x150.jpg)
“In a Pool Underwater During an Electrical Storm” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 I was thinking about this phenomenon the other day as I was swimming around truly enjoying a pool for the first time in many years. What would it be like to watch the thunder and lightning from underwater looking up? It’s [...]
![“Sky full of stars” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Sky-full-of-Stars-150x150.jpg)
“Sky full of stars” Acrylic on canvas – April 2015 I like to listen to music when I paint – sometimes I find that music to be really inspiring to the work that I make. In the case of this painting, I was listening to some Coldplay and painting what I felt was going to [...]
![“Woven” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Cross-My-Heart-150x150.jpg)
“Woven” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2016 I can think of a lot of popular phrases and sayings, but simply put to live is to be woven. Society is woven together of various peoples, languages, cultures, politics and ideologies. Humans are woven strings of DNA, atoms, molecules.. I could go on. Even growing up in [...]
![“Gongsaeng Garden” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/IMG_3859-150x150.jpg)
“Gongsaeng Garden” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2016 The Korean word for fantasy is Gongsaeng and this is my fantasy of a Korean garden. When I paint Korean scenes or incorporate Korean themes I try to let my time, experiences and observations there wash over me as I paint. This painting took heavy influence from [...]

“The Mermaid” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2015 This painting is inspired by someone dear to my heart. I find that many of us who are dreamers have a mythological creature, Disney character, superhero or other fictional being (or even sports team) that they relate to and possibly in turn become a bit obsessed with. [...]

“If Only the Clouds Would Pass By and the Sun Would Shine on Me” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 An extremely long title that pretty much explains what I was attempting to paint. I feel that often in life we want to have the sun shine on us, feeling the radiance and warmth. But [...]

“Seattle” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2016 This was a commissioned piece. It goes to a man who is a great supporter of us at Hallyu Back and to whom Seattle has become a very special place. Having never actually been to the city myself, the depiction is based off of several pictures that I [...]

Neon Maki Acrylic on Canvas – January 2016 Neon Maki is a longer-term project. It was painted over multiple sessions.. and took the longest time to finally come to being as a painting that I love. The initial idea was to paint our girl using neon and glow in the dark paints.. just because I [...]
![“Beyond the Northern Wall” – [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/IMG_2093-150x150.jpg)
“Beyond the Northern Wall” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 As a huge game of thrones fan I find myself dreading the oncoming “Winter is Coming” because now that I live in Rochester, this means a lot of snow! But I think there’s also something quite magnificent about living in the north. I love the [...]

“October” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2015 Throughout this month which isn’t even over yet, we’ve taken a lot of trips to see the beautiful autumn scenery. This piece I painted with thoughts of one of these such trips, to the finger lakes region in New York. I had previously painted the background scenery but [...]

“Panda Crossroads” Acrylic on Canvas – October 2015 While working on this painting I was trying to work out a lot of things in my mind. I was at a crossroads if you will. After 6 years of having lived in Asia it’s become such a part of who I am it’s hard to believe [...]

“Northern Lights” Acrylic on Canvas – February 2016 I wanted to paint a snowy scene, but when I looked outside it was dark. And so I let my mind wander.. to a place further north. A place where the night sky is awash in glorious color that is reflected on all (including the water) around [...]

“Sunset on Mars” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2015 The name for this one goes to my co-artist, a musician by the name of I.Am.Tru.Starr with whom I did a live painting event – I painted while he freestyle rapped/sang some old notebooks from when he was at one of his lowest points in life. [...]

“Dawn in Autumn” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2015 This was the second piece that I painted for a live art show. My theme for the evening was to create pieces that reflected my idea of: I have hope that we are on the cusp of a new day. This theme was chosen to reflect [...]

“Neon Queens” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2015 This one comes from our recent trip to NYC for KCON. While we were there we visited my friend Jessi who lives in Queens. Our first night there we walked to a nearby park that overlooked the Queensboro bridge and its image lodged into my brain. There’s [...]

“Sail On” Acrylic on Canvas, Summer 2013. This was painted while staying in a cottage located on the shores of the finger lakes of New York. I found myself amazed at how beautiful and peaceful everything was and yet, everything was also in constant motion. I was particularly drawn to one willow tree that was [...]

“Transition – Equinox” – August 2015 Acrylic on Canvas I have to admit, I actually took the idea for this one in part from my in-laws. They had gone to one of those wine and painting classes and had made two tree canvases that when put together, their branches formed into a heart. So yes, [...]

“The Cosmos” – August 2015 Glow in the Dark Acrylic on Canvas I had just restocked my supply of paint, in particular glow-in-the-dark paint which I feel is super fun to play with and I wanted to get my hands in it – literally! I love how most of the time when I put paint [...]

“Child of Light” Acrylic on Canvas – March 2015 I honestly didn’t know what to title this painting when I first saw it. The title comes from one of you who wrote that it reminded you of the Child of Light game to which I looked it up and thought that title fits perfectly. My [...]
![“Blood Moon” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Blood-Moon-150x150.jpg)
“Blood Moon” Acrylic on Canvas – July 2015 This was inspired by our 4th of July. We spent the evening at a huge beach party with bonfires, boats and chinese lanterns at Lake Ontario. It was a gorgeous evening. Everyone seemed to be taking a break from their lives to enjoy themselves and the atmosphere [...]

“Satellite” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2015 I painted this the same night that I painted Black Pearl. We had been hanging out that day with friends and on our way home I noticed a set of buildings that I thought was beautiful in the twilight. They seemed to shimmer despite being grand black shadows [...]

“Poppies” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2015 Early on this autumn, I got a request to do a commissioned piece of a poppy flower. However, after painting one I felt the desire to keep painting more. This one is a bit more of a traditional style piece than what I typically paint, but I really [...]

“Monarch” Acrylic on Canvas – September 2015 This one was actually a suggestion from my husband Richard. I was feeling the urge to paint and he suggested a butterfly. I think monarch butterflies are quite amazing creatures with the ability to travel and migrate such long distances. Not to mention that for someone very dear [...]
![“Summer Nights” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/IMG_0778-e1434828490100-150x150.jpg)
“Summer Nights” Acrylic on Canvas – June 2015 There’s something to the magic of summer nights – the sunsets, the grass between your toes, the fireflies that light up the dusk sky and the stars shining out overhead. I painted this in an attempt to capture some of the warmth and essence that I feel [...]

“A Very Rainy Day” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – June 2015 A week ago (May 30th to be exact) Richard and I went on a bike ride through downtown Rochester. We were both being a little moody but were trying to make the most of it. We were about a third of the way to [...]

“Oasis” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2015 Waterfalls are one of the hardest subjects for me to paint. Not that I don’t like them, but a lot of troublesome memories from high school occurred in a waterfall setting. Lately (and finally with some help) I’ve been trying to come to terms with these memories and [...]

“Red Mountains” Acrylic on Canvas – May 2015 The title for this one comes with some influence from Richard. His favorite color is red and the red landscape is what drew him into this painting. The painting itself is a play on perspective – both depth/field and color. I had just gotten off the phone [...]

“Aster” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – May 2015 Once upon a time, when I was a little girl, I was a girlscout with a sash full of patches. One of those patches was for learning about the different types of flowers. I still remember my two favorites at the time were due to their names: [...]

“Photosynthesis” Abstract Acrylic – May 2015 I wouldn’t call myself a hippie, but there is something beautiful and truly magical about a tree. It’s a physical manifestation of a greater power. Those in our yard for example, have the ability to adjust to and withstand extreme temperatures. They are immense and can live much longer [...]

“Blooming Cactus” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2015 Despite never having lived in a desert place, I’ve always loved them. In part because my family used to take a lot of trips “down south”. I also grew up watching a lot of old westerns with my dad in the evenings. Not surprisingly I was a [...]

“Coming in to Land” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2015 This painting is a bit of an optical illusion. In that it’s almost like it’s not sure what it really is.. It’s a place, but it’s not a place that I’ve ever been to. And is it a body of water in the foreground or [...]

“Rose of Friendship” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2015 I’ve been working on trying to adjust to the concept of having family close by. It’s actually a huge blessing to be able to see them whenever I want. But it doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten my family in Korea. I actually got a message from [...]

“Optimism” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2015 This painting is a sort of the opposite to my earlier misanthropy painting. People can be mean, selfish and hurt you. Sometimes you get jaded by life and relationships and start to believe that everyone is like that or that those people who once upon a time aren’t [...]

“Midnight City” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2015 I was thinking about being in New York City last summer. One of my best friends from childhood lives there and I always enjoy going to visit her. One of the more memorable places there was a park where we could look across and see the Manhattan [...]

“Shine or Go Crazy” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2015 As a huge fan of Korean dramas, I recently watched the historical Kdrama Shine or Go Crazy. A lot of historical kdramas are super colorful and this one was no exception. I also really liked the premise that the main character stood on the precipice [...]

“Anime” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas This one I started painting and then realized I was stuck. The vision that I had wasn’t coming across as how I wanted to portray it on canvas. It started to get a little too deep for the light and fun colors that had been chosen. And so I took [...]

“Fireworks” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas Sometimes I feel like I just want to explode – I get so pent up with emotions that I just need to let it out. My goal is always to do so in a positive manner though. This painting is a representation of that – to turn something that feels [...]

“Misanthropy” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – March 2015 As I was thinking about titles for this one I really struggled. I really want to promote positivity and love but I don’t always feel positive and loving. It’s a daily, moment by moment choice. And sometimes that choice is really hard. Especially when people say negative [...]

“Little One” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – March 2015 The goal of this one, pure and simple was a pop art Maki. I love our little kitty and I definitely want to incorporate pop art versions of ourselves into the studio for filming purposes but haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to do this [...]

Ballet Shoe in Red Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – March 2015 Another request that had recently been made was for a ballet piece. To me, there is something terribly magnificent about ballet dancers. I myself took several years when I was little but was never able to obtain the coveted toe shoes.. Dance classes cost [...]

“Fly Me to the Moon” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – February 2015 This is the first painting I made upon returning to the USA having lived in Korea for 6 years. My husband and I went from a country that was almost in spring to a frigid, snow enveloped New York. The snow piles [...]

“Peering Through the Clouds into Deep Space” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 This is an acrylic mixed media way of painting a canvas that I enjoy doing. The theme of this piece though is thinking about different planes of being or dimensions and how things interact within them and how they interact with each [...]

“A Little Hazy” Acrylic on Canvas – January 2016 As I was painting this I was thinking of spring and its colors. Right now in the midst of winter and snow it seems almost as if spring is not going to happen. It’s as if though I know what is imminent it’s all a little [...]

“Goodnight Moon” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 This was one of my first paintings for the summer and I had a lot of fun making it for two reasons: I used glow-in-the-dark paint, and I created it using finger-painting techniques. There’s something to working with new paint and truly getting my fingers into [...]

“Palm Sunday” Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 Perhaps one of the prettier pieces from the summer, this was done on my father’s sunporch in Florida. I was looking through the photos that we had taken of the various gorgeous sunsets we had been witnessing and I came upon this one. It really seemed lovely, [...]

“Quantum” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 I sat there one evening on the back porch looking into the night sky and thinking about the world that lies beyond us that we know exists but we’ve never even seen it with our eyes. That world which is bigger than us in the universe and [...]

“Sunset on the Rocks” Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 The first night that we arrived in Florida, my father took us to a beach near his new house. There we watched a gorgeous sunset over the shallow rocky water, birds were flying and all together it was just really great to be there, and [...]

“The Garden” Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 This was actually the first painting I did in the USA during the summer of 2014. I had just arrived at my in-laws house after a year spent in Korea. One of the first things that we did upon arriving was go to the store to pick [...]

“Pink Sky over Indian Rocks” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 This painting could also be called “Finding Myself”. I feel that often hubby and I are somewhat joined at the hip. We do a lot of things together! But this day I wanted to go to the beach and he wanted to work on [...]

“Time In A Bottle” Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 I love music from the 60’s and 70’s. I guess that’s what I get for growing up listening to it being played on my parent’s vinyl record player. One of the musicians that really stands out to me is Jim Croche.. and my favorite song [...]
![“Aurora” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](http://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/IMG_4015-thumbnail.jpg)
“Aurora” Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 We were staying at a cabin in the woods next to a lake in the Adirondacks this summer with my in-laws who had just gotten back from Alaska (I spent a lot of time with my in-laws). They were so happy with their trip I got to hear [...]

“Que Sera” Acrylic on Paper – 2014. This colorful piece was created one night when having a painting party with a friend. We were actually just fooling around on paper as I was out of canvas and I came up with this fun creation. My inspiration was thinking back to one of my first paintings [...]

“Pheonix” Acrylic on Canvas. Summer 2014. I made this one thinking of my moms. My current mother-in-law loves birds. Seriously, there is nothing she loves better than sitting outside with a pair of binoculars and she knows all of the names of all of the types of birds. Maki our Russian Blue is also a [...]

“NeverNever Land” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 I love the story of Peter Pan! Okay the original movie is racist as all get out, but there are pirates, princesses, fairies, mermaids, and a fantastic dream world where life is to play. But then I might never want to leave.. This artwork is a one [...]

In the Dark: “I Saw a Cloud That Looked Like Waves” Acrylic on Canvas, Glow in the Dark – This was one of 2 friendship paintings that I did with my friend who loves and knows World of Warcraft just as much or more than I love Asian Dramas. The painting is actually based on [...]
![“Pink Willow” – Acrylic on Canvas [SOLD] thumbnail](https://hallyuback.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Pink-Willow-150x150.jpg)
“Pink Willow” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2016 One of my favorite varieties of Cherry blossom trees is the type that looks like a weeping willow. Maybe because spring and cherry blossom season is such an emotional time for me that it is as if the trees are crying with me. And in that somehow [...]

“Mercury Tides” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 I was playing with the concept that sometimes when the sun is about to set, the area near the sun turns a gorgeous shade of red, and the water sparkles like jewelry. In finishing the painting the name just suited. I’ve done other planetary named paintings before, [...]

“Till There Was You” – August 2015 Acrylic on Canvas I wanted to try something a bit different and softer with this piece. To me it’s reminiscent of a storybook garden with a lily pad lake and a cherry blossom weeping willow tree. There is also a rowboat with two people in it.. perhaps on [...]

Between Two Worlds Acrylic on Canvas June 2013 Buddhist Dance – Ki Hoon Cho The white silken hood Soft as a butterfly. The bluish shaven head Hidden in the silk hood. The light tinging the cheeks Is fair sorrowfully. The candles quietly melt and The moon wanes on every paulonia leaf. The long sleeves shroud [...]

“Orange Sky” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – May 2015 I painted this in the beginning of May but haven’t posted it yet for several reasons – one being that its beauty had to grow on me and the other, I wasn’t quite sure what to title it. The truth is, sometimes I know titles right [...]

“Farewell” Framed Acrylic on Mixed Media The story behind these ones are: One of our best friends and a fellow art/anime/all things asian lover was leaving Korea to take a job in Hong Kong. He left behind some Kanji practice sheets and thinking them lovely and wanting a good memory, I combined them with some [...]

“Wake Up” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – May 2013 Based on the OST of the Korean drama Shut Up Flower Boy Band. This painting to me is like a morning cup of coffee. This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale [...]

“After the Music Dies” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – May 2013 Based on the Korean drama You’re Beautiful. The story of a girl losing herself pretending to be somebody else (her brother) as a singer and then finding herself in the fantasy and discovering a new path in life. This artwork is a one [...]

“Caught in the Undertow” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – May 2013 Oh God am I trying to swim, but with every stroke I feel like I’m being pulled back. But I mustn’t let myself give up. I can’t let myself succumb. This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler [...]

“Crossroads” Acrylic on Canvas – 2013 An ecosystem, a life. To everything there is a time and somehow it keeps ticking. This artwork is a one of a kind piece hand painted by Stephanie Ishler of Hallyu Back. All artwork is for sale unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in purchasing this original [...]

“Roses for Mama” Acrylic on Canvas – April 2015 My mother died back in 2008. However, her favorite flower was always roses and to make her happy we had planted a rose garden in our backyard. I also used to sketch her roses as she had once doodled for me when I was little. This [...]

I had just gotten back from spending time with my sister and her family including my new little baby niece that was only like a week old. In returning to Rochester I was a bundle of emotions – and so I knew that I had to paint and get it out. If you’ve been following [...]

“Impulse” Abstract Acrylic on Canvas – March 2015 The title for this one is Impulse because it was literally and figuratively an impulsive painting. Richard and I were hanging out with a friend and they decided to order pizza. Perhaps I was hungry or it was the thought of pizza but something was triggered and [...]

“Someplace Tropical” Acrylic on Canvas – Summer 2014 I was in a mode where I wanted to paint things that I had never seen but had only heard about or experienced in stories. This scene was constructed from the better stories from my father-in-law of his time in South-east Asia. So many of his memories [...]

“Into the Blue” Acrylic on Canvas – November 2015 This painting may be simple, but to me it’s incredibly tranquil and lovely. In looking at it I can imagine swimming in the midst of it all – unplugged and disconnected from my cell phone, anything work related, what happens later, what happened before. I’m just [...]